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Irish Impressions Audiobook

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“For the Irish Question has never been discussed in England. Men have discussed Home Rule; but those who advocated it most warmly, and as I think wisely, did not even know what the Irish meant by Home. Men have talked about Unionism; but they have never even dared to propose Union. A Unionist ought to mean a man who is not even conscious of the boundary of the two countries; who can walk across the frontier of fairyland, and not even notice the walking haystack. As a fact, the Unionist always shoots at the haystack; though he never hits it. But the limitation is not limited to Unionists; as I have already said, the English Radicals have been quite as incapable of going to the root of the matter. Half the case for Home Rule was that Ireland could not be trusted to the English Home Rulers. They also, to recur to the parable, have been unable to take the talking cow by the horns; for I need hardly say that the talking cow is an Irish bull. What has been the matter with their Irish politics was simply that they were English politics. They discussed the Irish Question; but they never seriously contemplated the Irish Answer.” (quotation from Gilbert Keith Chesterton)




Đang nghe:
Chapter 1 – Two Stones in a Square
Chapter 2 – The Root of Reality
Chapter 3 – The Family and the Feud
Chapter 4 – The Paradox of Labor
Chapter 5 – The Englishman in Ireland
Chapter 6 – The Mistake of England
Chapter 7 – The Mistake of Ireland
Chapter 8 – An Example and a Question
Chapter 9 – Belfast and the Religious Problem