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Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East, volume 2 Audiobook

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Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East, volume 2 cover
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“Books of the Marvels of the World” or “Description of the World” (Divisament dou monde), also nicknamed “Il Milione” (“The Million”) or “Oriente Poliano”, but commonly called “The Travels of Marco Polo”, is a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Marco Polo, describing the travels of the latter through Asia, Persia, China, and Indonesia between 1271 and 1291.It’s been a very famous and popular book since the 14th century, creating the image of Marco Polo as the icon of the bold traveller. Presenting Marco Polo as an important figure at the court of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, the book was written in Old French by Rustichello da Pisa, a romance author of the time, who was reportedly working from accounts which he had heard from Marco Polo when they were imprisoned in Genoa, having been captured while on a ship.
This audiobook in two volumes uses the 1903 third edition of Sir Henry Yule’s translation, revised by Henri Cordier. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Leni)




Đang nghe:
Book Second, Part 2, Chapters 35 to
Description of the interior of Cathay. Account of the city of Juju. The kingdom of Talanfu. Concerning the Castle of Canchu.
Book Second, Part 2, Chapters 39 to
How Prester John treated the Golden King his prisioner. Concerning the great river Caramoran and the city of Cachanfu. Concerning the city of Kenjanfu. Concerning the province of Cuncun. Concerning the province of Acbalec Manzi. Concerning the province and city of Sindafu.
Book Second, Part 2, Chapters 45 to
Concerning the province of Tebet. Concerning the province of Caindu. Concerning the province of Carajan.
Book Second, Part 2, Chapters 49 to
Concerning a further part of the province of Carajan. Concerning the province of Zardandan. How the king of Mian and Bangala vowed vengeance against the Great Kaan. Of the battle that was fought by the Great Kaan's host and his seneschal against the king of Mien.
Book Second, Part 2, Chapters 53 to
Of the great descent that leads towards the kingdom of Mien. Concerning the city of Mien. Concerning the province of Bangala. Discourses of the province of Caugigu. Concerning the province of Anin. Concerning the province of Coloman. Concerning the province of Cujun.
Book Second, Part 3, Chapters 60 to
Concerning the cities of Cacanfu and of Changlu. Concerning the city of Chinangli, Tadinfu, and the rebellion of Litan. Concerning the noble city of Sinjumatu. Concerning the cities of Linju and Piju. Concerning the city of Siju and the great river of Caramoran. How the Great Kaan conquered the province of Manzi.
Book Second, Part 3, Chapters 66 to
Concerning the city of Coiganju. Of the cities of Paukin and Cayu. Of the cities of Tiju, Tinju and Yanju. Concerning the city of Nanghin. Concerning the very noble city of Saianfu, and how its capture was effected. Concerning the city of Sinju and the great river Kian.
Book Second, Part 3, Chapters 73 to
Of the city of Chinghianfu. Of the city of Chinginju and the slaughter of certain Alans there. Of the noble city of Suju. Description of the great city of Kinsay.
Book Second, Part 3, Chapters 77 to
The great city of Kinsay. Of the great yearly revenue that the Great Kaan hath from Kinsay. Of the city of Tanpiju and others. Concerning the city of Fuju. Of the city and great Haven of Zayton.
Book Third, Chapters 1 to
Of the merchant ships of Manzi that sail upon the Indian Seas. Of the island of Chipangu and the Great Kaan's despatch of a host against it. Concerning the fashion of the idols. Of the great country called Chamba.