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Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi Audiobook

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In the American Civil War, the Vicksburg campaign (December 1862-July 1863) was a pivotal victory for the Union under the generalship of Ulysses S. Grant, who as a result was promoted by President Lincoln to command of all the North’s military forces. Historian James M. McPherson called Vicksburg “The most brilliant and innovative campaign of the Civil War.” A U.S. Army field manual called it “the most brilliant campaign ever fought on American soil.” National Park Service Historical Manual number 21 published in 1954. – Summary by David Wales




Đang nghe:
Part 1 Vicksburg And The Mississippi; The First Moves Against Vicksburg; Grant’s First Failure At Vicksburg; The Geographical Problem Of Vicksburg; Grant’s Canal; Duckport Canal; Lake Providence Expedition; The Yazoo Pass Expedition; The Steele’s Bayou Expedition
Part 2 The Vicksburg Campaign: Grants Moves Against Vicksburg – And Succeeds; Porter Runs The Vicksburg Batteries; The River Crossing; The Battle Of Port Gibson; The Strategy Of The Vicksburg Campaign; The Battles Of Raymond And Jackson; The Battle Of Champion’s Hill; The Battle Of Big Black River; The Campaign Ended
Part 3 The Siege Of Vicksburg; The Confederate Defense Line; The Assault Of May 19; The Assault of May 22; Union Siege Operations; Confederate Trench Life; Civilian Life In Vicksburg During The Siege; Johnston’s Dilemma; The Surrender Of Vicksburg; The Significance Of The Fall Of Vicksburg
Part 4 Guide To The Area