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Aus allen Winkeln - Erzählungen cover

Aus allen Winkeln – Erzählungen

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Heiberg wird von den Naturalisten als deren Vorreiter angesehen. Er war ein Vielschreiber (ca. 80 Novellensammlungen und Romane). Seine Themen fand er durch genaue Beobachtung seiner Umgebung. In den hier vorliegenden Erzählungen treffen wir auf Menschen, deren große Gefühle vor allem auf bürgerlichen Werten wie Ehre, Treue, Redlichkeit fußen. Enge Familienbindung ist vorherrschend, die Rolle der Familie als Keimzelle der Gesellschaft wird deutlich. In fesselnder Darstellungsweise wird der Leser (Zuhörer) in den Bann gezogen und ist oftmals geneigt, mit den Helden mitzufiebern. Die Geschichten enden in der Regel glücklich und voller Harmonie und selbst tragische Handlungsverläufe stimmen nicht pessimistisch und die Helden genießen unsere Sympathie. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]  

Heir cover


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This collection’s title is taken from its first story, a novella, which is followed by four shorter tales, all expertly and sensitively drawn. Story 1, “The Heir,” concerns an inheritance as told from the point of view of the heir, an unmarried middle-aged man. Its subtitle, “A Love Story,” is not a reference to another person but to the inheritance. Story 2, “The Christmas Party,” tells of a longtime family alienation and separation followed by a shocking reunion. Story 3, “Patience,” is a touching tale of an apparently “comfortable” marriage, but where the husband tends to lapse into his secret memories of a long-past love. The title is the name both of a version of Solitaire that his wife often plays and of her coping with her husband’s curious mental absences. Story 4, “Her Son,” is the poignant story of an aging mother eagerly planning for the future with her long-absent son, now returning but with his own private ideas. Story 5, “The Parrot,” is a short allegory about the unremitting need for freedom. ( Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Something Childish and Other Stories cover

Something Childish and Other Stories

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This posthumous collection of stories and sketches by the New Zealand modernist author was published the year after her death from tuberculosis in 1923. It appeared in the US under the title The Little Girl. Most of the stories were written between the publication of her first and second collections, Bliss and Other Stories (1920) and The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922). – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]  

Black Dog and Other Stories cover

Black Dog and Other Stories

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Coppard was renowned for his influence on the English short story and here we present a collection, first published in 1923, featuring 18 of his best known works, including Simple Simon, the Wife of Ted Wickham and The Devil in the Churchyard.     [chương_files]  

Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young cover

Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young

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Several short stories relating to young African Americans. Summary by kirk202     [chương_files]  

Ausgewählte Erzählungen cover

Ausgewählte Erzählungen

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Dies ist eine Sammlung der bekanntesten kurzen Erzählungen von Alexander Puschkin, wie zum Beispiel Das Fräulein als Bäuerin, Die Pique-Dame, und Der Stationsaufseher. Außerdem ist das Dramafragment Die Russalka enthalten, gelesen mit verteilten Rollen. (Zusammenfassung von Availle) Erzähler: RenateIngrid Müller, Alter: Algy Pug Tochter des Müllers, Stimme, Königin der Russalken: Availle Fürst: Karlsson Freiwerber: Friedrich Freiwerberin und Chor der Mädchen: Shanty Stallknecht: Tlaloc Gast: inflected Schaffner und Jäger: LordOider Fürstin: Carolin Amme: J_N Mehrere Russalken: ShiNeko Tochter der Russalka: aravis Audioschnitt: Karlsson     [chương_files]  

Night-Born cover


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Ten short stories on various themes and subjects, all more or less bizarre. The Night-Born is about a woman who draws inspiration to change her life from an article she chanced to read. In The Benefit of the Doubt, a crooked judge gets a lesson in justice. When The World Was Young is the story of Primitive Man and Civilized Man sharing the same body. And so on. Each story is unique and thought-provoking. (Summary by TriciaG)     [chương_files]  

Short Stories (All the Year Round, 1859-1863) cover

Short Stories (All the Year Round, 1859-1863)

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In 1859 Charles Dickens launched a new weekly journal, All the Year Round, to replace Household Words. Elizabeth Gaskell remained a prolific contributor until 1863. Her fictional contributions feature strong female characters and have a darker tone than her previous works, reflecting the fashion for Gothic fiction of the 1860s and her travels in Europe. They include two of her best known shorter works: Lois the Witch, a heartfelt story of a young English girl who becomes of a victim of the Salem witch trials, and The Grey Woman, a powerful tale of a deceived wife’s flight from her husband, a nobleman who turns out to be a leader of the French ‘chauffeurs’. Two of Gaskell’s most complex family sagas were thinly disguised as Christmas Ghost stories: The Ghost in the Garden Room (later, The Crooked Branch) and How the First Floor Went to Crowley Castle. The Cage at Cranford is a short reprise of Gaskell’s Cranford stories. Of the two documentary pieces, Select Committee on French Songs (attributed to Gaskell in 2015) appears here for the first time in a collection of Elizabeth Gaskell’s work. (Phil Benson)     [chương_files]  

Novelle per un Anno, vol. 10: Il Vecchio Dio cover

Novelle per un Anno, vol. 10: Il Vecchio Dio

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Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera, successivamente ripubblicate in 15 raccolte. Inizialmente erano previste 24 raccolte contenenti 365 novelle, tuttavia la prematura morte dell’autore ha impedito il raggiungimento del traguardo. Postume sono state pubblicate altre novelle scritte dall’autore. Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1896 e il 1924. La decima raccolta, edita nel 1926, contiene novelle pubblicate tra il 1894 ed il 1915. (Riassunto di Filippo Gioachin) Questo libro è stato promosso dal gruppo Volontari del Libro di aNobii.     [chương_files]  

Strength of Gideon and Other Stories cover

Strength of Gideon and Other Stories

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One of four books of short stories written in his brief career. These stories are written using African-American dialect which provides deeper insight to the culture of that time. – Summary by Kirk202     [chương_files]