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κακός δρόμος, κι άλλα καινούρια διηγήματα (1908-1911) cover

κακός δρόμος, κι άλλα καινούρια διηγήματα (1908-1911)

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Στο διήγημα του Ξενόπουλου “Ο κακός δρόμος” βλέπουμε να θριαμβεύει η ομορφιά και όχι η λογική, η ομορφιά και όχι η δύναμη και πάλι η ομορφιά και όχι η ηθική. Ο συγγραφέας μας υποχρεώνει να δεχτούμε την αθέλητη υποταγή των ανθρώπων στο Μοιραίο, εκείνο που οι Έλληνες είχαν αρχή και τέλος κάθε τραγικής τους έμπνευσης. Το βαθυστόχαστο τέλος, εξηγητής της κοινωνικής τάξης, παραπέμπει σε ελληνικό παραμύθι ή σε τραγωδία. (Summary by Penelope)     [chương_files]  

Italian Life and Legends cover

Italian Life and Legends

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A mix of short works written by Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie during her residence in Florence from 1864-65, this collection was edited and prepared for publication by her sister, Mary Thompson, wife of artist, Cephas Giovanni Thompson, after her death. It contains short stories, legends, historical sketches, profiles of noted Italian performers and foreign literati, and even an account of a devastating flood of the Arno that the author witnessed. – Summary by Kelly S. Taylor     [chương_files]  

Kurze Erzählungen cover

Kurze Erzählungen

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Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für die deutschen Schulen in Bayern; so lautet der Untertitel des von Christoph von Schmid verfassten Buches. Hintergrund der 100 kurzen Erzählungen sind stets Begebenheiten und Situationen in denen Gottes Schöpfung, Güte und Hilfe in den Vordergrund rückt. Den Abschluss bildet jeweils ein moralischer Sinnspruch in Reimform. (Zusammenfassung von lorda)     [chương_files]  

Scottish Ghost Stories cover

Scottish Ghost Stories

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A public domain collection of Scottish Ghost tales by Elliott O’Donnell. 1911 – Summary by Sherry Morrow     [chương_files]  

Aus der Sommerfrische cover

Aus der Sommerfrische

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Mit viel Menschenkenntnis und feinem Humor erzählt Hoffmann in diesen Kurzgeschichten von manchmal sehr natürlichen Eindrücken. Von mancher Männer Träumen, von Bergtouren in Südtirol, von Krieg und Liebe – und von Gottesfurcht. In diesem Buch wird sogar Andreas Hofer erwähnt (Tiroler Freiheitskämpfer)! (zusammengefaßt von schrm)     [chương_files]  

Geraldine Jewsbury in Jerrold's Shilling Magazine, 1846-47 cover

Geraldine Jewsbury in Jerrold’s Shilling Magazine, 1846-47

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‘The most striking feature in the present day, far more than that of railways even, is the utter chaos into which all previously received principles and opinions are reduced’. So begins ‘Today’, the first in a series of five pieces of social commentary written by Geraldine Jewsbury for Jerrold’s Shilling Magazine. Jewsbury would go on to be a prolific contributor to The Atheneum and Household Words. Published shortly after her first novel, ‘Zoe’, these early pieces include several strongly argued polemics on the sufferings of women and servants in industrial England and advance her lifelong philosophy of the importance of mutual care. – Summary by Phil Benson     [chương_files]  

Nellie Brown, or, The Jealous Wife, With Other Sketches cover

Nellie Brown, or, The Jealous Wife, With Other Sketches

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READERS The design of this work is to show the unhappy results of jealousy and misplaced confidence, arid the wicked designs of corrupt parties. Man and woman were created for a noble purpose by their Creator; but how often do we see families that have lived long happily together rent in twain by such malignant characters as Mrs. H., Aunt Polly and Martha Lovejoy more fully explained in the following work. Such characters are to be found in all communities, like hungry wolves hunting down their prey; they often paralyze the hopes of the good and just, cause doubts, gloom and despair to overhang their pathway, where the radiant sunlight of happiness had long beamed. Malicious persons, like Sampson’s foxes, are ever scattering the firebrands of hate, mischief and discord, and should be shunned by all lovers of good society. – Summary by Thomas P. Detter     [chương_files]  

Aus allen Winkeln - Erzählungen cover

Aus allen Winkeln – Erzählungen

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Heiberg wird von den Naturalisten als deren Vorreiter angesehen. Er war ein Vielschreiber (ca. 80 Novellensammlungen und Romane). Seine Themen fand er durch genaue Beobachtung seiner Umgebung. In den hier vorliegenden Erzählungen treffen wir auf Menschen, deren große Gefühle vor allem auf bürgerlichen Werten wie Ehre, Treue, Redlichkeit fußen. Enge Familienbindung ist vorherrschend, die Rolle der Familie als Keimzelle der Gesellschaft wird deutlich. In fesselnder Darstellungsweise wird der Leser (Zuhörer) in den Bann gezogen und ist oftmals geneigt, mit den Helden mitzufiebern. Die Geschichten enden in der Regel glücklich und voller Harmonie und selbst tragische Handlungsverläufe stimmen nicht pessimistisch und die Helden genießen unsere Sympathie. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]  

Heir cover


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This collection’s title is taken from its first story, a novella, which is followed by four shorter tales, all expertly and sensitively drawn. Story 1, “The Heir,” concerns an inheritance as told from the point of view of the heir, an unmarried middle-aged man. Its subtitle, “A Love Story,” is not a reference to another person but to the inheritance. Story 2, “The Christmas Party,” tells of a longtime family alienation and separation followed by a shocking reunion. Story 3, “Patience,” is a touching tale of an apparently “comfortable” marriage, but where the husband tends to lapse into his secret memories of a long-past love. The title is the name both of a version of Solitaire that his wife often plays and of her coping with her husband’s curious mental absences. Story 4, “Her Son,” is the poignant story of an aging mother eagerly planning for the future with her long-absent son, now returning but with his own private ideas. Story 5, “The Parrot,” is a short allegory about the unremitting need for freedom. ( Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Something Childish and Other Stories cover

Something Childish and Other Stories

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This posthumous collection of stories and sketches by the New Zealand modernist author was published the year after her death from tuberculosis in 1923. It appeared in the US under the title The Little Girl. Most of the stories were written between the publication of her first and second collections, Bliss and Other Stories (1920) and The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922). – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]