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Slabs of the Sunburnt West cover

Slabs of the Sunburnt West

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Thirty-two poems about life in the American Midwest, focusing on the city of Chicago, Illinois. Summary by Matt Pierard     [chương_files]  

Beyond the Stars cover

Beyond the Stars

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Charles Hanson Towne was a well known editor, author and poet. He was a popular New York celebrity who was considered by many as being the quintessential New Yorker. Besides being the editor at such magazines as Smart Set, Delineator, McClure’s, Designer, and Harper’s Bazaar, Towne also taught poetry at Columbia University. His most notable student was author  J.D. Salinger. At the age of 63, Town joined the company of the Broadway hit, Life with Father, and at 68 wrote his autobiography, So Far, So Good. – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]  

Early Poems of Hart Crane cover

Early Poems of Hart Crane

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A collection of Hart Crane poems published before 1923. These poems originally appeared in a variety of magazines (The Pagan, The Double Dealer, Bruno’s Weekly, Bruno’s Bohemia, Gargoyle, The Little Review, The Modernist, The Double Dealer, Dial, The Measure, and The Modern School). – Summary by Winston Tharp     [chương_files]  

Selected Poems of Francis Thompson cover

Selected Poems of Francis Thompson

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Francis Thompson, an English poet and author, is best known for his poem “Hound of Heaven,” included in this selection of his poems. After submitting some poems to the magazine “Merrie England,” the editors, Wilfrid and Alice Meynell, became his benefactors and published his first volume, “Poems.” Wilfrid Meynell selected these poems form Thompson’s works and provides an enlightening biographical sketch. At the end of this volume are a selection of tributes to Thompson ranging from newspaper reviews to an appreciation from G.K Chesterton. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Homeward Songs by the Way cover

Homeward Songs by the Way

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George William Russell — better known by his pen name “A.E.” — was an Irish writer, poet and mystic, a lifelong friend of William Butler Yeats, and an original member of Ireland’s Theosophical Society. In a letter to a friend, penned several years before he died, he wrote: “I know no mechanism is going to solve the world’s problems. Nothing will, except the spiritual life.” This volume of poems contains his first published work and reflects on the mysteries of nature and the divine, of life and the universe. (Summary by Nemo)     [chương_files]  

Sonnets from the Portuguese (version 3) cover

Sonnets from the Portuguese (version 3)

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Sonnets from the Portuguese chronicles the deeply personal stages of courtship. (Summary by Newgatenovelist)     [chương_files]  

Wilderness Songs cover

Wilderness Songs

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This second volume of verse by Grace Hazard Conkling — American poet, author and musician — ranges in theme from close observations of the natural world to the loss and desolation of World War I. Having taught English for 34 years at Smith College, Conkling remains honored to this day with an annual poetry residency in her name.   – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]  

In the Net of the Stars cover

In the Net of the Stars

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English author Frank Stuart Flint was a prominent poet in the Imagist movement, along with Ezra Pound and T E. Hulme. Flint abandoned school at the age of 13 to pursue rigorous self-study, eventually mastering 10 languages, including French and Latin, while working at various jobs. At 17, he took up poetry, inspired by the writing of Keats. He published this, the first of his three books of poetry, when he was 24. This early work channels Keats and Shelley in its love lyrics, while later works reflect the influence of innovative French poetry, the Imagist movement and the his friendship with Ezra Pound. At age 35, following the death of his wife, he ceased poetry altogether, but continued writing the authoritative translations of French works for which he is also well-known. – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]  

Drifting Flowers of the Sea and Other Poems cover

Drifting Flowers of the Sea and Other Poems

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Sadakichi Hartmann was born in Nagasaki Harbor, to a German businessman and a Japanese mother. His mother died during childbirth and Sadakichi was sent to Germany to be raised. He arrived in America in 1882 and became friends with Walt Whitman. Sadakichi became an art and literary critic, wrote plays, short stories and several volumes of poetry. His poetry was heavily influenced by both the Japanese forms and Symbolist poets like Stéphane Mallarmé. – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]  

Complete Poems of Francis Ledwidge cover

Complete Poems of Francis Ledwidge

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Francis Ledwidge, Irish poet, served in an Irish battalion (“The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers”) of the British Army during World War I. His first volume of poems was published while he served, in 1915; two more were published posthumously, and were followed by this collection of complete works in 1919. He and five comrades had been killed by an exploding shell during the third battle of Ypres (July 1917). His poems reflect his love for his native rural countryside, tinged with loss arising from the war. From his frequent use of a blackbird motif, he was known as the “Poet of the Blackbird.” Of him, the poet John Drinkwater wrote: “His poetry exults me, while not so his death…. to those who know what poetry is, the untimely death of a man like Ledwidge is nothing but calamity.” – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]