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קוצו של יוד (The Point on Top of the Yodh) cover

קוצו של יוד (The Point on Top of the Yodh)

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קוֹצוֹ שֶׁל יוּד היא פואמה עברית רחבת-יריעה של יהודה ליב גורדון (יל”ג), שהתפרסמה בהמשכים בכתב העת “השחר” שבעריכת פרץ סמולנסקין בשנת תרל”ו (1876), ואחר-כך שוכללה על ידי המשורר וקיבלה את צורתה הסופית בחודש אב תרל”ח (1878). שמה של הפואמה נגזר מהמסופר בעלילה, על רב שפסל גט, אותו השיגה אישה עגונה מבעלה, עקב האות י’ שחסרה הייתה בשם הבעל. בספרות העברית ידועה הפואמה כאחת המחאות הפואטיות החריפות כנגד השלטון הרבני על הקהילה מצד אחד, וקיפוח זכויותיהן של נשים מצד שני. “The Point on Top of the Yodh” is a Hebrew poem by Judah Leib Gordon that was published serially in 1876 in the journal Hashachar (edited by Peretz Smolenskin) and refined by the poet into its final form in 1878. The title of the poem is derived from its story of a woman who obtains a divorce document from her husband, who had deserted her. However, a rabbi invalidates the divorce document because of a missing letter (a yodh) in the husband’s name. The poem is considered one of the strongest protests in Hebrew literature against rabbinic rule over the community and discrimination against women. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Silk-Hat Soldier and Other Poems in War Time cover

Silk-Hat Soldier and Other Poems in War Time

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This stirring collection of inspirational war-time poems by the renowned author Richard le Gallienne, offers an insightful examination of a world forced to endure one of the most trying and tragic times in history. In these magnificent poems we witness first hand the pathos of humanity torn apart by World War I, a war like no other, a war affecting all walks of life and inspiring acts of courage, self-sacrifice and gallantry on a scale previously unknown. This was a war that brought society together in ways formerly inconceivable, that brought classes together, that brought souls and spirits together to fight for a cause that was deemed honorable, righteous and just. This was also a war that brought nations to their knees and people to the abyss of despair. The remarkable skill of le Gallienne takes the reader to the brink of his own despair and frustration, then by demonstrating the power of determination, hope, inspiration and the anticipation of success, this distinguished poet demonstrates the strength of the human spirit to overcome, conquer, and triumph, despite conditions of unimaginable adversity and deprivation. – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Poemas cover


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Edgar Allan Poe (19 de enero de 1809 – 7 de octubre de 1849), escritor romántico estadounidense, cuentista, poeta, crítico y editor, unánimemente reconocido como uno de los maestros universales del relato breve. Es considerado el padre del cuento de terror psicológico y del short story en su país. A pesar que Poe es reconocido hasta a la actualidad por sus grandiosas obras de terror psicológico, tiene también entre su basta literatura obras como la presente, en la que contrariamente a lo que reflejaba su natural escritura, nos encontramos con su lado mas sensible, esto es su poesía. Algunas críticas negativas respecto de los poemas de Poe indican que existe una gran diferencia entre este tipo de verso y la narrativa de sus cuentos cortos de terror, sin embargo Poe ha sabido reflejar en sus poemas una hermosa musicalidad, las que se pueden ver reflejada en poemas como Las campanas y Annabel Lee, así mismo, para cerrar con broche de oro, nos narra el poema (que bien pudiera pasar como relato corto) El Cuervo, que sin duda alguna ha sido uno de los mas halagados, en el que se ve reflejado su innato talento para la intriga psicológica. El presente libro consta de 29 poemas. ​ Summary by KendalRigans.     [chương_files]  

Greetings from Longfellow cover

Greetings from Longfellow

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This is a wonderful selection of six of the greatest works from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, unquestionably one of the world’s most celebrated poets. Despite its small size, the book covers a wide spectrum of the poet’s thoughts and ideas, from those on patriotism, to the inherent uncertainty of the human condition, to hope for the future – and all with a strong faith in the ability of humanity to see life through successfully. These themes, coupled with an overall tenor of joy and optimism in the face of challenges inherent in the struggle for mankind’s survival, make this work a most enjoyable addition to the library of a poet of Longfellow’s distinction. – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Poésie. Tome 1 cover

Poésie. Tome 1

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Tome premier des oeuvres complètes du poète français François Coppée (1842-1908). Poèmes inclus proviennent des compilations “Le reliquaire”, “Intimités”, “Les humbles” et “Promenades et intérieurs”, ainsi que d’autres poèmes divers. – Summary by Sonia     [chương_files]  

Poèmes cover


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La poésie du poète flamand Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) est inspirée par son observation critique de la vie des gens simples et des évènements quotidiens. Cette compilation de 100 poèmes inclut les cycles “Les bords de la route”, “Les Flamandes” (qui a fait scandale dès sa parution) et “Les moines”. – Summary by Sonia     [chương_files]  

Verse and Worse cover

Verse and Worse

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A collection of dark and humorous verse from “Col D. Streamer”. This collection includes poems from The Baby’s Baedeker, Perverted Proverbs, and Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes. – Summary by mleigh     [chương_files]  

Cantos de Vida y Esperanza, los Cisnes y Otros Poemas cover

Cantos de Vida y Esperanza, los Cisnes y Otros Poemas

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Cantos de Vida y Esperanza es una recopilacion de poemas escritos por Rubén Darío y cuya primera edición fue publicada en la ciudad de Madrid el año de 1905, en esta recopilación podremos encontrar al tan conocido poema “Juventud divino tesoro, ya te vas para no volver” entre otros.     [chương_files]  

Lamia cover


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In his wonderful interpretation of the classic tale of Lamia – the mythological entity portrayed as being a deadly threat especially to children and young men – master poet John Keats construes this timeless and enigmatic story with a view towards intrigue, deception, loyalty, honor and fervor of a young man’s lust for a life of passionate bliss with the newly found woman of his dreams. In retrospect, considering certain aspects of her past and recent serpent-like incarnation, the beautiful and seductive Lamia was a poor choice for the young man Lycius. But infatuation and the recklessness of youth superseded any rational thought and the wild attraction of the two lovers grew stronger. It would take his elderly mentor Apollonius (he “robed in philosophic gown”), to alert Lycius to the hazards of this new relationship. However, whether Lycius will heed the warning of his “trusty guide and good instructor” seems uncertain. In fact, Lycius has marriage in his plans, although he is concerned about a certain inexplicable stress exhibited by Lamia in the presence of Apollonius. In an attempt to cool this mad romantic obsession of Lycius and rescue his student from a dubious future, all Apollonius can do now is try to expose Lamia for the evil entity she really is. An old philosopher’s cold logic and reason versus the hot passion of youth in a new found love. It must be tried. What could possibly go wrong. – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Poèmes (nouvelle série) cover

Poèmes (nouvelle série)

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Cette collection de poésie du poète flamand Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) inclut les cycles “Les soirs”, “Les débacles” et “Les flambeaux noirs”. – Summary by Sonia     [chương_files]