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Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance cover

Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance

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Self-Help is the book that gave its name to the whole genre of literature known by that name. It is full of profiles of individuals who, through hard work, perseverance, and taking advantage of every opportunity that came their way, succeeded. At the same time, it discourages greed and promotes charity and philanthropy. It has been called “the bible of mid-Victorian liberalism”, and it raised Smiles to celebrity status almost overnight. (Summary by TriciaG)     [chương_files]  

Gods of Mars cover

Gods of Mars

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The Gods of Mars is a 1918 Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the second of his famous Barsoom series.It can be said that the novel set the tone for much science fiction to come. Its influence can clearly be seen in franchises such as Star Trek and Farscape. While Burroughs no doubt borrowed liberally from the pulp fiction of his day, particularly westerns and swashbuckling tales, the pacing and themes set the tone for the soft science fiction genre. The protagonist, John Carter, with his proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and flirtations with beautiful alien women, could be said to have set the mold for later influential icons like Captain James T. Kirk and James Bond. At the end of the first book, A Princess of Mars, John Carter is unwillingly transported back to Earth. The Gods of Mars begins with his arrival back on Barsoom (Mars) after a ten year hiatus, separated from his wife Dejah Thoris, his unborn child, and the Red Martian people of the nation of Helium, whom he has adopted as his own. Unfortunately, John Carter materializes in the one place on Barsoom from which nobody is allowed to depart: the Valley Dor, which is the Barsoomian heaven. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Character cover


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Samuel Smiles is known even today as an author that promoted the improvement of society through the improvement of individuals and their character. This book describes some of the traits that make up truly great men and women, peppering it with anecdotes and examples from people of the past and of his own contemporaries. Although this was written in the 1800s, the underlying principles still apply today. One cannot listen or read for more than a few minutes without being challenged and encouraged to be a better person. (Summary by TriciaG)     [chương_files]  

Golden Gems of Life cover

Golden Gems of Life

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Life is full of ups and downs, joys and trials. In this work, we are advised on how to deal with what fate deals us, the good and bad, the common and uncommon. Home, childhood, success and failure, perseverance, dignity, frugality, envy, charity… all these and more are explored in this ‘guide to life’. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Untroubled Mind (Version 2) cover

Untroubled Mind (Version 2)

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Our own minds cause us great pain through worry, fear and anxiety. We all know this, but how to stop the whirling, spinning wheel inside our heads? How to calm our racing thoughts and reach a truly untroubled mind? This medical doctor shares his wisdom about this gathered in years of practice and research. It is well worth listening to.”When a man tells me he never worries, I am inclined to think that he is either deceiving himself or trying to deceive me. The great roots of worry are conscience, fear, and regret. Undoubtedly we ought to be conscientious and we ought to fear and regret evil. But if it is to be better than an impediment and a harm, our worry must be largely unconscious, and intuitive. The moment we become conscious of worry we are undone…. The remedy for the mental unrest, which is in itself an illness, lies not in an enlightened knowledge of the harmfulness and ineffectiveness of worry, not even in the acquirement of an unconscious conscience, but in the living of a life so full and good that worry cannot find place in it.” – Summary by the author     [chương_files]  

Improvement of the Mind cover

Improvement of the Mind

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“No man is obliged to learn and know everything; this can neither be sought nor required, for it is utterly impossible; yet all persons are under some obligation to improve their own understanding; otherwise it will be a barren desert, or a forest overgrown with weeds and brambles. Universal ignorance or infinite errors will overspread the mind which is utterly neglected and lies without any cultivation. The common duties and benefits of society, which belong to every man living, as we are social creatures, and even our native and necessary relations to a family, a neighborhood, or government, oblige all persons, whatsoever, to use their reasoning powers upon a thousand occasions; every hour of life calls for some regular exercise of our judgment, as to time and things, persons and actions: without a prudent and discreet determination in matters before us, we shall be plunged into perpetual errors in our conduct. Now, that which should always be practiced must at some time be learned.” This version has been abridged from Watt’s original by Stephen Norris Fellows as follows: “In endeavoring to adapt it to the needs of the present, the following changes have been made: First — Nearly one-third of the book has been eliminated, as being too theological or too closely related to the age and country of the author. Second — A brief but comprehensive analysis has been prepared, which appears as a table of contents. Third — Prominence is given to some of the more essential doctrines […]

Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men cover

Successward: A Young Man’s Book for Young Men

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A short book on how to succeed in life, written by a young man, for young men. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Heart of the New Thought cover

Heart of the New Thought

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A new book of original essays by this gifted woman dealing with The New Thought in practice. It deals with the practice of New Thought in our daily lives. A helpful and inspiring book, fully equal to the very best work this author has done. – Summary by The Psychic Research Company, in “Nuggets of the New Thought”     [chương_files]  

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus cover

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus

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A student discovers the secret of animating lifeless matter and, by assembling body parts, creates the monster Frankenstein. Rejected by society, Frankenstein vows revenge on his creator. (Summary written by Gesine) Note: Project originally cataloged October 20, 2005. Audio files were volume adjusted and re-uploaded May 3, 2010.     [chương_files]  

Nuggets of the New Thought cover

Nuggets of the New Thought

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A series of essays by this forceful writer, constituting the cream of his magazine articles upon New Thought topics. The famous “I Can and I Will” essay forms the opening chapter. “The Secret of the I AM,” of which 40,000 copies have been sold, is also contained in this volume. (Summary from the text)     [chương_files]