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    鲁迅 – Lu Xun


    热风 (Hot Wind) cover

    热风 (Hot Wind)

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    《热风》是鲁迅的第一本杂文集,收录了41篇他于1918-1924年间发表的短文。这些文章长短不一,题材广泛,灵活多变,风格辛辣尖锐,大大发展重塑了杂文这一文学体裁,在新文化运动中起了重要作用。 This is the first collection of short essays/commentaries by Lu Xun. It contains 41 articles he published between 1918-1924. Sharp, poignant, varying vastly on their topic, length, and style, these articles redefined the genre of “essay” in Chinese literature, as well as played an important part in the new cultural movement.     [chương_files]  

    朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she) cover

    朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she)

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    这个集子收录了鲁迅早年“从记忆中抄出来的“记录自己童年往事的散文。这些文章于1926年陆续发表在《莽原》杂志,1927年经鲁迅重新编订,加上小引和后记,于1928年在广州以《朝花夕拾》为名结集出版。这十篇散文长短不一,秉承鲁迅一贯隽永辛辣的文风,于生动刻画民俗众生的同时针砭时事,嘲骂文敌,是鲁迅早期的重要作品。 Chao Hua Si She (Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk) is a collection of essays on Chinese culture and society by Lu Xun, the most influential writer in 20th century China.     [chương_files]