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    King Leir and His Three Daughters cover

    King Leir and His Three Daughters

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    King Leir is an anonymous Elizabethan play about the life of the ancient Celtic king Leir of Britain. It was published in 1605 but was entered into the Stationers’ Register on 15 May 1594. The play has attracted critical attention principally for its relationship with King Lear, Shakespeare’s version of the same story. (Summary by Wikipedia) Cast King Leir/Second Watchman/Narrator: Algy Pug Skalliger: Caprisha Page Perillus: Todd The Gallian King/First Watchman: Alan Weyman Mumford: David Warner King of Cornwall: Greg Przywara Morgan: Alan Mapstone Servant/First Mariner: bala Servant/Second Mariner/Second British Captain: Phil Benson Messenger: Martin Geeson Ambassador: Elizabeth Klett Captain of the Watch/First British Captain: engineerdst Gonorill: Grace Ragan: Charlotte Duckett Cordella: Libby Gohn Nobleman: Arielle Lipshaw Audio edited by Algy Pug     [chương_files]  

    Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy cover

    Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy

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    A collection of true stories of the high seas, from the nineteenth century. Shipwrecks, mutiny, life and death decision-making — all far from home, while pitting themselves against the elements. The romance of the seafaring life is depicted in its brutal reality. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer cover

    Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer

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    John Parsons Cook was a 28 year old bachelor, from a good family but not in robust health. He studied to become a lawyer, but instead of following that career, turned to raising race horses. In November 1855, during a visit to the Shrewsbury races, he was taken violently ill. He was attended by the 80 year old local doctor Dr. Bamford, and Cook’s friend and sometimes partner, Dr. Palmer. William Palmer was a physician and surgeon, a widower and father. His appearance instilled confidence and invited trust. But were appearances deceptive? Was he, in fact, a cool, calculating and vicious serial murderer, who used his knowledge and skill for evil ends, to escape the effects of an addiction that was destroying his life? There are numerous references to this case in fiction, by Dickens, Sayers, Hitchcock and others; and the familiar salutation “What’s your poison?” is believed to date from the events of this case. This is true courtroom drama, more gripping than fiction and it will have you guessing until the end.( Lynne Thompson)     [chương_files]  

    German Deserter's War Experience cover

    German Deserter’s War Experience

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    The author of this 1917 narrative, who escaped from Germany and military service after 14 months of fighting in France, did not wish to have his name made public, fearing reprisals against his relatives. The vivid description of the life of a common German soldier during “The Great War” aroused much interest when it was published in the United States in serial form. Here was a warrior against his will, a hater of militarism for whom there was no romance in war, but only butchery and brutality, grime and vermin, inhuman toil and degradation. His story also contains the first German description of the retreat of the Teutonic armies after the battle of the Marne. – From the Translator’s Preface – Summary by Lee Smalley     [chương_files]  

    狄公案 (Di Gong An - Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee) cover

    狄公案 (Di Gong An – Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee)

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    Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee is an 18th-century Chinese gong’an detective novel by an anonymous author, “Buti zhuanren” (Chinese: 不题撰人). It is loosely based on the stories of Di Renjie, a county magistrate and statesman of the Tang court, who lived roughly 630–700. The novel contains cultural elements from later dynasties, rather than Tang Dynasty China, however. (Summary by Vivienne Wong)     [chương_files]  

    Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy cover

    Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy

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    The title of this work sufficiently indicates the nature of its contents. The Usages of Good Society relate not only to good manners and to good breeding, but also to the proper etiquette to be observed on every occasion. (From “Introductory Remarks”) Note: The abbreviation viz. (or viz without a full stop) is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning “it is permitted to see”. (Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Romancero selecto del Cid cover

    Romancero selecto del Cid

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    El Romancero selecto del Cid trata la historia de un noble caballero que enfrenta diversas batallas en nombre de su Señor Rey Alfonso, esta obra nos cuenta además, diversas circunstancias que tuvo que afrontar el gran Ruy Diaz de Vivar tales como la afrenta a los Condes de Carrión y la traición que le hicieron a sus hijas. Una novela de caballería clásica, imperdible para los amantes de este tipo de historias que demuestran la lealtad de los caballeros en la edad media, y sobre todo se resalta el gran valor y coraje del personaje principal, ganador de diversas batallas, así como su intachable conducta de ser honroso y justo. (Resumen por KendalRigans)     [chương_files]  

    Song of Roland cover

    Song of Roland

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    The Song of Roland is an epic poem, originally sung in Old French. It tells the story of the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778. This is an English translation. (Introduction by Joy Chan)     [chương_files]  

    Eirik the Red's Saga cover

    Eirik the Red’s Saga

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    In this saga, the events that led to Eirik the Red’s banishment to Greenland are chronicled, as well as Leif Eirikson’s discovery of Vinland the Good (a place where wheat and grapes grew naturally), after his longboat was blown off-course. By geographical details, this place is surmised to be present-day Newfoundland, and is likely the first European discovery of the American mainland, some five centuries before Christopher Columbus’s journey. (Summary from Wikipedia.)     [chương_files]  

    Lazarillo de Tormes cover

    Lazarillo de Tormes

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    La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades (más conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes) es una novela española anónima, escrita en primera persona y en estilo epistolar (como una sola y larga carta), cuya edición conocida más antigua data de 1554. En ella se cuenta de forma autobiográfica la vida de un niño, Lázaro de Tormes, en el siglo XVI, desde su nacimiento y mísera infancia hasta su matrimonio, ya en la edad adulta. Es considerada precursora de la novela picaresca por elementos como el realismo, la narración en primera persona, la estructura itinerante entre varios amos y la ideología moralizante y pesimista. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]