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Lazarillo de Tormes cover

Lazarillo de Tormes

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La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades (más conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes) es una novela española anónima, escrita en primera persona y en estilo epistolar (como una sola y larga carta), cuya edición conocida más antigua data de 1554. En ella se cuenta de forma autobiográfica la vida de un niño, Lázaro de Tormes, en el siglo XVI, desde su nacimiento y mísera infancia hasta su matrimonio, ya en la edad adulta. Es considerada precursora de la novela picaresca por elementos como el realismo, la narración en primera persona, la estructura itinerante entre varios amos y la ideología moralizante y pesimista. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Unaddressed Letters cover

Unaddressed Letters

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“I had a friend who loved me;” but he has gone, and the “great gulf” is between us. After his death, I received a packet of manuscript with these few words:—“What I have written may appeal to you because of our friendship, and because, when you come to read them, you will seek to grasp, in these apparent confidences, an inner meaning that to the end will elude you. If you think others, not the many but the few, might find here any answer to their unuttered questionings, any fellowship of sympathy in those experiences which are the milestones of our lives, then use the letters as you will, but without my name. I shall have gone, and the knowledge of my name would make no one either wiser or happier.” The writer was, by trade, a diplomatist; by inclination, a sportsman with literary and artistic tastes; by force of circumstances he was a student of many characters, and in some sense a cynic. He was also a traveler—not a great traveler, but he knew a good deal of Europe, a little of America, much of India and the further East. He spent some time in this neighborhood, and was much interested in the country and its people. There is an Eastern atmosphere about many of the letters, and he made no secret of the fact that he was fascinated by the glamour of the lands of sunshine. He died very suddenly by misadventure, and, even to me, his packet […]