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    Unaddressed Letters cover

    Unaddressed Letters

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    “I had a friend who loved me;” but he has gone, and the “great gulf” is between us. After his death, I received a packet of manuscript with these few words:—“What I have written may appeal to you because of our friendship, and because, when you come to read them, you will seek to grasp, in these apparent confidences, an inner meaning that to the end will elude you. If you think others, not the many but the few, might find here any answer to their unuttered questionings, any fellowship of sympathy in those experiences which are the milestones of our lives, then use the letters as you will, but without my name. I shall have gone, and the knowledge of my name would make no one either wiser or happier.” The writer was, by trade, a diplomatist; by inclination, a sportsman with literary and artistic tastes; by force of circumstances he was a student of many characters, and in some sense a cynic. He was also a traveler—not a great traveler, but he knew a good deal of Europe, a little of America, much of India and the further East. He spent some time in this neighborhood, and was much interested in the country and its people. There is an Eastern atmosphere about many of the letters, and he made no secret of the fact that he was fascinated by the glamour of the lands of sunshine. He died very suddenly by misadventure, and, even to me, his packet […]

    Real Mother Goose cover

    Real Mother Goose

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    A heartwarming collection of nursery rhymes that will take you back to your childhood! (Summary by Allyson Hester)     [chương_files]  

    Nell and Her Grandfather cover

    Nell and Her Grandfather

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    If you have heard of the Dickens novel, The Old Curiosity Shop, and remember Nell Trent, the beautiful and virtuous young girl of “not quite fourteen”, an orphan, who lived with her maternal grandfather in his shop of odds and ends, then you will understand that these stories take place in the same time period as the book and have the same lovable and quirky characters. Not written by Dickens, of course, they try and succeed in my mind to carry on our enjoyment of hearing of the escapades of the people and England we love. – Summary by Phil Chenevert     [chương_files]  


    Bible For Young People Vol. 1

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    “The Bible for Young People tells the sweet and simple stories of the Bible in the Bible language, omitting only genealogies and doctrines, and whatever is generally regarded as unprofitable to young readers. Moreover, it is so divided into subjects, forming complete stories, that the child will be interested in every part of it. … Verse divisions have been disregarded, and a totally new system of chapters introduced in place of the familiar ones, and it is hoped that this novelty will give fresh interest to the old book. One of the features which will be appreciated is the table of contents, giving the subject of each book and its subdivisions, so that one may readily turn to any Bible story of which he is in search. With great discrimination and sympathy, the compiler, Mrs. Joseph B. Gilder, has accomplished this task, and the book now stands as the embodiment of what is universally considered the best in the Bible for young people, “best” meaning here what is most suited to the minds of girls and boys and appropriate to their moral range. ” Volume 1 comprises the stories of the Old Testament. – Publisher’s note     [chương_files]  

    Ali Baba en de veertig roovers cover

    Ali Baba en de veertig roovers

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    Ali Baba vindt een schat van roovers en neemt een deel van de schat weg. Uiteraard willen de roovers wraak nemen. – Summary by Marcel Coenders     [chương_files]  

    Historia de Simbad el marino cover

    Historia de Simbad el marino

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    Simbad el Marino narra las extraordinarias aventuras de un mercader de Bagdad, que le acontecen durante siete grandes viajes realizados en los mares de la India, cada uno mas inesperado e increíble que el anterior, producto de lo cual logra recaudar inmensas fortunas merecidas luego de poner en riesgo su propia vida.     [chương_files]  

    Broken Vase and Other Stories cover

    Broken Vase and Other Stories

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    The Broken Vase and Other Stories; for Children and Youth, Compiled by a Teacher FITCHBURG: PUBLISHED BY S. & C. SHEPLEY. 1847. WM. J. MERRIAM, PRINTER, FITCHBURG. (Summary from the Frontspiece)     [chương_files]  

    History of Robinson Crusoe cover

    History of Robinson Crusoe

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    A 6-page digest of Defoe’s famous work for young readers (Summary by Dennis Sayers)     [chương_files]