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    E.D.E.N. Southworth


    Hidden Hand cover

    Hidden Hand

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    “If you will listen to this book, you will meet a cast of unforgettable characters, as different from one another as the sun and moon. But they have one thing in common – all of them hide many, many secrets. The plot of this book is full of twists which may leave you guessing until the end. Bridget’s lively reading adds much to the joy of listening to this book.” (Summary by Stav Nisser)     [chương_files]  

    Her Mother's Secret cover

    Her Mother’s Secret

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    What kind of secret could a mother be keeping that would keep long time lovers apart, and force her eldest daughter into a hasty marriage? Young Odalite and her cousin Leonidas have lived the past three years apart, with Leonidas at sea, and were planning on marrying when he came back. An old acquaintance turns up who knows something about Odalite’s mother’s past, and holds that secret over her, threatening dishonor to her and her family, unless she gives him what he wants. Will true love win the day? This story will be continued in the sequels “Love’s Bitterest Cup” and “When Shadows Die”. (Bridget Gaige)     [chương_files]  

    When Shadows Die cover

    When Shadows Die

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    A sequel to “Her Mothers Secret” and “Love’s Bitterest Cup” (Bridget Gaige)     [chương_files]