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    Elizabeth Barrett Browning


    Sonnets from the Portuguese (version 2) cover

    Sonnets from the Portuguese (version 2)

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    Sonnets from the Portuguese chronicles one of the most famous romances in history. The renowned Victorian poet Elizabeth Barrett wrote the sonnet sequence during her courtship by Robert Browning, and later presented them to him as a wedding gift. Robert was astounded by the quality of the poetry, and encouraged her to publish, but Elizabeth objected on the grounds that the content was too personal. At last, Robert prevailed, and Elizabeth published her sonnets. The title of the book comes from a joke between Robert and Elizabeth Browning. Elizabeth was too embarrassed to publish the sonnets as a personal chronicle, so she decided to pretend they were a translation from a foreign language. Robert’s nickname for her was “My Little Portuguese” due to her dark hair and olive complexion, and so the sequence was forever known as “Sonnets from the Portugese.” (Summary by Kirsten Ferreri)     [chương_files]  

    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen - übersetzt von Marie Gothein cover

    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen – übersetzt von Marie Gothein

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    Als Elizabeth Barrett Browning Anfang des Jahres 1847 die Gedichte ihrem Gatten gab, nannte dieser sie die schönsten Sonette, die seit Shakespeare geschrieben wurden. Als Ganzes gehört dies Werk von Englands größter Dichterin zu den Perlen der zeitgenössischen Lyrik. Marie Gothein beachtete in ihrer Übersetzung sowohl die Sonettform als auch das Reimschema der Originale. (Zusammenfassung von lorda) Andere Übersetzungen: von Rainer Maria Rilke von Hans Böhm     [chương_files]  

    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, übertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke cover

    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, übertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke

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    Elizabeth Barrett Browning schrieb diese Sonette für ihren Mann. Dieser gab sie dann zur Veröffentlichung. In seiner Übersetzung hält Rainer Maria Rilke lediglich die Sonettform ein. An vielen Stellen verändert er das Reimschema, wodurch eine neue Sprachmelodie entsteht. – Summary by lorda     [chương_files]  

    Sonnets from the Portuguese cover

    Sonnets from the Portuguese

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    Sonnets from the Portuguese, written ca. 1845–1846 and first published in 1850, is a collection of forty-four love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The poems largely chronicle the period leading up to her 1846 marriage to Robert Browning. The collection was acclaimed and popular even in the poet’s lifetime and it remains so today. Elizabeth was initially hesitant to publish the poems, feeling that they were too personal. However, Robert insisted that they were the best sequence of English-language sonnets since Shakespeare’s time and urged her to publish them. To offer the couple some privacy, she decided that she might publish them under a title disguising the poems as translations of foreign sonnets. Therefore, the collection was first to be known as Sonnets from the Bosnian, until Robert suggested that she change their imaginary original language to Portuguese, probably after his nickname for her: “my little Portuguese.” (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    The Battle of Marathon cover

    The Battle of Marathon

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    The Battle of Marathon is a rhymed, dramatic, narrative-poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Written in 1820, it retells powerfully The Battle of Marathon: during which the Athenian state defeated the much larger invading force during the first Persian invasion of Greece. When Darius the Great orders his immense army march west to annex additional territories; no-one in the Persian court predicted that some fractious, independent Greek city-states stood any chance against the Persian super-power. And yet at Marathon in 490BC, Darius’ plans received a decisive check in the brilliant Athenian offensive overseen by the aged but hardy Miltiades: who over-ran the Persian army just landed upon their coasts, cutting their opponents down to the last man. But some of the Greeks’ enemies are more than mortal: Aphrodite herself swears vengeance upon them for the actions of their forebears in destroying her beloved Troy generations ago. – Can Miltiades continue successfully guiding his fellow Athenians to future greatness; when rival factions lead by Themistocles and Aristides grow only stronger day by day? – Can even Jove himself protect the Athenians he loves from the whimsical – but fatal – wiles of his daughter, the goddess of love?     [chương_files]