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    George Gordon. Lord Byron


    Cain: A Mystery cover

    Cain: A Mystery

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    Cain: A Mystery is Lord Byron’s retelling of the classical Biblical story from the point of view of its antagonist. Undoubtedly influenced by Milton’s Paradise Lost, Byron’s Cain is defiant and questioning. In trying to come to terms with the mortality humanity has been punished with, he comes face to face with Lucifer, who takes him to the “Abyss of Space,” shows him a vision of Earth’s violent natural history, and gives him a true understanding of death. Upon his return, a devastated Cain carries out the familiar end of his tragedy. Cain: A Mystery is a closet drama, a popular form for Romantic writers, where the script is not intended to be performed onstage, but rather read aloud with a small group. – Summary by Sarah Terry With the voices of: alanmapstone as Adam, Peter Tucker as Cain, Beth Thomas as Abel, Libby Gohn as the Angel of the Lord, Mike Cantrell as Lucifer, TriciaG as Eve, Mary Kay as Adah, Amanda Friday as Zillah, and narrated by Availle.     [chương_files]  

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    Prophecy of Dante

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    Byron wrote this tribute to the great 14th-century Italian poet Dante Alighieri after visiting his tomb in Ravenna in 1819. It envisages Dante prophesying the future of Italy just before his death. The poem is written in Terza Rima, the complex 3-line rhyme scheme used by Dante in his Divina Commedia (Summary by Alan Mapstone)     [chương_files]  

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    “The Giaour” is a poem by Lord Byron first published in 1813 and the first in the series of his Oriental romances. “The Giaour” proved to be a great success when published, consolidating Byron’s reputation critically and commercially. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Don Juan, Canto 1 cover

    Don Juan, Canto 1

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    Don Juan is a long narrative poem by Byron, based very loosely on the legend of the evil seducer, Don Juan. The first and second of (eventually) seventeen Cantos composed during Byron’s self-imposed exile from England appeared, anonymously, in July 1819 and were greeted with scandal, condemnation, admiration and hilarity. Modern critics generally consider the self-proclaimed ‘epic’, which remained incomplete at Byron’s death, to be his masterpiece. (Summary by Peter Gallagher)     [chương_files]  

    Don Juan, Cantos 13 - 16 cover

    Don Juan, Cantos 13 – 16

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    These are the last four Cantos of his mock epic that Byron completed in the year before his death at the age of 36 in Messolonghi, Greece, where he had gone to fight for the nationalists against the Ottoman Empire. Juan, now in England, is invited to spend the autumn with a hunting party at the ancient country seat of Lord Henry and Lady Adeline Amundeville. There, he meets the most intriguing of the Byronic heroines, Aurora Raby, and is visited by a ghost with ample breasts (!). That is the narrative outline but hardly the focus of the last Cantos. Byron is more interested satirizing the frailty of faith, the fecklessness of the English aristocracy, the futility of English pastimes and the fawning of elected Members of Parliament over their middle-class constituents. Booze, banquets, belles and bishops are given the Byronic treatment, while his spleen is reserved for his critics and for “tyranny”. (Summary by Peter Gallagher)     [chương_files]  

    Childe Harold's Pilgrimage cover

    Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

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    Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is a lengthy narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818 and is dedicated to “Ianthe”. The poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry, looks for distraction in foreign lands. In a wider sense, it is an expression of the melancholy and disillusionment felt by a generation weary of the wars of the post-Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. The title comes from the term childe, a medieval title for a young man who was a candidate for knighthood. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Don Juan, Canto 5 cover

    Don Juan, Canto 5

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    Juan, captured by Turkish pirates and sold into slavery is bought by a beautiful Princess as her toy-boy. Dressed as an odalisque, he is smuggled into the Sultan’s harem for a steamy assignation. Unbelievably, Byron’s publisher almost baulked at this feast of allusive irony, blasphemy (mild), calumny, scorn, lesse-majeste, cross-dressing, bestiality, assassination, circumcision and dwarf-tossing. This was the last Canto published by the stuffy John Murray (who had, however, made a tidy fortune on the earlier parts of the Epic). Although Byron’s mood starts, after this, to grow darker and his bitterness at English hypocrisy to grow sharper, his discursive comedy and precise and intriguing rhyme is rarely better than in Canto V. (Summary by Peter Gallagher)     [chương_files]  

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    El corsario es, ante todo, un poema autobiográfico que narra las aventuras de un tal Conrado, un corsario rechazado por la sociedad -no así por las mujeres- debido a su comportamiento escandaloso. Byron fue uno de los poetas que gozó en vida de más popularidad. Su existencia se enlazó con la historia política europea de un cuarto de siglo, y llegó a eclipsar en su patria y en su época la gloria de otros poetas. Byron fue un genial poeta romántico, que con sus obras y aun con su misma vida legendaria y anómala, era el prototipo del poeta romántico, hasta el extremo de asumir en él toda la escuela romántica que se designó con el nombre de byronismo. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]