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    George Sand


    Maîtres sonneurs cover

    Maîtres sonneurs

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    Le roman est paru dans Le Constitutionnel en juin et juillet 1853. Il raconte la vie des « cornemuseux » à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, dans le Berry et le Bourbonnais. Il se divise en 31 veillées, où le narrateur Etienne Depardieu, dit Tiennet, raconte sa vie auprès de sa cousine Brulette, de leur ami Joseph, un orphelin, et de Thérence et Huriel. (de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Mare au diable cover

    Mare au diable

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    Sur l’avis de son beau-père, malgré sa réticence, le laboureur Germain, veuf de vingt-huit ans, va se rendre à Fourche pour rencontrer celle qui deviendra peut-être la nouvelle mère de ces trois petits enfants, la fille du père Léonard, jeune veuve elle aussi. Apprenant ce déplacement, la mère Guillette demande qu’il emmène avec lui sa fille, Marie, qui s’en va travailler comme bergère dans la région. En cours de route, la nuit tombe. Le brouillard se lève et les voilà perdus, dans les bois, au bord d’une mare… His father-in-law insisting upon it, Germain goes to Fourche to meet a young widow who might become the new mother of his three children. Doing so, he accompanies Marie, a young girl from his village, who is going to work on a farm in that area. As the night comes, they get lost in a wood, next to a pool… (Summary by Ezwa)     [chương_files]  

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    A story of two sets of lovers and the development of their relationships, set in rural France in the mid 19th century. – Summary by PeterTucker     [chương_files]  

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    Bernard Mauprat was raised by lawless brigands and knows no other way of life until age 17. Then everything changes for him when his cousin Edmee is taken hostage in the castle where he lives. After helping her escape, he goes to live with his uncle and is offered the opportunity of an education. He has fallen hopelessly in love with Edmee, but his brutishness makes her hold him out at arm’s length. Can the positive influence of Bernard’s new home environment overcome the moral turpitude of his upbringing? How will he respond when his past comes back to haunt him? And can he clear his name after being accused of a heinous crime? (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

    Antonia cover


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    Will love conquer all? An entertaining novel of growth in light of societal pressures of propriety, finance and inheritance of 19th century France. Intriguing events and turns of phrase abound. (Summary by Christine Rottger )     [chương_files]