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    Harriet Beecher Stowe


    Salem Witchcraft, the Planchette Mystery, and Modern Spiritualism cover

    Salem Witchcraft, the Planchette Mystery, and Modern Spiritualism

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    The object in reprinting this most interesting review is simply to show the progress made in moral, intellectual, and physical science. The reader will go back with us to a time—not very remote—when nothing was known of Phrenology and Psychology; when men and women were persecuted, and even put to death, through the baldest ignorance and the most pitiable superstition. If we were to go back still farther, to the Holy Wars, we should find cities and nations drenched in human blood through religious bigotry and intolerance. Let us thank God that our lot is cast in a more fortunate age, when the light of revelation, rightly interpreted by the aid of Science, points to the Source of all knowledge, all truth, all light. When we know more of Anatomy, Physiology, Physiognomy, and the Natural Sciences generally, there will be a spirit of broader liberality, religious tolerance, and individual freedom. Then all men will hold themselves accountable to God, rather than to popes, priests, or parsons. Our progenitors lived in a time that tried men’s souls, as the following lucid review most painfully shows. (Summary by Samuel Robert Wells)     [chương_files]  

    May Flower and Miscellaneous Writings cover

    May Flower and Miscellaneous Writings

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    Included herein are 35 charming short stories or humorous sketches, some written as exercises for the literary Semi-Colon Club of Cincinnati which Stowe belonged to for years, others published in magazines of the time, and 7 religious poems. Stowe honed her expressive skills on many of these before writing her first serious novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and 30 other books that followed. They showcase her considerable skill even as a young writer, and she made good money doing it, often supporting her family. This collection, named after a flower native to the east coast, likely the Anemone hepatica, or ‘May flower’, should not to be confused with another collection by Stowe, The Mayflower, which provides sketches of several descendants of the Pilgrims. – Summary by Michele Fry     [chương_files]  

    Uncle Tom's Cabin (version 2) cover

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin (version 2)

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    This is a deeply moving novel centered around the lives of Uncle Tom and others and which very effectively portrays the suffering caused by the practice of slavery in the American South, prior to and during the time of the Civil War. It also provides a fascinating character study of a wide variety of people, including various slave owners, families of slave owners, traders, bystanders, the slaves themselves, and participants in the underground railroad. On one hand there is the ignorance, false mindsets, indifference and even blatant cruelty and abuse on the part of some, and on the other hand there is great love and compassion and sacrifice on the part of others. This was the best-selling novel of the 19th Century and is said to have helped fuel the cause of the abolitionists. (Summary by Larraine Paquette and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Onkel Toms Hütte cover

    Onkel Toms Hütte

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    Der Roman schildert das Schicksal einer Reihe afroamerikanischer Sklaven und ihrer jeweiligen Besitzer in den vierziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Die Titelfigur Onkel Tom ist ein Sklave in Kentucky. Sein Besitzer Mr. Shelby behandelt ihn gut, ist aber stark verschuldet. Tom ist Verwalter der Farm, bekennender Christ und leitet regelmäßig die Gottesdienste der Sklaven. Aber als Tom aus Finanznot verkauft werden muss, wird er von seiner Frau und seinen Kindern getrennt. Sein zweiter Herr, St. Claire, ist ein gutmütiger, nachsichtiger Lebemann, der Tom die Freilassung verspricht. Seine Tochter Eva entwickelt ein inniges Freundschaftsverhältnis zu Tom, wird aber todkrank. Wieder landet Tom beim Sklavenmarkt und hat diesmal weniger Glück. So gelangt er an Mr. Legree, der mit äußerster Brutalität eine Baumwollplantage betreibt … Parallel wird die Geschichte von Eliza erzählt, deren kleiner Sohn Harry verkauft werden soll … sie fliehen und liefern sich ein Katz und Maus-Spiel mit den Häschern. Das Ziel: Kanada, in dem angeblich die Freiheit winkt … (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia und crowwings)     [chương_files]