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    Horatio Alger


    Dan, the Newsboy cover

    Dan, the Newsboy

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    Dan and his mother are poor, so he begins selling newspapers on the streets of New York City. His perseverance, hard work, and honesty are qualities that help him through various challenges. (Summary by Dale Barkley)     [chương_files]  

    Ben, the Luggage Boy; or, Among the Wharves (version 2) cover

    Ben, the Luggage Boy; or, Among the Wharves (version 2)

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    A young boy named Ben runs away to make a life of his own in the big city. He learns very quickly that this will be a lot harder than his imagination prepared him for. Summary by Tori Faulder     [chương_files]  

    Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys cover

    Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys

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    Join Rough and Ready for his adventure on the streets of New York City. Working as a newsboy, Rough and Ready tries to support himself and his sister on his meager earnings. Unfortunately, their stepfather is seeking to kidnap little Rose, getting an education is hard work, swindlers are trying to trick him out of his money, and thieves are planning nefarious deeds. Luckily for Rough and Ready, he makes some good friends along the way. Summary by Tori Faulder     [chương_files]  

    Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward cover

    Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter’s Ward

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    In this third installment from the “Ragged Dick” series by Horatio Algers, Jr., the reader is reacquainted with some old friends and meets young Mark Manton. Mark is a match boy plagued by bad luck and an even worse guardian. But, with new friends, hard work, and smart choices, Mark may just find his luck taking a turn for the better. summary by tfaulder     [chương_files]  

    Fame and Fortune cover

    Fame and Fortune

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    Richard Hunter, formerly Ragged Dick, continues to advance in the world through luck and excellent morals. He, along with his friend Henry, moves into a better boarding house and then finds a promising job. He is framed for theft by a jealous co-worker and ends up in jail. He is exonerated, given his job back, and then is promoted. He eventually works his way up the ladder and becomes quite successful. (Written by Alys Attewater and Barry Eads)     [chương_files]  

    Ragged Dick cover

    Ragged Dick

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    Horatio Alger, Jr. was well known for his best-selling series of books highlighting “the American Dream” of poor boys making good and becoming rich and successful through “luck and pluck”. Ragged Dick was the first in this niche, and follows the adventures of Dick Hunter, a ragged bootblack as he makes the decision to “grow up ’spectable”, and how he goes about achieving his goals through the help of his friends, his inherent honesty, and his belief in hard work and study. (Summary by Alice)     [chương_files]