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James Edmund Vincent

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Through East Anglia In A Motor Car cover

Through East Anglia In A Motor Car

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The beginning of the last century saw an increasing popularity of the motor car as a viable method of transport for a significant number of the more affluent sections of the population. The freedom, flexibility and speed (!) that this modern invention provided to those who were wealthy enough to be able to afford to buy and to run one of these vehicles, meant that they were soon used for frequent social and pleasure purposes allowing both the travelling to and the exploration of different regions of the country. This book, from 1907: ‘Through East Anglia in a Motor Car’, documents numerous journeys that the author, accompanied by various passengers and friends had undertaken during the previous year, using various vehicles popular at that time. Although mention is made in the text of different motor cars used for the various trips, such as those manufactured by Panhard, Lanchester, and Rolls Royce (a 1906 Grey Ghost, no less), there is not too much reported about the running and maintenance of them. The author however, does seem to be really pleased when on a fine day and faced with a clear open road and a back wind, he and his passengers are able to cover a good thirty miles in an hour and half. Strictly speaking, East Anglia is made up of three counties, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. In writing this guide book and to make it more relevant and appealing to the car owning Londoner, the author has expanded this region […]