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    James Thomson


    Seasons cover


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    The Seasons is a series of four long poems in blank verse by the Scottish poet James Thomson, each poem describing one of the four seasons. The poems are replete with various scenes of nature described with loving detail, as well as Thomson’s view of the proper relationship between humans and nature, which anticipates the attitudes of the Romantics. “Spring,” which was published in 1728, first brought Thomson to mainstream attention. He followed it up with “Summer,” “Winter,” and “Autumn,” publishing all four as The Seasons in 1730. It is in large part because of the reputation he garnered from the publication of The Seasons that the critic William Hazlitt called Thomson “the best and most original of our descriptive poets.” (Summary by Abe Nemon)     [chương_files]  

    Satires and Profanities cover

    Satires and Profanities

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    “Believing as I do that James Thomson is, since Shelley, the most brilliant genius who has wielded a pen in the service of Freethought, I take a natural pride and pleasure in rescuing the following articles from burial in the great mausoleum of the periodical press. There will doubtless be a diversity of opinion as to their value. One critic, for instance, has called “The Story of a Famous Old Jewish Firm” a witless squib; but, on the other hand, the late Professor Clifford considered it a piece of exquisite mordant satire worthy of Swift. Such differences are inevitable from the very nature of the subject. Satire, more than any other form of composition, rouses antipathy where it does not command applause; and the greater the satire, the more intense are the feelings it excites.” (G. W. Foote in his Preface)     [chương_files]