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    Jean Racine


    Bajazet cover


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    “The time to which this tragedy relates is much later than that of any other of Racine’s historical plays. The capture of Babylon (or rather Bagdad) from the Persians by Sultan Amurath IV, on which the catastrophe of the plot depends, occurred only a year before the poet’s birth, viz 1638.” – Summary by the Translator Cast list: Bajazet, Brother of Sultan Amurath: VocalPenguin Roxana, Sultana, the favorite of Sultan Amurath: Matea Bracic Atalide, a Turkish Damsel of Royal Blood: Availle Achmet, the Grand Vizier: ToddHW Osman, Friend of the Grand Vizier: Alan Mapstone Fatima, a Slave of the Sultana: Jenn Broda Zara, a Slave of Atalide: Sonia Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

    Iphigenia cover


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    Racine’s version of the time-honored story of Iphigenia was acted for the first time in 1674. The model upon which it is shaped is the “Iphigenia in Aulis” of his favorite Euripides, but the French poet has heightened the romantic interest and complicated the plot by the important part which Eriphyle is made to play. – Summary by Introduction Cast list: Agamemnon: Greg Giordano Achilles: Alan Mapstone Ulysses: ToddHW Clytaemnestra, Wife of Agamemnon: Sonia Iphigenia, Daughter of Agamemnon: Jenn Broda Eriphyle, Daughter of Helen and Theseus: Diana Helen Kennedy Arcas, Servant of Agamemnon: Tomas Peter Eurybates, Servant of Agamemnon: Mark Kilkelly Aegina, Attendant of Clytaemnestra: Sandra Schmit Doris, Friend of Eriphyle: Joanna Michal Hoyt Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

    Britannicus cover


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    Britannicus is son and heir of the Roman emperor Claudius. However, this does not please Nero, who wants both throne and Britannicus’s fiancee Junia. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Nero, emperor, son of Agrippina: Dale Burgess Britannicus, son of Messalina and of the emperor Claudius: David Purdy Agrippina, widow of Domitus Ahenbarbus, the Father of Nero, and widow by her second marriage of the emperor Claudius: Matea Bracic Junia, beloved by Britannicus: thestorygirl Burrus, tutor of Nero: ToddHW Narcissus, tutor of Britannicus: Alan Mapstone Albina, confidential friend of Agrippina: Sonia Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

    Thebaid, or The Brothers at War cover

    Thebaid, or The Brothers at War

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    “The reign of Louis XIV. in France, like the age of Pericles at ancient Athens, was remarkable for literary excellence no less than for military achievements. Like Euripides, Racine confined himself almost exclusively to tragedy…. It was under Molière’s friendly auspices that Racine’s first published play, “La Thébaïde,” was put upon the stage … at the Palais Royale, Molière’s own theater.” The story, very much the opposite of a Moliere farce, describes the battle between the brothers Eteocles and Polynices, and being a proper tragedy does not end well for anyone. (NOTE: Act 0 here is a biography of Racine from the introduction of the Translator’s book. The play starts with Act 1.) – Summary by Translator and ToddHW Cast list: Eteocles, King of Thebes: ToddHW Polynices, brother of Eteocles: alanmapstone Jocasta, mother of those two princes, and of Antigone: Sonia Antigone, sister of Eteocles and Polynices: Lydia Creon, their uncle: Adrian Stephens Hemon, son of Creon, lover of Antigone: Tomas Peter Olympia, confidential friend of Jocasta: Lisanne Lavoie Attalus, confidential friend of Creon: Adam Bielka A Soldier of the Army of Polynices: Nemo Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

    Berenice cover


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    Titus, emperor of Rome, wants to marry Berenice, queen of Palestine, but decides that Rome will not be able to handle having him marry a foreign queen. Berenice refuses to stay in this case and leaves Rome. Unlike many of the other Racine plays, there actually are survivors (albeit, broken-hearted survivors) at the end of this one! – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Titus, emperor of Rome: Adrian Stephens Berenice, queen of Palestine: WendyKatzHiller Antiochus, king of Commagene: ToddHW Paulinus, a friend of Titus: Tchaikovsky Arsaces, a friend of Antiochus: Alan Mapstone Phoenice, a friend of Berenice: Jenn Broda Rutilus, a Roman: Larry Wilson Stage Directions: Sonia Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]