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    Joseph Conrad


    Secret Agent cover

    Secret Agent

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    The Secret Agent is Conrad’s dark, and darkly comic story of a band of spies, anarchists, agents-provocateurs plotting and counter-plotting in the back streets of London in the early 20th Century. The novel centers on Verloc, a shop-owner, phony-anarchist and double-agent, who becomes embroiled in an ambitious terrorist plan to bomb the Greenwich Observatory. (Summary by Hugh McGuire)     [chương_files]  

    Nature of a Crime cover

    Nature of a Crime

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    The first of three collaborations between Conrad and Ford. On the verge of being found out in a matter of breach of fiduciary trust and financial scandal, the anonymous narrator contemplates suicide in a series of letters to his beloved.     [chương_files]  

    Mirror of the Sea (Version 2) cover

    Mirror of the Sea (Version 2)

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    “Here speaks the man of masts and sails, to whom the sea is not a navigable element, but an intimate companion. The length of passages, the growing sense of solitude, the close dependence upon the very forces that, friendly to-day, without changing their nature, by the mere putting forth of their might, become dangerous to-morrow, make for that sense of fellowship which modern seamen, good men as they are, cannot hope to know.” In this volume of essays, more than in any other single work, we get to see clearly just what Joseph Conrad’s years working on sail-powered ships meant to him — and they certainly meant a great deal to him, for all Conrad’s subsequent fretting that he might be typed as “only” a writer of the sea. This collection is particularly renowned for the lengthy episode titled “The Tremolino”, where Conrad gives us, in the character of the real-world Dominic, the model of his fictional Nostromo, as well as an account of personalities and gun-running activities he would later depict in “The Arrow of Gold”. (Summary by Peter Dann)     [chương_files]  

    End Of The Tether cover

    End Of The Tether

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    At an age when he should, by rights, be embarking on a well-deserved and comfortable retirement, Captain Whalley, a sailor of the old school — and even, in a small way, a pioneer of the eastern maritime trade — finds himself forced by circumstance and his own sense of honour to bind himself to a three year contract of employment as captain of a tramp steamer whose owner is the steamer’s own engineer, and a mean and surly gambling addict to boot. Even this challenging situation, however, soon proves to be the least of Captain Whalley’s difficulties. (Summary by Peter Dann)     [chương_files]  

    Almayer's Folly (Version 3) cover

    Almayer’s Folly (Version 3)

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    Joseph Conrad was born in former Poland, spent part of his childhood exiled in Russia because of his father’s Polish nationalist political activities, learned and read French early, and did not speak a word of English until his late teens. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that when Conrad came to write this, his first novel, it centred on the pain of having a contested sense of identity, the experience of having to choose, in the midst of argument and derision, whether one was really ‘this or that’. The Almayer of the story is a morose and hapless trader of Dutch extraction, settled in shambolic poverty on a river in Borneo. He dreams of finding gold inland and taking his mixed-race daughter Nina triumphantly to the Netherlands, where neither of them has ever been. Nina and her strong-willed Filipina mother, however, prove to have quite different loyalties and a quite different plan — though this plan, in turn, soon appears to come unstuck. (Summary by Peter Dann)     [chương_files]