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    Jules Verne


    Meridiana: The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa cover

    Meridiana: The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa

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    Three Englishmen and Three Russians travel across the width of South Africa to measure a meridian. The outbreak of the Crimean War makes the Russians enemy agents in an English colony. Summary by Kim.     [chương_files]  


    Around the World in Eighty Days (version 5 Dramatic Reading)

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    In London, 1872, a rich English gentlemen named Mr. Phileas Fogg argues with the members in the Reform Club, and takes on a journey around the world in 80 days with his new servant, Passapartout, with accepting a wager.     [chương_files]  

    Begum's Fortune cover

    Begum’s Fortune

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    A novel with some utopian elements, but primarily dystopian. A French doctor and a German professor both inherit a vast fortune as descendants of a French soldier who married the rich widow of an Indian prince. They both decide to go to America and establish their own “ideal” society. Dr. Sarrasin, the French doctor, is focused on maintaining public health. He builds Ville-France. Professor Schultze, the German scientist, is a bit of a militarist and racist. He builds Stahlstadt and devotes his city to the production of ever more powerful weapons so that he can destroy Sarrasin’s city. They manage to get the US to cede sovereignty to two cities so that the two newly rich men can create their utopia. The setting for Ville-France would place it on the Oregon Coast, near Bandon, Oregon. The location for the second city, Stahlstadt, is less clear, but the description would place it somewhere near Roseburg, Oregon. – Summary by Kate Follis     [chương_files]  

    Dos años de vacaciones cover

    Dos años de vacaciones

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    Un grupo de niños sufre un naufragio y se ve obligado a sobrevivir en condiciones extremas. – Summary by Tux     [chương_files]  

    Castaways of the Flag cover

    Castaways of the Flag

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    Readers of the present book who have not read that named above—though all should read it as well as this—will have no difficulty in joining the story of the castaways to “The Swiss Family Robinson” with the help of the brief sketch of its contents which follows. The story begins with the arrival of the Unicorn, a British corvette commanded by Lieutenant Littlestone, whose commission includes the exploration of the waters in which New Switzerland is situate. He has with him as passengers Mr. and Mrs. Wolston and their daughters Hannah and Dolly. When the Unicorn weighs anchor again Mr. Wolston and his wife and their elder daughter, Hannah, remain on the island. But the corvette takes away Fritz and Frank Zermatt and Jenny Montrose, who are all bound for England, where Jenny hopes to find her father, Colonel Montrose, and the two young men have much business to transact, and Dolly Wolston, who is to join her brother James—a married man with one child—at Cape Town. Mr. Wolston hopes that James, with his wife and child, will agree to accompany Dolly and the Zermatts—by the time they return Jenny will have become Mrs. Fritz Zermatt—to the island and take up their abode there. (Adapted from the Preface)     [chương_files]  

    Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen cover

    Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen

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    Phileas Fogg ist ein angesehener Gentleman der Londoner Gesellschaft und ehrenwertes Mitglied des Reform Clubs. Sein Leben und sein Tagesablauf gleichen einem Uhrwerk; auf die Minute genau tut er täglich stets ein und dasselbe – bis ihn eine Wette veranlasst, auf eine Weltreise zu gehen. Sein treuer Diener Passpartout steht ihm zur Seite, jedoch die Zeit und ein gewisser Detektiv Fix sitzen ihm im Nacken. Wird er seine Wette gewinnen? – Zusammenfassung von Eva K.     [chương_files]  

    Journey into the Interior of the Earth (Version 2) cover

    Journey into the Interior of the Earth (Version 2)

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    A German scientist discovers an ancient runic message, which when translated proves to be a map to the center of a hollow Earth! The professor and his nephew then embark on a dangerous adventure down an Icelandic volcano to explore an unknown world in the interior of the Earth. – Summary by the reader     [chương_files]  

    Famille-Sans-Nom cover


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    Paru en France en 1888, Famille-Sans-Nom diffère des autres romans de Jules Verne par son rythme et par les émotions qu’il fait vivre aux lectrices et aux lecteurs. Cet ouvrage, qui eut un retentissement marqué dans l’Amérique francophone (notamment lors des mouvements indépendantistes au Québec), relate l’histoire d’une famille opprimée en raison des crimes de leur père. Pendant la révolution des patriotes de 1837-1838, nombreux ont été les Canadiens français qui ont péri en se battant contre la Couronne britannique pour retrouver les droits et les libertés qui leur avaient été usurpés après la Conquête de la Nouvelle-France. Jean-Sans-Nom et ses camarades téméraires mèneront mouvements insurrectionnels, combats politiques et conflits armés désespérés contre la puissante Angleterre, qui dominait alors le Canada. Accompagnez ces héroïques personnages à travers les révoltes, les trahisons, le désespoir et la bravoure qui parsèment ce récit ancré dans l’histoire canadienne, alors que Jules Verne rend un juste hommage à la magnificence et aux richesses naturelles du territoire québécois. (Résumé par Gagnon Courchesne)     [chương_files]  

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 2 cover

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 2

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    This volume, entitled “The Great Navigators of the 18th century”, forms the second of three volumes under the general title of “Celebrated Travels and Travellers”. The first volume of the series, “Exploration of the World”, covers a period in the world’s history extending from B.C. 505, to the close of the 17th century, and the third volume gives an account of “The Great Explorers and Travellers of the 19th Century”. – Summary from the Publishers’ Note Book coordinated by Kajo and Piotr Nater; Proof-listened by Kajo and Piotr Nater     [chương_files]  

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 3 cover

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 3

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    This volume, entitled “The great explorers of the 19th century”, forms the third of three volumes under the general title of “Celebrated travels and travellers”. Volume three comprehends: “The dawn of a century of discovery” (part I, chap. I), “The exploration and colonization of Africa” (part I, chap. II), “The oriental scientific movement and American discoveries” (part I, chap. III), “Voyages round the world, and Polar expeditions” (part II, chap. I), “French circumnavigators” (part II, chap. II), “Polar expeditions” (part II, chap. III, part I) and “The North Pole” (part II, chap. III, part II). – Summary by Kajo     [chương_files]