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Mona Caird

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Wing of Azrael, Volume 2 cover

Wing of Azrael, Volume 2

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Mona Caird, a British writer and feminist, criticized in numerous non-fiction writings the state of marriage as it existed in her time. Her novel The Wing of Azrael reflects her criticisms. This is the second volume of three. In volume 2, Viola Sedley is facing a coerced marriage to Philip Dendraith. With the wedding fast approaching, she voices her concerns to her mother about Philip’s animal abuse. Her mother is unmoved, claiming that Viola can wield her influence to change Philip for the better. Harry Lancaster makes tenacious efforts to save her from the impending marriage, but to no avail. A new resident of the village named Sibella Lincoln creates a stir in the community because of rumors that she had abandoned her husband and run off with another man. Harry and Sibella work together to find a way to help Viola, now trapped in a miserable marriage. (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

Romance of the Moors cover

Romance of the Moors

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Dick Coverdale is secretly betrothed to his neighbor, the beautiful Bessie Saunders. When a visitor to the area named Margaret Ellwood appears on the scene, however, Dick starts to regret his decision to marry Bessie. After Dick confides his troubles to Margaret, she attempts to guide him down the right path. But Margaret herself is unsure of how to advise him. On the one hand, she knows that it would be unfair to Bessie if Dick were to marry her despite not loving her. On the other hand, Margaret fears that if Dick breaks things off with Bessie, the latter’s heartbreak could last a lifetime. Events come to a head when Dick’s busybody aunts set out to manufacture a scandal involving the young betrothed couple. What will be the right paths for Dick, Bessie, and Margaret? (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

Wing of Azrael, Volume 1 cover

Wing of Azrael, Volume 1

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Mona Caird, a British writer and feminist, criticized in numerous non-fiction writings the state of marriage as it existed in her time. Her novel The Wing of Azrael reflects her criticisms. This is the first volume of three. In volume 1, Viola Sedley has attracted the admiration of both Philip Dendraith, a young nobleman, and Harry Lancaster, who, like Viola, comes from a more modest background. Viola’s parents are facing imminent financial hardship, and her marriage to Philip would be advantageous to them. Viola, however, has a distaste for Philip that turns into a marked aversion after she witnesses his cruelty towards animals. Moreover, Harry, who knows Philip’s character, has given her vigorous warnings against marrying him. Torn between her feelings of antipathy towards Philip and her sense of obedience and obligation to her family, Viola must make a difficult choice. (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]