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    Niccolò Machiavelli


    Art of War (Neville Translation) cover

    Art of War (Neville Translation)

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    The Art of War (1521) is the only book published by Niccolo Machiavelli during his lifetime, and he saw it as one of his finest achievements. The Art of War develops many themes introduced in Machiavelli’s earlier works “The Prince” and “Discourses” and presents them as the collected wisdom of a fictional leader Lord Fabrizio Colonna. The book is constructed as a series of dialogues supposedly held during a summer afternoon spent in the Orti Oricellari gardens in Florence. The stated aim is “To honor and reward virtue, not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good, and other such things which could easily be added in these times.” As in “The Prince” Machiavelli develops the idea of limited warfare, where force is used as an extension of politics, but now also introduces elements of psychological warfare. In the first part of the book Machiavelli strongly warns that any state establishing a standing army must take special measures are taken to prevent military leaders gaining too much control. If the state ignores this it risks a military coup: something we still see today. The Art of War was a standard text on military tactics for three hundred years, only losing favour when developments in the range and accuracy of firearms made the Linear Tactics it described obsolete. This translation by Henry Neville was published […]

    Vorst cover


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    Het boek bevat raadgevingen voor vorsten over hoe ze hun staat moeten besturen. De voornaamste bezigheid van de vorst moest volgens hem het bemachtigen, consolideren en in stand houden van zijn macht zijn. Hij was vol bewondering voor grote staatsmannen, omdat ze eenheid, orde, vrede en voorspoed brachten voor de bevolking. Hij maakte een onderscheid tussen de heersers en het volk; tussen degenen die willen heersen en degenen die niet beheerst willen worden. Hij koos duidelijk de kant van de heersers. Machiavelli was op zoek naar een principe nuovo (nieuwe vorst) om de vreemdelingen te verdrijven en Italië te herenigen. Hiermee had hij voornamelijk de Katholieke Kerk op het oog, die hij het liefst verbannen zag uit de Florentijnse stadstaat. Hij wijdde zijn leven aan het Italiaanse vaderland en wilde dat Italië opnieuw zo groot en machtig werd als het oude Rome. Machiavelli staat bekend om amorele machtspolitiek op basis van staatsmacht, militaire kracht en een open oog voor machtsuitbreiding. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Il Principe cover

    Il Principe

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    Il Principe (titolo originale in lingua latina: De Principatibus, “Riguardo i Principati”) è un trattato di dottrina politica scritto da Niccolò Machiavelli nel 1513, nel quale espone le caratteristiche dei principati e dei metodi per mantenerli e conquistarli. Si tratta senza dubbio della sua opera più nota e celebrata, quella dalle cui massime (spesso superficialmente interpretate) sono nati il sostantivo “machiavellismo” e l’aggettivo “machiavellico”. – Summary from Proof-listeners: mrnmrz72 and Sonia     [chương_files]  

    Prince (Version 4) cover

    Prince (Version 4)

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    This book is a five hundred year old manual for how to run a kingdom or principality. Written in 1513 but not published until 1532, “The Prince” generated controversy even before it got into print. Unlike the many previous “how-to” manuals for new rulers, “The Prince” only judged actions by their effectiveness and did not consider morals or ethics at all. Some of the suggestions were so brutal and amoral that many critics in the 18th century considered “The Prince” to be a satire, as they could not believe that any philosopher would seriously promote such actions. But perhaps the real reason for the discomfort of Machiavelli’s critics is that he accurately observes and reports the actions of the most effective rulers of Renaissance Italy. Despite questions about Machiavelli’s intention, there was no question about the effectiveness of his methods. Copies of “The Prince” were owned and studied by Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII of England, the founding fathers of the American revolution, the leaders of the Parliamentarians who destroyed the Monarchy in the English Civil War, the leaders of the Glorious Revolution who restored the Monarchy twenty years later, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini and many others. In the late 20th Century it was even considered the “Mafia Bible” by mobsters John Gotti and Ray DeMeo. So if you have recently acquired a kingdom or suddenly become the head of an organised crime family, this is the book for you. It’s interesting for the rest of us too. […]