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Oscar Wilde

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Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 4 (1897-1898) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 4 (1897-1898)

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This fourth collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde includes the letters Wilde wrote while living in Berneval, in the months after his release from prison, and in Naples, where he shared a villa with his former lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. In a long letter to the editor of the Daily Chronicle, Wilde describes the cruelties of prison life. At this time Wilde was writing The Ballad of Reading Gaol, and the poem is a frequent topic in his letters to his friend, Robert Ross, and publisher, Leonard Smithers. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, biographies, collections of letters to Douglas and Ross, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]  

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 5 (1898-1900) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 5 (1898-1900)

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This fifth and final collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde includes many letters to his friend, Robert Ross, and a long letter about prison reform to the editor of the Daily Chronicle. For most of the last three years of his life Wilde lived in Paris, but his letters also describe visits to Switzerland and Italy. The collection ends with one of Wilde’s last surviving letters, which he wrote from his deathbed to beg a friend for money to pay his medical bills. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, biographies, collections of letters to Ross, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. (Rob Marland)     [chương_files]  

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (1868-1890) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (1868-1890)

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This first collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde begins with the Irish playwright’s earliest extant letter, thanking his mother for the hamper she had sent to him at school. It includes letters about his travels in Italy, his American lecture tour, the staging of his first play (Vera, or the Nihilists), arrangements for the publication of a friend’s poetry collection, and exchanges in the press with artist James McNeill Whistler. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, newspapers, biographies, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]  

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (1890-1895) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (1890-1895)

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This second collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde includes letters written when the Irish playwright was at the height of his success. Wilde defends several of his works from criticism and even censorship, and writes “prose poems” to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas, that will eventually be read out in court. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, newspapers, biographies, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]