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    Richard Harding Davis


    Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America cover

    Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America

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    In the 1890’s, three American adventurers in search of warmer weather explore Central and South American cities by steamship and on horseback. They visit the remnants of the infamous Louisiana Lottery (exiled to Belise); then on to Hondoras, Trinidad, Santa Barbara, Tegucigalpa, Corinto, Nicaragua, Panama, and Caracus in Venezuela. Along the way they traverse dangerous mountain pathways, encounter charming girls, warring natives, wild animals, gory village bull fights, peculiar foods and customs, and much more. Davis was a well known travel writer and war correspondent, whose travel books were widely published. His style is direct and easy to follow, educational and frequently chuckle-inducing. (Summary by Steven Seitel & Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

    Somewhere in France cover

    Somewhere in France

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    When Captain Henri Ravignac married Marie Gessler, he was mistakenly thinking she was French. But Marie is in fact German, and her command of the French language and culture makes her a perfect spy. At the first opportunity, she double-crossed Captain Ravignac and stole valuable documents from him, which makes her a great candidate for espionage when World War I breaks out. Travelling with the documents of Countess d’Aurillac, she moves behind enemy lines, but the life of a spy is typically turbulent and short… – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

    Boy Scout And Other Stories For Boys cover

    Boy Scout And Other Stories For Boys

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    RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, as a friend and fellow author has written of him, was “youth incarnate,” and there is probably nothing that he wrote of which a boy would not some day come to feel the appeal. But there are certain of his stories that go with especial directness to a boy’s heart and sympathies and make for him quite unforgettable literature. A few of these were made some years ago into a volume, “Stories for Boys,” and found a large and enthusiastic special public in addition to Davis’s general readers; and the present collection from stories more recently published is issued with the same motive. This book takes its title from “The Boy Scout,” the first of its tales; and it includes “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” “Blood Will Tell,” the immortal “Gallegher,” and “The Bar Sinister,” Davis’s famous dog story. It is a fresh volume added to what Augustus Thomas calls “safe stuff to give to a young fellow who likes to take off his hat and dilate his nostrils and feel the wind in his face.” (Summary by Publisher’s Note in book)     [chương_files]