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Thomas Mayne Reid

8 bài viết found

Ran Away to Sea cover

Ran Away to Sea

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“I was just sixteen when I ran away to sea.” So begins the story of Will, a young man attracted to the romance of the sea. But that romance soon gives way to the reality of the sea on board the Pandora, once her crew meets up with a slaver ship. NOTE: There are issues of race in the telling of “Ran Away to Sea”, particularly anti-Black stereotypes and derogatory language. It is LibriVox’s policy to record texts as written.     [chương_files]  

No Quarter! cover

No Quarter!

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There is no page in England’s history so bright, nor of which Englishmen have such reason to be proud, as that covering the period between 1640 and 1650. This glorious decade was ushered in by the election of the “Long Parliament,” and I challenge the annals of all nations, ancient or modern, to show an assembly in which sat a greater number of statesmen and patriots. Brave as pure, fearless in the discharge of their difficult and dangerous duties, they faltered not in the performance of them—shrank not from impeaching a traitor to his country, and bringing his head to the block, even when it carried a crown. True to their consciences, as to their constituencies, they left England a heritage of honour that for long haloed her escutcheon, and even to this hour throws its covering screen over many a deed of shame. (From the Prologue)     [chương_files]  

Wild Huntress cover

Wild Huntress

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Marian and Lilian are two sisters living in the backwoods, somewhere in America, with their father as squatters. One May morning a man shows up, wanting to take Marian away as his wife while he makes his mark with the Mormons. But, another man holds Marian’s heart, and he will go on his own adventure through the American west to track her down. (Summary by Ann Boulais)     [chương_files]  

Death Shot cover

Death Shot

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Long time since this hand hath penned a preface. Now only to say, that this romance, as originally published, was written when the author was suffering severe affliction, both physically and mentally—the result of a gun-wound that brought him as near to death as Darke’s bullet did Clancy. It may be asked, Why under such strain was the tale written at all? A good reason could be given; but this, private and personal, need not, and should not be intruded on the public. Suffice it to say, that, dissatisfied with the execution of the work, the author has remodelled—almost rewritten it. It is the same story; but, as he hopes and believes, better told. Great Malvern, September, 1874.     [chương_files]  

Ocean Waifs cover

Ocean Waifs

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“The “vulture of the sea,” borne upon broad wing, and wandering over the wide Atlantic, suddenly suspends his flight to look down upon an object that has attracted his attention. It is a raft, with a disc not much larger than a dining-table, constructed out of two small spars of a ship,—the dolphin-striker and spritsail yard,—with two broad planks and some narrower ones lashed crosswise, and over all two or three pieces of sail-cloth carelessly spread.” So begins this adventure, both on land and on sea! (Summary adapted from chapter 1)     [chương_files]  

Cliff Climbers cover

Cliff Climbers

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A plant hunter, Karl Linden, and his brother Caspar are on their way to the Himalayas to collect the plants of that region. Many adventures befell the brothers and their guides, all of which led to their being trapped in the mountains. This is a story of their escape from those mountains. (Ann Boulais)     [chương_files]  

Giraffe Hunters cover

Giraffe Hunters

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The Young Yägers, Hans and Hendrik Von Bloom, Groot Willem and Arend Van Wyk, are again on a hunting expedition. This time, the reader will find their old acquaintances in Africa, on the banks of the Limpopo River. Here our young adventurers are looking for sport and wild animals.     [chương_files]  

Scalp Hunters cover

Scalp Hunters

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“Unroll the world’s map, and look upon the great northern continent of America. Away to the wild west, away toward the setting sun, away beyond many a far meridian, let your eyes wander. Rest them where golden rivers rise among peaks that carry the eternal snow. Rest them there. You are looking upon a land whose features are un-furrowed by human hands, still bearing the marks of the Almighty mould, as upon the morning of creation; a region whose every object wears the impress of God’s image. His ambient spirit lives in the silent grandeur of its mountains, and speaks in the roar of its mighty rivers: a region redolent of romance, rich in the reality of adventure. Follow me, with the eye of your mind, through scenes of wild beauty, of savage sublimity.” So begins this early book by Mayne Reid, a book of romance, of adventure, and of the wide open spaces of the Wild West. (Adapted from the first chapter)     [chương_files]