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Fabian Essays in Socialism cover

Fabian Essays in Socialism

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The Fabian Society is a British institution, which, though radical, advocated social reform through legislative rather than revolutionary means. It pre-dates the British Labour Party, which it influences to this day. The Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics in 1895. Here we have a collection of essays by great thinkers of the early 20th century and edited by George Bernard Shaw. – Summary by LynneT     [chương_files]  

Ukrainians and the European War cover

Ukrainians and the European War

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The WWI (European war) for Ukrainians was the hope of its nation unity and freedom from Austria-Hungary but mostly from Russian Empire. Galicia was the bone in the throat for Russian government because Austria-Hungary provided Ukrainians with permission for their national development on its territory. Thanks to this Ukrainian patriotic literature spread all over the Ukrainian territories. Ukrainians who were trapped under Russian regime were inspired by the thought of their independence. Russia, fearing of riots and protests, pushed their propaganda about oppression of the Russians by Austria-Hungary in Galicia to annex it. This was the threshold of the European war. Meanwhile, realizing the inevitability of the war between Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary, Ukrainian people all as one started to prepare for the struggle for their freedom. (Summary by Anastasiia Solokha)     [chương_files]  


Friends of Ukraine Publications

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A number of publications distributed by the Friends of Ukraine in the period after the First World War when the Ukraine was struggling for its independence. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 cover

Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916

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This book is a compilation of scholarly lectures by distinguished experts delivered at Cambridge in August 1916. The titles of the lectures reveal the contents of each presentation and include the following: The war and Balkan politics; the representative system in Russia; past and present of Russian economics; Poland, old and new; the nationalities of Russia; and the development of science and learning in Russia. – Summary by Jan Moorehouse     [chương_files]  

Progressive Woman, Vol. VII, No. 75 (October 1913) cover

Progressive Woman, Vol. VII, No. 75 (October 1913)

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A Monthly Magazine of aspiration devoted to the economic and political interests of women, edited by Josephine Conger-Keneko. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

World’s Famous Orations, Vol. IV: Great Britain - II cover

World’s Famous Orations, Vol. IV: Great Britain – II

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In 1906, William Jennings Bryan, himself a famous American orator, and Francis Whiting Halsey published a series of the most famous orations of all time. They are ordered by both geographic area and time period, ranging from Ancient Greece to their contemporary United States. The third, fourth, and fifth volumes of this collection concern British speakers. The speeches contained in this third volume are ordered chronologically. We begin in the year 1781 with a speech on the war in America, and end this volume in the middle of the 19th century with a speech on the “Trent” Affair. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

World’s Famous Orations, Vol. V: Great Britain - III cover

World’s Famous Orations, Vol. V: Great Britain – III

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In 1906, William Jennings Bryan, himself a famous American orator, and Francis Whiting Halsey published a series of the most famous orations of all time. They are ordered by both geographic area and time period, ranging from Ancient Greece to their contemporary United States. The third, fourth, and fifth volumes of this collection concern British speakers. The speeches contained in this fifth volume are ordered chronologically. We begin in the year 1865 with a speech on the Canadian Confederation, and end this volume in 1906, the year in which this volume was published, with a couple of speeches on Liberalism. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

United Kingdom House of Commons Speeches Collection, volume 2 cover

United Kingdom House of Commons Speeches Collection, volume 2

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This is the second LibriVox collection of speeches given in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. The collection comprises recordings of 14 historic speeches given to the UK House of Commons between 1766 and 1956. Readings are of speeches origninally given by parliamentarians including William Pitt the Elder, John Stuart Mill, Dadabhai Naoroji, Lady Astor, Stanley Baldwin, Clement Attlee, Aneurin Bevan and Tony Benn. (Summary by Carl Manchester)     [chương_files]