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    Victor Appleton


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    Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat

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    Tom Swift’s father, a world-famous scientist, has been robbed of one of his greatest inventions, and it’s up to Tom to bring the criminals to justice without getting himself killed in the process. Unfortunately, Tom himself quickly becomes a target of the rogues’ anger when he unknowingly buys a boat in which they had hidden a stolen diamond. Tom must use every bit of his wit to keep himself ahead of the gang of hardened felons. This is the second book in the original Tom Swift (Sr) series. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Motorcycle cover

    Tom Swift and His Motorcycle

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    This is the very first Tom Swift adventure. Tom Swift has a newly purchased motorcycle, which he is modifying with his own inventions. He volunteers to use his bike to carry his father’s new turbine design plans to Albany, testing his motorcycle enhancements at the same time. Set upon by corporate spies out to steal his dad’s plans, Tom must escape from them, recover the plans, and complete his trip! (Colleen McMahon) Listeners are forewarned that some elements and characters included in Tom Swift books portray certain ethnic groups in a very dated manner that modern readers, and listeners, may find offensive. It is Librivox policy to maintain the original language of texts.     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His War Tank (Version 2) cover

    Tom Swift and His War Tank (Version 2)

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    Tanks are a new wartime technology, and as the US enters WWI, Tom uses his skills and his family’s factory to secretly design and build a bigger, better tank, able to travel at twice the speed of British models, with heavier armor plating, ability to roll over wider trenches, and other innovative improvements. As war fever sets in, many young men are enlisting, except for Tom Swift, which raises many concerns that he is a slacker. Even his girlfriend begins to doubt him, but he has to be secretive even from her, as the Germans do their best to steal his secrets. ( Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat cover

    Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat

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    Otherwise known as ‘Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure’, is Volume 4 in the original Tom Swift novel series. Tom persuades his father to use his own submarine to hunt for treasure on a sunken ship. The book follows his adventures in this pursuit. – Summary by Claire Schreuder     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers cover

    Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers

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    Tom Swift flies his airship to the mountain tops of Colorado to seek for the secret of the Diamond Makers: criminal scientists who have figured out the formula of manufacturing a limitless fortune in diamonds. But these rogues will stop at nothing to keep their secret. Tom & friends are soon captured and left to die in a collapsing mountain. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Wireless Message cover

    Tom Swift and His Wireless Message

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    Tom Swift & friends decide to trial an experimental airship near the New Jersey coast, and are unexpectedly swept out to sea by hurricane winds. Unable to steer or navigate without tearing the airship apart, the hapless crew must simply let the storm take them wherever it will. Unfortunately, the storm proves too much for the craft and Tom makes a crash landing on the uninhabited and crumbling Earthquake Island. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Sky Racer cover

    Tom Swift and His Sky Racer

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    A $10,000 prize lures Tom into competing at a local aviation meet at Eagle Park. Tom is determined to build the fastest plane around, but his plans mysteriously disappear, which means Tom must redesign his new airplane from the beginning. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and his Airship cover

    Tom Swift and his Airship

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    In Tom Swift and His Airship, Tom Swift has finished his latest invention- the Red Cloud, a fast and innovative airship. Tom is anxious for a cross-country trial, but just before he and his friends take off, the Shopton bank is robbed. No sooner is Tom in the air than he is blamed for the robbery. Suddenly, he’s a wanted fugitive but doesn’t know why until he’s half-way across the country. With no safe harbor or friend on the land below, Tom must race back to Shopton to clear his name before he’s shot out of the sky. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel cover

    Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel

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    The Titus Brothers Contractors company have won a government contract in Peru to blast a tunnel through a mountain and connect two isolated railroad lines. The deadline is approaching, and the contractors have hit a literal wall: excessively hard rock which defies conventional blasting techniques. The company is under pressure to finish, or else the contract will default to their rivals, Blakeson & Grinder. Mr. Job Titus has heard of Tom Swift and Tom’s giant cannon, which is used in protecting the Panama Canal, and wants to hire Tom to develop a special blasting powder to help them finish the excavation. Mr. Damon, Tom’s very good friend, arrives in the middle of this conversation, and is unaware of the situation. By coincidence, Mr. Damon is invested in a business which procures cinchona bark from Peru, but production has all but ceased, prompting Mr. Damon to invite Tom to accompany him to Peru and discover the source of the problem. Tom, Mr. Damon and Mr. Titus (along with Koku, Tom’s giant) embark for Peru. On the way, they encounter Professor Swyington Bumper, who is on a life-long quest to locate the lost city of Pelone. Professor Bumper returns to Peru each season, and has thus far been unsuccessful. When Professor Bumper discovers that Tom is headed to the same general area, Rimac, Professor Bumper decides to join the company. (Introduction by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His War Tank cover

    Tom Swift and His War Tank

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    Tom Swift, that prolific youthful inventor, is engaged in trying to help the Allies win WWI. After reading newspaper accounts of the British tanks, Tom takes a sheet of paper and sets out to design a better one from scratch. And fortunately, he can throw the whole family business behind his venture. He has two problems: First, his friends and acquaintances are questioning his patriotism because he hasn’t enlisted as a rifleman for the front lines. Even his girl is worried his blood isn’t true-blue. But that’s because he is developing his tank in secret, and they don’t know he’s concentrating on winning the war the American way, with machines. The second problem is that the German spies have penetrated the secret of what is being built in the high-security shop on the Swift property. And they will stop at nothing to steal its design – not kidnapping Tom, and not kidnapping the tank itself, complete with crew. Tom and his buddies had better work fast, or the American riflemen are going to find the Kaiser’s soldiers using American-designed tanks against them! (Summary by Mark F. Smith)     [chương_files]