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William Shakespeare

12 bài viết found

Othello (Version 2) cover

Othello (Version 2)

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Othello is a tragedy about the downfall of the titular hero, Othello, a Moorish general in the service of Venice. His cunning ensign, Iago, plots to goad his jealousy and thus manipulate his relationship with his wife, Desdemona, a noble and virtuous Venetian beauty whom he just married. (Summary by Junrui Zheng)     [chương_files]  

Macbeth cover


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Macbeth cuenta una historia de crimen y castigo entreverada de brujería y elementos sobrenaturales. Amparado en las engañosas profecías de las Hermanas Fatídicas, brujas o diosas del destino, Macbeth decide asesinar a su rey y tomar la corona. Consciente del horror al que se entrega, forja su terrible destino y se deja poseer por el mal que nace del ansia de poder, creyéndose invencible y eterno. Esta obra tenebrosa e inquietante, de acción vertiginosa, es también profundamente introspectiva. A través de un lenguaje metafórico y sensorial, la obra indaga en lo prohibido, explora la transgresión y ofrece la oportunidad única de compartir la vida interior de un asesino, con su horror y su misterio. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]  

Tragedy of King Lear (version 3) cover

Tragedy of King Lear (version 3)

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Known for its heartrending emotion and shocking violence, The Tragedy of King Lear is seen as one of Shakespeare’s towering masterpieces. It tells the tale of the ageing King Lear, a British monarch who disposes of his vast kingdom by giving bequests to his two eldest daughters when they flatter his vanity. Unbeknown to him, these daughters hide cold and unfeeling hearts; the only daughter truly worthy of his grace, Cordelia, is shunned and later exiled when she refuses to play her sisters’ game. Lear’s rash decision precipitates a series of events that all cascade into the realm of overbearing misery. Madness (both real and feigned), torture, stormy weather, sibling rivalry and the threat of war are but some of the things you can expect from this extraordinary work, all brought about by a great man who falls from the heights of power due to a single moment of irrationality. And to perform it all? Three men (Craig Franklin, Tomas Peter, and Brad “Hamlet” Filippone) and one woman (Sonia), determined to give you a performance of this moving play that you will never forget. You thought you knew your Shakespeare? Well, think again! – Summary by Tomas Peter Cast list: Brad “Hamlet” Filippone: Narrator; Earl of Kent / Caius; Duke of Albany; King of France; Curan; Old Man; Captain; First Servant to Cornwall & French Messenger. Tomas Peter: Earl of Gloucester; Edmund; Goneril; Fool; Duke of Burgundy; Physician; Knight; Second Servant to Cornwall & Second Officer. Sonia: Regan; Edgar / […]

Julius Caesar (version 2) cover

Julius Caesar (version 2)

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When Julius Caesar returns to Rome from conquering the Gauls, Cassius and his friends are worried that he will try to seize power and make himself emperor. Cassius must act fast. He gathers Brutus, Cinna, and others to stop Julius Caesar and save the Roman Republic! This play was recorded in two weeks as part of Librivox’s celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. Summary by Esther ben Simonides Cast List: Narrator: Peter Why Flavius, Casca, Volumnius: Maria Kasper Marullus, Cinna the Poet, Poet, Dardanius: Ray Kasper First Commoner, Decius Brutus, Fourth Citizen, First Soldier, Titinius,: Tomas Peter Second Commoner, Soothsayer, Octavius: Charlotte Duckett Julius Caesar, Strato: Beth Thomas Mark Antony: Esther ben Simonides Calpurnia, Second Citizen, Messala: Sonia Brutus: LindaB Cassius: Hamlet Cicero, Cato: Paul Huxley Cinna the Politician: Anna Simon Ligarius, Popilius, Pindarus: Phil Schempf Lucius, Third Citizen, Second Soldier,: Gaby Publius: Brian Metellus Cimber, Artemidorus,: John Burlinson Trebonius: Khaghbboommm Portia: Lydia Servant, Lepidus, Clitus: Lian Pang First Citizen, Claudius, Third Soldier, Messenger: Rachel Lucilius: Roohi Varro: Tony Addison Audio Edited by: Rachel, Maria Kasper, Gaby     [chương_files]  

Tragedy of King Richard II (version 2) cover

Tragedy of King Richard II (version 2)

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Billed by scholars as the first part of the all-encompassing Henriad, Richard II is a richly satisfying probe into the inner workings of monarchical rule and its evolution from being seen as divinely held to a more modern conception that incorporates political cunning. Shakespeare positions the titular Richard in the former position, his shortcomings as England’s leader made all too clear when he bungles the handling of a judicial duel, and then later seizes money and assets that are not rightfully his in order to fund an Irish war. At the opposite end is the Machiavellian opportunist Henry Bolingbroke, who assembles enough supporters to help him dethrone the king and become the future Henry IV—the protagonist of the next two plays in this historical series. Written entirely in verse and containing some of the Bard’s most florid and evocative language, Richard II never fails to transport its audience back to its time, where the furious machinations of government and kingly rule could be as captivating and intense as any battlefield siege. And to perform it all? Three men (Craig Franklin, Tomas Peter, and Brad “Hamlet” Filippone) and one woman (Sonia), determined to give you a performance of Shakespeare’s work that you will never forget. You thought you knew your Shakespeare? Well, think again! – Summary by Tomas Peter Brad “Hamlet” Filippone: Narrator; Henry Bolingbroke; Earl of Salisbury; Bushy; Abbot of Westminster; York’s Servant; Exton’s Servant; Gardener’s Servant; Another Lord. Sonia: Richard II; Richard’s Queen; Duchess of York; Duchess of Gloucester; […]

Tragedy of Macbeth cover

Tragedy of Macbeth

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Murder and madness, witches and war: Librivox presents a recording of Macbeth, perhaps Shakespeare’s best known tragedy. Macbeth, a general in King Duncan’s army, is given a prophecy by a trio of witches: he himself will become king. Fired by ambition and goaded by his ruthless wife, he murders Duncan and assumes the throne. More killings follow as Macbeth attempts to retain his crown, until he discovers that prophecies are not always what they seem. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden) Cast: Duncan – Joshua B. Christensen Malcolm – mb Donalbain – Ellis Christoff Macbeth – Mark F. Smith Banquo – Simon Larois Macduff – John Lieder Lennox – Mirza Ross – Rosalind Wills Menteith, Son of Macduff, and First Apparition – David Lawrence Angus, Second Apparition, and Third Murderer – Annoying Twit Caithness, Lord, Sergeant, and Soldiers – David Nicol Fleance – Aaron Elliott Siward – Brian Edwards Young Siward, Gentlewoman – Laurie Anne Walden Seyton, Old Man – Paul Williams Lady Macbeth – Elizabeth Klett Lady Macduff – LC Hecate – Ruth Golding First Witch – Jennifer Stearns Second Witch – Kristin Hughes Third Witch – Charlene V. Smith Doctor – Eric M. Johnson Servant and Attendant – Anna Simon Porter – David Leeson Third Apparition – Fionn Jameson First Murderer – hefyd Second Murderer – Anna Roberts Messenger – Ezwa Stage Directions – J. M. Smallheer Audio edited by J. M. Smallheer     [chương_files]  

Romeo and Juliet (version 2) cover

Romeo and Juliet (version 2)

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Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare’s famous tragedy of two “star-crossed lovers” from rival houses. Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall instantly in love, realizing too late that their families, the Montagues and the Capulets, are mortal enemies. Braving parental opposition, the teenage lovers marry in secret, with the aid of the well-intentioned Friar Lawrence. Yet, as Shakespeare has often observed, the course of true love does not run smoothly, and Romeo and Juliet must risk death to be together. (summary by Elizabeth Klett) Cast: Escalus: David Muncaster Paris: mb Montague: Chris Hughes Capulet: Andy Minter Old Man and Friar Lawrence: Alan Davis Drake Romeo: Simon Taylor Mercutio: Andrew Lebrun Benvolio: David Nicol Tybalt: Joshua B. Christensen Friar John: Sean McKinley Balthasar: Scott D. Farquar Sampson: Esther Gregory: David O’Connell Peter and Second Watchman: Gesine Abraham and First Watchman: Caliban Apothecary: Lucy Perry First Musician and Second Citizen: Laurie Anne Walden Second Musician: om123 Third Musician: Aaron Walden Chorus: ancilla Page: C. J. Nowak Lady Montague: Christie Nowak Lady Capulet: Cori Samuel Juliet: Elizabeth Klett Nurse: Kristin Hughes First Servant: Abigail Bartels Second Servant: Lizzie Driver Third Watchman: bryfee First Citizen: Rhys Lawson Narrator: David Lawrence Audio Edited by: Elizabeth Klett     [chương_files]  

Life and Death of King John cover

Life and Death of King John

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The Life and Death of King John, a history play by William Shakespeare, dramatises the reign of John, King of England (ruled 1199–1216), son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine and father of Henry III of England. It is believed to have been written in the mid-1590s but was not published until it appeared in the First Folio in 1623. John (24 December 1166 – 19 October 1216), also known as John Lackland or Softsword, was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death. His reign saw the loss of the duchy of Normandy to the French king Philip II in 1204, resulting in the collapse of most of the Angevin Empire and the subsequent growth in the power of the Capetian dynasty over the rest of the 13th century. The baronial revolt at the end of John’s reign saw the signing of the Magna Carta, a document often considered to be an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom. Contemporary chroniclers were mostly critical of John’s performance as king, and his reign has since been subject to significant debate and periodic revision by historians from the 16th century onwards. Historian Jim Bradbury has summarised the contemporary historical opinion of John’s positive qualities, observing that John is today usually considered a “hard-working administrator, an able man, an able general”. Nonetheless, modern historians agree that he also had many faults as king, including what historian Ralph Turner describes as “distasteful, even […]

Romeo and Juliet (version 3) cover

Romeo and Juliet (version 3)

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Romeo and Juliet is an early tragedy by William Shakespeare about two teenage “star-cross’d lovers” whose “untimely deaths” ultimately unite their feuding households. The play has been highly praised by literary critics for its language and dramatic effect. It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Its influence is still seen today, with the two main characters being widely represented as archetypal young lovers. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Hamlet (version 2) cover

Hamlet (version 2)

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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius’s brother and Prince Hamlet’s father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother. The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]