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Action & Adventure Fiction

18 bài viết found

Golden Canyon cover

Golden Canyon

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In August, 1856, times were hard in San Diego. Dick, who worked on the ship, “Northampton”, was attacked by a ruthless gang – the next morning he found that his ship had sailed off without him. In no time, his closest friends came to him and nursed him back to health. In talking about the events, they decided it was time for a change, to make a better life for themselves, and that meant they would plan to leave and travel together in the quest to find gold in the “Gold Canyon”. Along the way, they find themselves on the most dangerous adventure they will ever encounter in their lifetime, which includes a whole lot of “the unexpected” throughout the journey, and meeting up with savagely brutal Apache’s. Will there be casualties in this quest? And does there really exist a “Golden Canyon”? A quick paced action adventure awaits! (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys cover

Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys

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Join Rough and Ready for his adventure on the streets of New York City. Working as a newsboy, Rough and Ready tries to support himself and his sister on his meager earnings. Unfortunately, their stepfather is seeking to kidnap little Rose, getting an education is hard work, swindlers are trying to trick him out of his money, and thieves are planning nefarious deeds. Luckily for Rough and Ready, he makes some good friends along the way. Summary by Tori Faulder     [chương_files]  

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward cover

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter’s Ward

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In this third installment from the “Ragged Dick” series by Horatio Algers, Jr., the reader is reacquainted with some old friends and meets young Mark Manton. Mark is a match boy plagued by bad luck and an even worse guardian. But, with new friends, hard work, and smart choices, Mark may just find his luck taking a turn for the better. summary by tfaulder     [chương_files]  

Ride Proud, Rebel! cover

Ride Proud, Rebel!

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Drew Rennie, served as a cavalry scout in Confederate general John Hunt Morgan’s command. He had left home in 1862 after a final break with his harsh grandfather, who despised him since his birth because of his mother’s runaway marriage to a Texan. During the final year of conflict Drew has the additional responsibility of looking out for his headstrong fifteen-year-old cousin Boyd, who has run away from home to join Morgan’s command and has a lot to learn in the school of hard knocks the army provides. The story follows the two of them and a new friend, Anson Kirby, through campaigns in Kentucky, Tennessee and later on deeper into the South, first with Morgan and later under Forrest. (Summary by Richard Kilmer)     [chương_files]  

In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers cover

In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers

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In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers is a classic adventure where the hero is an American sailor who saves a young Mexican from thugs. The story spreads to an Indian attack, the loss of the heroine to cave dwellers, her rescue, and the eventual happiness of hero and heroine who have overcome adversity. – Summary by Publisher     [chương_files]  

Wounded Name cover

Wounded Name

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Laurent de Courtomer, the son of a French aristocratic emigré and an Englishwoman, returns to France upon the Bourbon restoration following Napoleon’s defeat in 1814. He meets a young Breton Royalist officer who quite turns his head with hero worship: Aymar de la Rocheterie. But when Napoleon escapes from Elba and war breaks out again, Laurent meets Aymar again, severely wounded and under suspicion of treason. As Laurent nurses him back to health, the evidence against Aymar seems to become worse and worse. Will Aymar be able to clear his name, and will Laurent’s devotion to him remain unshaken? – summary by Elin     [chương_files]  

Famille-Sans-Nom cover


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Paru en France en 1888, Famille-Sans-Nom diffère des autres romans de Jules Verne par son rythme et par les émotions qu’il fait vivre aux lectrices et aux lecteurs. Cet ouvrage, qui eut un retentissement marqué dans l’Amérique francophone (notamment lors des mouvements indépendantistes au Québec), relate l’histoire d’une famille opprimée en raison des crimes de leur père. Pendant la révolution des patriotes de 1837-1838, nombreux ont été les Canadiens français qui ont péri en se battant contre la Couronne britannique pour retrouver les droits et les libertés qui leur avaient été usurpés après la Conquête de la Nouvelle-France. Jean-Sans-Nom et ses camarades téméraires mèneront mouvements insurrectionnels, combats politiques et conflits armés désespérés contre la puissante Angleterre, qui dominait alors le Canada. Accompagnez ces héroïques personnages à travers les révoltes, les trahisons, le désespoir et la bravoure qui parsèment ce récit ancré dans l’histoire canadienne, alors que Jules Verne rend un juste hommage à la magnificence et aux richesses naturelles du territoire québécois. (Résumé par Gagnon Courchesne)     [chương_files]  

Wisdom's Daughter cover

Wisdom’s Daughter

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A strange manuscript in an unknown language is found among the effects of the late Professor Horace Holly. Its translator discovers that while in Central Asia, Holly convinced the immortal Ayesha, also known as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, to write her story – and this is the book they have found. Ayesha, born the daughter of a sheikh in the 4th century BCE, has no interest in the arranged marriage expected of her. She wants power and position of her own. Led by a vision to believe she is the daughter of Isis, she studies esoteric wisdom under the tutelage of the mystic Noot, but her beauty and intelligence make her a constant target in a world where women are still considered little better than possessions. To survive, she must rely on her wits (and perhaps a little divine intervention) in a series of daring escapes and desperate schemes, finding allies where she can. But as she climbs higher in the service of her goddess, a fateful meeting with the warrior-turned-priest Kallikrates leads her down a road even she would never have imagined. The fourth and final book in the She series. – Summary by Jennie Hughes     [chương_files]  

Stone Chest cover

Stone Chest

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When the ship, Bluebell, went down, Captain Cromwell and Ruel Gross escaped on a raft, and after several days of suffering, finally reached Cedar Island. They found a stone chest, and Captain Cromwell was captured by savages. Gross managed to escape gravely injured, but before expiring, told Mrs. Cromwell and son, Bob, that their husband and father was still alive when he escaped. Bob resolved immediately he must try to rescue his father if that was so, because everyone believes he is dead. But the long journey won’t be easy. He and his mom manage to get passage on the Dart, but there will be terrible weather and potentially fatal icebergs to fight, a madman, savages, and a host of other events that will put everyone’s lives in danger. And is Captain Cromwell still alive; will he be rescued? Will a Stone Chest be found, and if so, what is in that Stone Chest? Mystery and Adventure awaits! (Summary by Laurie Banza) – Summary by Laurie Banza     [chương_files]  

Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie cover

Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie

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Czegóż tu nie ma! Intrygi, romanse, pojedynki, skarby w głębokich jaskiniach, cyganie i piękne księżniczki, tajne stowarzyszenia, przygody zwariowane i niesamowite, opowiedziane ze swadą, humorem, zadumą; tuziny wątków wyrastających jedne z drugich, przeplecione w niemożliwym, wspaniałym bałaganie. Historia tej książki jest niemniej fascynująca niż jej treść. Potocki zaczął ja pisać w roku 1804. W rok później opublikował część tekstu, jednak nadal nad nim pracując, aż do swojej samobójczej śmierci w 1815 roku. Dwie skrócone wersje i jedna kompletna, na której jest oparte to nagranie, zostały opublikowane pośmiertnie. Części francuskiego oryginału zaginęły, zachowało się jedynie polskie tłumaczenie Edmunda Chojeckiego wydane w 1847 roku, które jest uznane za kanoniczna wersje i podstawę do przekładów na inne języki. (Summary by Nina Brown)     [chương_files]