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Action & Adventure

5 bài viết found

Aventuras de Masín (Tom) Sawyer cover

Aventuras de Masín (Tom) Sawyer

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La vida en San Petersburgo, un pueblecito situado a orillas del Misisipi, al suroeste de Estados Unidos, es tan plácida que incluso puede resultar aburrida. Pero Tom Sawyer, un muchacho curioso y travieso, es capaz de sacar provecho a cualquier hecho cotidiano, como pintar una valla, o no tan cotidiano, como perseguir a un malvado asesino o ir en busca de un tesoro escondido en una cueva, acompañado de su inseparable amigo Huck. Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]  

Avventure d'Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie cover

Avventure d’Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie

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Traduzione italiana del celebre romanzo fantastico di Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (meglio noto sotto lo pseudonimo di Lewis Carroll) fatta dal suo amico Teodorico Pietrocola. La traduzione di Pietrocola in un italiano ottocentesco garbato e ironico ci restituisce l’atmosfera originale di questa famosa storia che tutti conosciamo spesso però solo attraverso vari adattamenti letterari, teatrali o cinematografici. (Summary by Pier)     [chương_files]  

Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys cover

Rough and Ready OR Life Among the New York Newsboys

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Join Rough and Ready for his adventure on the streets of New York City. Working as a newsboy, Rough and Ready tries to support himself and his sister on his meager earnings. Unfortunately, their stepfather is seeking to kidnap little Rose, getting an education is hard work, swindlers are trying to trick him out of his money, and thieves are planning nefarious deeds. Luckily for Rough and Ready, he makes some good friends along the way. Summary by Tori Faulder     [chương_files]  

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward cover

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter’s Ward

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In this third installment from the “Ragged Dick” series by Horatio Algers, Jr., the reader is reacquainted with some old friends and meets young Mark Manton. Mark is a match boy plagued by bad luck and an even worse guardian. But, with new friends, hard work, and smart choices, Mark may just find his luck taking a turn for the better. summary by tfaulder     [chương_files]  

Dreamer of Dreams cover

Dreamer of Dreams

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Eric, artist for the king, has created a marvelous painting of a royal wedding. It is finished except for the face of the queen, which appeared to him in a dream. When he awoke, he had forgotten the form of the features. Obsessed with recapturing this vision, he goes on a quest to find the woman because he cannot paint another stroke until he sees those eyes again. During his journey, he discovers much more, perhaps even the true meaning of his dream and of his life. – Summary by Amy Gramour     [chương_files]