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    Action & Adventure


    Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders on the Old Apache Trail cover

    Grace Harlowe’s Overland Riders on the Old Apache Trail

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    Seeking adventure after the end of the war, Grace Harlowe and friends take a journey through The Old Apache Trail. Along the way they are come up against local bandits. Disclaimer: This novel includes language and opinions that would be deemed racist in todays society. It is Librivox policy to not censor any text. This is a reflection of the time at which the novel was written and not a reflection of the opinions of Librivox or the narrator of this audiobook. (ashleighjane )     [chương_files]  

    Tom Swift and His Motorcycle cover

    Tom Swift and His Motorcycle

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    This is the very first Tom Swift adventure. Tom Swift has a newly purchased motorcycle, which he is modifying with his own inventions. He volunteers to use his bike to carry his father’s new turbine design plans to Albany, testing his motorcycle enhancements at the same time. Set upon by corporate spies out to steal his dad’s plans, Tom must escape from them, recover the plans, and complete his trip! (Colleen McMahon) Listeners are forewarned that some elements and characters included in Tom Swift books portray certain ethnic groups in a very dated manner that modern readers, and listeners, may find offensive. It is Librivox policy to maintain the original language of texts.     [chương_files]  

    Boy Scouts on Swift River cover

    Boy Scouts on Swift River

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    When the adventurous Walter Upton and Hal Harrison set out with the young, but expert guide Louis Woodhull on a canoe trip through the wilderness, they were disappointed to take on an excitable Tenderfoot with them as their fourth. The boys had no idea what sorts of surprises awaited them from Nature, History, and even themselves. Would their training, equipment, and sense of camaraderie be enough to see them safely down Swift River? (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

    Greenstone Door cover

    Greenstone Door

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    The Greenstone Door is a historical novel, set between 1830-1860’s New Zealand. The main character, Cedric Tregarthen, is remembering his past, telling the story both from his vantage point as an old man remembering, and as a young man experiencing his life. The story starts with the sack of the Te Kuma pa and the death of his father, his subsequent adoption by the trader Purcell and protection of Te Waharoa. He grows up among the Maori people, with his foster sister Puhi-Huia and his friend, Rangiora. Together the three young people penetrate to a secret limestone cave, where in their fancy the stalagmites take the shapes of men and women in some drama of the future; Rangiora and Cedric end the racial hostility of their boyhood with an oath of peace, the compact of the Tatau Pounamu, that the Greenstone Door be closed. Events then move on in history, through the troubles that followed Waitangi. We see Cedric in Auckland, meeting his love interest and observing Governor George Grey at close range. When the Waikato war breaks out, his sympathies and loyalties are divided and, in theory, we are shown both sides. ( It is worth remembering that this book was published in 1914 and holds value as an artifact of the Pakeha(1) desire to justify their place in New Zealand and to mythologize the wars for New Zealand. In reality the conflict was ‘brutal, bloody and calculated’ (RNZ). The invasion of the Waikato between 1863 and 1864 is […]

    Tom Swift and His War Tank (Version 2) cover

    Tom Swift and His War Tank (Version 2)

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    Tanks are a new wartime technology, and as the US enters WWI, Tom uses his skills and his family’s factory to secretly design and build a bigger, better tank, able to travel at twice the speed of British models, with heavier armor plating, ability to roll over wider trenches, and other innovative improvements. As war fever sets in, many young men are enlisting, except for Tom Swift, which raises many concerns that he is a slacker. Even his girlfriend begins to doubt him, but he has to be secretive even from her, as the Germans do their best to steal his secrets. ( Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

    Songs from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass cover

    Songs from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

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    This is a compilation of the poems in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. As noted in the title, the poems are transformed into song, with sheet music included in the book. Music is by Lucy E. Broadwood. In addition to the text and sheet music, a digital version of the music in “midi” format is available from the Gutenberg site for the book. For the LibriVox recording, the poems are read. – Summary by Evan Smith     [chương_files]  

    Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue at Camp Rest-a-While cover

    Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue at Camp Rest-a-While

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    Number 5 in the Bunny Brown series. This charming volume sees Bunny Brown, his sister Sue, their parents, Uncle Tad, and Bunker Blue (along with faithful dog Splash!) camping for the whole entire summer! There are adventures, mysteries, “marshmallow candy” roasts, and missing pies, and there is always LOTS of fun following the two siblings! – Summary by Nan Dodge     [chương_files]  

    Brownies and Prince Florimel cover

    Brownies and Prince Florimel

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    After Prince Florimel flees his home (and a particularly nasty uncle) he has a series of adventures with the mischevious but helpful Brownies, Queen Titania and her fairies, and the ill-tempered enchanter, Dragonfel. Reader’s note: Although some terms in this 1918 book are not really acceptable anymore, the book’s overall message that people should not be judged by their size is still a worthy lesson today. – Summary by Jude Somers     [chương_files]  

    King Mombo cover

    King Mombo

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    An adventure story for young adults, set in Africa. The young hero sets out from New York aboard ship and after an eventful journey arrives in Africa. He sets out to explore, and arrives at the village of King Mombo. Superstitions and bad luck dog his visit, but after meeting the local medicine man he sets out on further adventures and discovers unusual animals. Du Chaillu is credited with being the first European to document the existence of gorillas, and they feature prominently in this tale. Note: there are references to slavery, which some may find offensive; but the work reflects views of the time and it is Librivox policy not to censor.     [chương_files]  

    Lances of Lynwood cover

    Lances of Lynwood

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    The Lances of Lynwood brings to life the high days of knighthood and chivalry in the 14th century during the Hundred Years War, in which the English House of Plantagenet contended with the French House of Valois. The courage and loyalty of a young Englishman, Eustace Lynwood, are tested when he joins the army of the Black Prince during sojourns in France and Spain. This book stirs the imagination, with its knights in shining armor, and exemplars of both faithful love and base treachery, as it portrays the glory of medieval warfare, but also the sufferings of sickness, wounds, and death. Many historical figures are presented, mainly drawn from Jean Froissart’s Chronicles, and listeners may be led to delve deeper into the events of that interesting era. ( Carol Pelster)     [chương_files]