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    Action & Adventure


    Tower Treasure cover

    Tower Treasure

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    A dying criminal confesses that his loot had been secreted in an old tower. It remains for the Hardy Boys to make an astonishing discovery that will clear up the mystery. (Adapted from an old advertisement) “The Tower Treasure” is the first volume in the original Hardy Boys Mystery Stories.     [chương_files]  

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck cover

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck

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    Nip and Tuck are the best of rivals. Throughout the time they’ve known each other, they seemed to be interested in the same things and in constant competition. Now that they are both burgeoning on adulthood, they each have managed to start a small brokerage firm in the same building in Wall Street. Their youth make them instant targets for ridicule by the older brokers, but their tenacity and business savvy prove to everyone their right to be up there with the best of them. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

    Children's Book of Patriotic Stories cover

    Children’s Book of Patriotic Stories

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    Here is a book of Patriotic Stories for children, to stand beside the similar collections of Christmas Stories and Thanksgiving Stories, which have already been welcomed by many parents, librarians, and teachers. Those seeking material appropriate to Washington’s Birthday and the Fourth of July will find here a goodly store, ready to their hands. The Editors hope that a book of stirring tales like these—not history, but stories such as children love, that yet ring true in spirit—will serve to help, though ever so little, the Cause of Liberty and will aid in keeping aglow in the hearts of our young people the ardent spark which inspired our forefathers—the Spirit of ’76. – Summary from The Preface     [chương_files]  

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 11: A Lucky Penny cover

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 11: A Lucky Penny

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    Tom Garland is a young man in Boston who is sent to learn a trade at an Industrial Farm near the bay. There he meets another young man who’s lame, Dick Rogers, and they become lifelong chums. When Tom learns of a couple of dastardly plots against both him and Dick, he plans their escape. Tom and Dick continue to succeed through courage and Providence against many difficult situations, the symbol of which is a lucky penny of Tom’s. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

    Moral Pirates cover

    Moral Pirates

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    Excerpt: “… you and two or three other fellows might make a splendid cruise in a row-boat. You could have a mast and sail, and you could take provisions and things, and cruise from Harlem all the way up into the lakes in the Northern woods. It would be all the same as piracy, except that you would not be committing crimes, and making innocent people wretched.”…”We’d have a gun and a lot of fishing-lines, and we could live on fish and bears. There’s bears in the woods, you know.” [End] ~ Thus four teenage boys set out for adventures being a different sort of pirate – Moral Pirates. – Summary by Laurie Banza     [chương_files]  

    Billie Bradley on Lighthouse Island cover

    Billie Bradley on Lighthouse Island

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    One of Billie’s friends owned a summer bungalow on Lighthouse Island, near the coast. The school girls made up a party and visited the Island. There was a storm and a wreck, and three little children were washed ashore. They could tell nothing of themselves, and Billie and her chums set to work to solve the mystery of their identity. (From original advertisement) This is the third book in the “Billie Bradley” series, a mystery series for girls.     [chương_files]  

    Leila; or The Island cover

    Leila; or The Island

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    The Island begins with a shipwreck in which eight-year-old Leila, her father, her nurse and their loyal dog, Dash, persevere through hard work and faith to adapt to life on a deserted island. – Summary by Marie Christian     [chương_files]  

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 8: The Wheel of Fortune cover

    Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 8: The Wheel of Fortune

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    This is the story of Bert Hawley who, at a young age, saw his mother die of illness and had to fend off his drunken father in their ramshackle house in Virginia. From there he set out to make his fortune in Philadelphia, where he used his good charm and desire to promote a quality product to sell book subscriptions until he finally landed in New York as a Sales Manager. Bert shows us that, though our circumstances may seem grim, we must never lose our spirit and integrity. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

    Rover Boys Winning A Fortune cover

    Rover Boys Winning A Fortune

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    The Rover Boys is a generational series that follows the Rover family through many exciting adventures. In this case the story revolves around two sub plots. The first involves the robbery at the offices of the senior Rovers in New York. The second is a passionate quest to find a treasure contained in a yacht that was lost at sea. As well as this the personal lives of the junior Rovers also enhance the enjoyment. – Summary by Howard Skyman     [chương_files]  

    Golden Canyon cover

    Golden Canyon

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    In August, 1856, times were hard in San Diego. Dick, who worked on the ship, “Northampton”, was attacked by a ruthless gang – the next morning he found that his ship had sailed off without him. In no time, his closest friends came to him and nursed him back to health. In talking about the events, they decided it was time for a change, to make a better life for themselves, and that meant they would plan to leave and travel together in the quest to find gold in the “Gold Canyon”. Along the way, they find themselves on the most dangerous adventure they will ever encounter in their lifetime, which includes a whole lot of “the unexpected” throughout the journey, and meeting up with savagely brutal Apache’s. Will there be casualties in this quest? And does there really exist a “Golden Canyon”? A quick paced action adventure awaits! (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]