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    Action & Adventure


    Wailing Octopus cover

    Wailing Octopus

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    Rick and Scotty fly off to the Caribbean, along with Drs. Briotti and Zircon, in search of pirate treasure. They soon become entangled with foreign spies and a hurricane and Steve Ames and the U.S. Navy, and it’s a non-stop race to the treasure! – Summary by sjmarky     [chương_files]  

    Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery cover

    Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery

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    Radio is an ideal boy’s hobby, but it is not limited to youth. Nevertheless it offers a wonderful scope for the unquenchable enthusiasm that always accompanies the application of youthful endeavor, and it is a fact that the majority of the wonderful inventions and improvements that have been made in radio have been produced by young men. To be appended and/or amended as this project proceeds – Summary by Tom Hirsch     [chương_files]  

    Outdoor Girls in Army Service cover

    Outdoor Girls in Army Service

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    This 8th book in the “Outdoor Girls” series, find the girls and boys again at Pine Island, but under very much altered conditions. America had entered the great World War and all the boys but Will Ford have volunteered. Later the boys were called to Camp Liberty, some distance from Deepdale, and the girls conceived the plan of opening a Hostess House for the benefit of the relatives and friends of the boys. While still at Pine Island the girls and boys had come upon a suspicious looking man in the woods Upon finding himself discovered the man had made his escape but in his hurry had dropped a letter which the girls found to their disgust was written in code They decided that the man must have been a German spy. (Adapted from the next book in the series)     [chương_files]  

    Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge cover

    Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge

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    In this 11th book in the “Outdoor Girls” series, the girls have some very exciting experiences. An old man, Professor Dempsey, by name, who had retired to a little log cabin in the woods to recover his health, had chanced to do the girls a very great favor. Of course the girls were grateful to him and were very much interested when he told them of his two sons who were in the war. Later, when the girls read of the death of his two sons in the paper, they went to the old man’s lonely cabin in the woods, but found themselves too late. According to a friendly neighbor, the old man had become temporarily insane at the terrible news, had wrecked his cabin in an insane frenzy, and disappeared. Later, at Wild Rose Lodge, the girls were frightened several times by a strange apparition lurking in the woods around the lodge and Moonlight Falls, a beautiful fall of water not far from the cottage where the girls were staying. The boys came home from France and helped the girls solve the mystery. (Summary from the next book)     [chương_files]  

    Airplane Boys among the Clouds cover

    Airplane Boys among the Clouds

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    Elephant and Larry arrive at Sunrise Lake, looking for the Bird boys, Frank and Andy, who are trying out a new biplane. Many adventures await these young men in their airplane!     [chương_files]  

    Ranch Girls' Pot of Gold cover

    Ranch Girls’ Pot of Gold

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    The girls have even more unusual experiences and adventures and are brought into closer contact with the real life of the West. It isn’t possible to tell exactly what the Ranch Girls will do in this second book, but it is safe to promise that it will be something even more original and full of delightful opportunity, than running a ranch.     [chương_files]  

    Red Cross Girls with the Stars and Stripes cover

    Red Cross Girls with the Stars and Stripes

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    The Red Cross Girls are back one last time! In this final book of the series, some of our girls prepare to join the American soldiers in France during World War I. But, one other girl does make a surprise return to Europe, to join in the vocation they love so much.     [chương_files]  

    Return to Gone-Away cover

    Return to Gone-Away

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    When Portia Blake and her family came back to Gone-Away Lake, it was to move into an old house locked up tightly for nearly half a century. Next to discovering Gone-Away the summer before, nothing so exciting had ever happened to Portia and her cousin Julian. Then began an enchanted summer of exploration and discovery, as the old house slowly revealed its surprises and its treasures. This is the sequel to the book, Gone-Away Lake, by Elizabeth Enright. (Summary from an original jacket)     [chương_files]  

    Bobbsey Twins in a Great City cover

    Bobbsey Twins in a Great City

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    In book 9 of the Bobbsey Twins series, the twins and their family visit New York City. Adventure awaits around every corner as the twins explore the big city. (Summary by Krista Zaleski)     [chương_files]  

    Boy Scouts Along the Susquehanna cover

    Boy Scouts Along the Susquehanna

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    The boys of the Silver Fox Patrol, after successfully braving a terrific flood, become entangled in a mystery that carries them through many exciting adventures. Herbert Carter is one of many pseudonyms used by St George Rathborne.     [chương_files]