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    Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland cover

    Alice’s Abenteuer im Wunderland

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    Die Titelheldin Alice wird während eines langweiligen Picknicks mit ihrer Schwester auf ein weißes Kaninchen aufmerksam, dem sie schließlich in dessen Bau folgt. Dabei landet sie in einer traumartigen Unterwelt, die vor Paradoxa und Absurditäten nur so strotzt. Beim Versuch, dem Kaninchen zu folgen, passieren dem Mädchen zahlreiche Missgeschicke… (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Avventure d'Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie cover

    Avventure d’Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie

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    Traduzione italiana del celebre romanzo fantastico di Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (meglio noto sotto lo pseudonimo di Lewis Carroll) fatta dal suo amico Teodorico Pietrocola. La traduzione di Pietrocola in un italiano ottocentesco garbato e ironico ci restituisce l’atmosfera originale di questa famosa storia che tutti conosciamo spesso però solo attraverso vari adattamenti letterari, teatrali o cinematografici. (Summary by Pier)     [chương_files]  

    Billy Whiskers in France cover

    Billy Whiskers in France

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    Billy Whiskers is in France, but he is homesick. Of course, he makes new friends and entangles himself in many adventures. He has encounters with nurses, farmers, and a terrible wharf rat. Why is he at a dog cemetery? Why is there a submarine explosion? Join our favorite goat on his adventures in France. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

    Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil cover

    Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil

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    Dies ist die Geschichte des 14-jährigen Niels Holgersen, der von einem Kobold, den er ärgert, selbst auf Koboldgröße geschrumpft wird. Mit der Hausgans Martin, die sich einem Schwarm Wildgänsen anschließt, fliegt er durch ganz Schweden bis zu den Brutgebieten der Gänse im nördlichen Lappland und wieder zurück. Unterwegs erlebt er viele Abenteuer, wird erwachsener und lernt im Umgang mit den Tieren, ein besserer Mensch zu sein. Dieses Buch ist ein Abenteuerroman und ein Entwicklungsroman, gleichermaßen ein Buch für Kinder und Erwachsene. Selma Lagerlöf erhielt wohl auch für den Niels Holgersen 1909 als erste Frau den Literaturnobelpreis. Dies ist der zweite von zwei Teilen. (Zusammenfassung von Sonja)     [chương_files]  

    Billy Whiskers' Adventures cover

    Billy Whiskers’ Adventures

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    Billy Whiskers, Stubby and Button return from France to New York where new adventures await our favorite goat and his friends. Trouble is sure to turn up in all sorts of places – at school, an unexpected shower, up in a dirigible and in Chicago. Who are the old crow and the elephant? – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

    Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp cover

    Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp

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    This is the fourth book in the “Outdoor Girls” series. In this story, the scene is shifted to a winter season. The girls have some jolly times skating and ice boating, and visit a hunters’ camp in the big woods. (From an old advertisement)     [chương_files]  

    Red Cross Girls on the French Firing Line cover

    Red Cross Girls on the French Firing Line

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    This is the second in a series of captivating period historic romance and adventure books entitled “The Red Cross Girls.” The series trails four American girls who serve as Red Cross nurses during WWI in Europe. This time, Eugenia, a prim and proper New Englander, has a romance with a handsome Frenchman. Will it be a happily-ever after? The sequence of books gives perception into women’s changing roles in society, although the progress of change is far from complete. (Source: paperback book jacket)     [chương_files]  

    Wind in the Willows (Version 6) cover

    Wind in the Willows (Version 6)

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    The Wind in the Willows is a classic children’s book–enjoyed by all ages!–by British novelist Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Begun as letters to his 7-year-old son Alistair and later developed into a novel, it tells the adventures of animals Mole, Rat, and Toad, who dwell, along with Badger, Otter, and other animals, in the riverbank, fields, and woodlands of the English countryside. Best friends Mole and Rat, along with Badger, are continually rescuing Toad from his scrapes. An encounter with nature god Pan lends a special magic to this tale. In 2011, I recorded this delightful reading by my friend Sarbaga Falk. We made presents of the recordings for Sarbaga’s family and our friends and their children and grandchildren; and had it in mind to put it on LibriVox. Shortly after we recorded Wind in the Willows, Sarbaga was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s, which worsened until she passed away in February 2020. Sarbaga loved tales, jokes, and stories, and she would no doubt be tickled to listen to this wonderful tale told in her own inimitable and expressive voice. This stands as a fitting tribute to our dear friend, as she continues to delight us all. – Summary by Cynthia Rylander Crossen     [chương_files]  

    Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology cover

    Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology

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    Asgard Stories – Tales from Norse Mythology. To all our Children who have loved the hearing of these Asgard Stories. This little volume is the outcome of several years experience in telling to classes of children the classic myths, both southern and northern. “A broad simplicity, so very different from the light gracefulness of the old Greek paganism, distinguishes this Norse system. It is thought, the genuine thought of deep, rude, earnest minds, fairly opened to the things about them, – a face-to-face and heart-to-heart inspection of things, – the first characteristic of all good thought in all times.” wrote Carlyle. Anderson, the author of “Norse Mythology,” wrote: “In the Norse mythology the centralizing idea is its peculiar feature; in it lies its strength and beauty. The one myth and the one divinity is inextricably in communion with the other; and thus also the idea of unity, centralization, is a prominent feature and one of the chief characteristics of the Teutonic nations.”     [chương_files]  

    Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island cover

    Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island

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    The Bobbsey twins are off to spend a summer full of fun and adventures on Blueberry Island. They will encounter a cave, and gypsies, and other things I won’t tell you about. You can find out by listening to this book! As with many children’s books written during this time in history, there are racial stereotypes that would not pass muster today. To edit them out would be to erase history, so I’m reading the book, as is. There is a “fat black mammy” named Dinah, and gypsies (of undetermined geographical origin) who naturally steal because they don’t know any better. These stereotypes can act as a good springboard for educating your child on how far we have come, and how far we still need to go, to erase racism altogether. – Summary by Nan Dodge     [chương_files]