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Short Stories From Life cover

Short Stories From Life

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Life Magazine held a short story contest. Stories must be no more than 1500 words. Authors were paid for the number of words under that maximum. The shortest story accepted, and the one where the author received the highest payout, came in at 76 words. The stories published here where considered the best of the over 30,000 submissions. This volume presents the 81 best stories including the prize winning stories: (First Prize) Thicker Than Water by Ralph Henry Barbour and George Randolph Osborne, (Second Prize) The Answer by Harry Stillwell Edwards, and (Third Prize – tie) Her Memory by Dwight M. Wiley and Business and Ethics by Redfield Ingalls. – Summary taken from the Preface     [chương_files]  

Short Stories from Locomotive Engineers Journal, Volume 52 cover

Short Stories from Locomotive Engineers Journal, Volume 52

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These short stories are taken from the Locomotive Engineers Journal, Volume 52 which covers the year, 1918. Don’t expect any trains — these are short works on many subjects, including romance, adventure, humor, etc. — of 5 to 15 minutes in length, by minor pulp fiction writers of the day, including Agnes Brogan, Pauline Richards, Warren Miller, Clarissa Mackie, and Xeno Putnam. Putnam wrote a couple of non-fiction works on farm equipment; Mackie was a prolific writer whose work appeared in several magazines and newspapers. I have created an e-book version of this set for easier viewing and placed it on Archive’s Community Texts here . (Summary by Matt Pierard)     [chương_files]