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Children’s Fiction

11 bài viết found

Abenteuer Tom Sawyers cover

Abenteuer Tom Sawyers

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Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer (Originaltitel: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) ist ein Roman des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain. Das Buch erschien 1876 zugleich auch als deutsche Übersetzung. “Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer” ist eine typische Lausbubengeschichte und spielt in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts im kleinen Ort St. Petersburg am Mississippi. Der Waisenjunge Tom lebt bei seiner Tante Polly, zusammen mit seinem Halbbruder Sid, seiner Cousine Mary und dem schwarzen Sklaven Jim. Sid ist brav und verpetzt Tom bei jeder Gelegenheit. Tom hingegen schwänzt gern die Schule, prügelt sich und treibt sich mit seinem besten Freund Huckleberry Finn herum. Dieser hat keinen festen Wohnsitz; seine Mutter ist tot, sein Vater ist ein stadtbekannter Trinker. (Auszug Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Cave In the Mountain cover

Cave In the Mountain

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Edward Sylvester Ellis was a major American author during the era of inexpensive fiction of the nineteenth century (dime novels). Because he wrote under dozens of pseudonyms, as well as under his own name, it is virtually impossible to know exactly how many books he wrote, but it is believed to be in the hundreds. He specialized in boys’ stories, inspirational biography, and history for both children and adults. (From This is a western, set in the Pecos River valley in the late 19th century, post Civil War era. This is the sequel to “In the Pecos Country”, and the second half of the same story, begun in that book.     [chương_files]  

In the Pecos Country cover

In the Pecos Country

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Edward Sylvester Ellis was a major American author during the era of inexpensive fiction of the nineteenth century (dime novels). Because he wrote under dozens of pseudonyms, as well as under his own name, it is virtually impossible to know exactly how many books he wrote, but it is believed to be in the hundreds. He specialized in boys’ stories, inspirational biography, and history for both children and adults. (From This is a western, set in the Pecos River valley in the late 19th century, post Civil War era.     [chương_files]  

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward cover

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter’s Ward

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In this third installment from the “Ragged Dick” series by Horatio Algers, Jr., the reader is reacquainted with some old friends and meets young Mark Manton. Mark is a match boy plagued by bad luck and an even worse guardian. But, with new friends, hard work, and smart choices, Mark may just find his luck taking a turn for the better. summary by tfaulder     [chương_files]  

Hoofbeats on the Turnpike cover

Hoofbeats on the Turnpike

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Penny Parker is a teen-aged sleuth and amateur reporter with an uncanny knack for uncovering and solving unusual, sometimes bizarre mysteries. The only daughter of widower Anthony Parker, publisher of the “Riverview Star,” Penny has been raised to be self-sufficient, outspoken, innovative, and extraordinarily tenacious. Her cheerful, chatty manner belies a shrewd and keenly observant mind. Penny was the creation of Mildred A. Wirt, who was also the author of the original Nancy Drew series (under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene). Wirt became frustrated when she was pushed to “tone down” Nancy Drew and make her less independent and daring. With Penny Parker, Wirt had a freer hand and received full credit. Wirt once said, ” ‘I always thought Penny Parker was a better Nancy Drew than Nancy is.” In HOOFBEATS ON THE TURNPIKE, Penny is drawn to a remote hill community by a tantalizing tale of a headless horseman who ranges the countryside at night. While investigating the bizarre tale, Penny and her best friend Louise Siddell encounter a quirky array of hill folk, including a feisty “granny woman” who is at war with a wealthy landowner. The headless horseman seems to be targeting the landowner, who has ignored repeated warnings that the dam he owns is unsafe. The tale takes an unusually serious turn when the dam breaks, flooding the community. Trapped by the flood, Penny heroically does what she can to help the community and to get the story out to the world. – Summary by Cheryl Adam […]

Book of Giants cover

Book of Giants

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Tales of very tall men of myth, legend, history, and science (Subtitle of Book) – Summary by Henry Wysham Lanier     [chương_files]  

Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα (Tale Without Name) cover

Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα (Tale Without Name)

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Το Βασίλειο των Μοιρολατρών πέφτει σε παρακμή καθώς ο Βασιλιάς Αστόχαστος ζητάει μόνο την καλοπέραση και δεν φροντίζει για την ευημερία της χώρας του. Πολύς κόσμος φεύγει και το βασίλειο ερημώνει και φτωχαίνει. Το βασιλόπουλο αηδιασμένο από την κατάσταση κινεί να φύγει και αυτό αλλά μια σειρά από γεγονότα ξυπνούν μέσα του την ελπίδα και την αποφασιστικότητα. Με την βοήθεια της αδελφής του και μερικών πιστών συντρόφων καταφέρνει να σώσει το βασίλειό του από την καταστροφή και να το ξαναφέρει σε ανάπτυξη! The Kingdom of Moirolatres (Fatalists) falls into decay as the King Astochastos (Thoughtless) cares only for his own comfort and neglects the welfare of his country. Many people leave and the kingdom gets ravaged and poor. The prince, disgusted by the situation, wants to leave too, but a series of events awakens hope and determination in him. With the help of his sister and a few loyal companions, he manages to save his kingdom from destruction and bring it back in development! (Summary by Rapunzelina)     [chương_files]  

Tom Sawyer, De Lotgevallen van cover

Tom Sawyer, De Lotgevallen van

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Uit de inleiding van de schrijver bij de originele Engelstalige uitgave (helaas niet in deze vertaling opgenomen): “Ofschoon mijn boek hoofdzakelijk bedoeld is voor het plezier van jongens en meisjes, hoop ik dat het daarom niet door de ouderen uit de weg wordt gegaan. Het was namelijk gedeeltelijk mijn bedoeling om volwassenen op een plezierige manier er aan te herinneren hoe zij zelf waren en dachten en spraken en welke vreemde zaken zij soms deden.” Tom Sawyer is de verpersoonlijking van de Amerikaanse jeugd in de negentiende eeuw. Hij leeft in het fictieve St Petersburg, samen met zijn tante Polly, zijn halfbroer Syd, zijn grote liefde Becky Thatcher en zijn vriend Huckleberry Finn. Dit is de eerste roman ooit, die op een typemachine werd geschreven.     [chương_files]  

Niels Holgersson's Wonderbare Reis cover

Niels Holgersson’s Wonderbare Reis

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De familie Holgersson woont in Skåne in het uiterste zuiden van Zweden op een kleine boerderij. Daar groeit hun enige zoon Niels op. Niels is niet zo vriendelijk voor de dieren thuis, hij houdt er van om ze te plagen en te sarren. Als hij op een dag een kabouter vangt en weigert die weer vrij te laten, spreekt de boze kabouter een betovering uit over Niels. Hij wordt zo klein als een duim. Op de vlucht voor de dieren die hém nu eens willen pesten, gaat Niels mee met een groep wilde ganzen. (samenvatting naar Wikipedia) This is the Dutch translation of The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, by Selma Lagerlöf     [chương_files]  

Børnene i Nyskoven cover

Børnene i Nyskoven

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Handlingen foregår i 1600-tallet under den Engelske borgerkrig. Fire forældreløse adelsbørn må flygte fra deres brændende gods, og skjule sig i en nærtliggende skov. Her må de fire lære at jage og at dyrke jorden for at overleve. Edward, den ældste, har dog svært ved at acceptere deres tilværelse, og higer efter at deltage i krigen for at hjælpe kongen. (Summary by Lulularsen)     [chương_files]