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Epistolary Fiction

68 bài viết found

Lazarillo de Tormes cover

Lazarillo de Tormes

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La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades (más conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes) es una novela española anónima, escrita en primera persona y en estilo epistolar (como una sola y larga carta), cuya edición conocida más antigua data de 1554. En ella se cuenta de forma autobiográfica la vida de un niño, Lázaro de Tormes, en el siglo XVI, desde su nacimiento y mísera infancia hasta su matrimonio, ya en la edad adulta. Es considerada precursora de la novela picaresca por elementos como el realismo, la narración en primera persona, la estructura itinerante entre varios amos y la ideología moralizante y pesimista. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Amistades Peligrosas, Volumen I cover

Amistades Peligrosas, Volumen I

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La marquesa de Merteuil y el vizconde de Valmont, amantes en otro tiempo, aprovechan cualquier ocasión para ridiculizar la sociedad puritana y privilegiada en que viven, utilizando a todos aquellos que los rodean, y dejando atrás una larga lista de conquistas eróticas. La correspondencia entre estos dos personajes, en la que relatan sus hazañas, constituye el cuerpo central del relato, en el cual se inscriben las distintas subtramas. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

pasiones del joven Werther cover

pasiones del joven Werther

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Es ésta una obra semiautobiográfica de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, la cual ha recibido diferentes nombres: Las penas del joven…Los sufrimientos del joven…o simplemente “El joven Werther”. Werther, joven artista de gran sensibilidad, conoce a una mujer, Lotte, ya comprometida con Albert, de la cual se enamora perdidamente. Aquel va contando a su amigo de forma epistolar todos sus sentimientos. Goethe, consiguió con esta obra pasar de ser un autor desconocido a un autor célebre, autor de masas. Fue considerada uno de los trabajos más importantes en la Europa de la época. – Summary by Montse González.     [chương_files]  

Correio da Roça cover

Correio da Roça

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Maria ficou viúva e os credores levaram a vida de luxo e abastança em que viviam no Rio de Janeiro. E ela e as 4 filhas, educadas para viver na cidade, têm que se mudar para a fazenda que restou para a família, lá na serra, no interior bravo. Passam então a viver em um velho casarão com ares de convento, onde a música que se escuta à noite é a da orquestra do coaxar dos sapos. As horas são de lenta monotonia e tédio, nesse exílio longe dos amigos e das festas. O único alento vem das cartas de uma amiga, recém voltada da Europa, encantada com o Brasil. Uma amiga que as faz ver que onde vivem não é o fim do mundo, mas um lugar onde as águas cantam, as revoadas e cantos de aves enchem os ares e a terra, uma vez trabalhada, é fértil e generosa. E estas cartas, verdadeiras aulas de bem viver, produzem um resultado surpreendente sobre o espírito indomável das cinco mulheres. Ali está o segredo de como transformar grotões incultos em lugares aprazíveis. Leitura deliciosa para quem quer cultivar rosas, violetas ou batatas; ou ainda criar galinhas, fazer estradas ou abrir caminhos para encontrar objetivo na vida. – Resumo por Rachel Moraes     [chương_files]  

Storia di una capinera cover

Storia di una capinera

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Protagonista del romanzo è Maria, una diciannovenne rimasta orfana di madre in tenera età e rinchiusa all’età di sette anni in un convento di Catania, costretta a diventare monaca di clausura per motivi di indigenza economica famigliare (il padre è un «modestissimo impiegato»). A causa dell’epidemia di colera che nel 1854 colpì la città siciliana Maria ha l’occasione di trasferirsi nella casetta del padre a Monte Ilice e vivere così con la famiglia per il periodo dal 3 settembre 1854 al 7 gennaio 1855. Della famiglia fanno parte il padre, la matrigna (Maria, in una delle prime lettere, parla della difficoltà che a volte incontra nel chiamarla madre), la sorellastra Giuditta e il fratellastro Gigi. A Monte Ilice Maria incomincia un lungo scambio epistolare con Marianna, anche lei educanda del convento, nonché sua migliore amica e confidente, come lei tornata a casa dai genitori (a Mascalucia) a causa del colera. – Summary by FrancescaRoma     [chương_files]  

Minnebrieven cover


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Op het eerste gezicht is Minnebrieven (gepubliceerd in 1861) een brievenroman, met als drie hoofdrolspelers Max en zijn vrouw Tine, en het jonge meisje Fancy, Max’ muze. Het is een vervolg op het 2 jaar daarvoor verschenen werk Max Havelaar, ook wat betreft de aanklacht tegen de wantoestanden in het toenmalige Nederlands-Indië. Multatuli springt opnieuw heen en weer tussen fictie en realiteit. Willem Frederik Hermans noemt Minnebrieven “een van de grilligste, wildste boeken die de Nederlandse literatuur rijk is.” Volgens Multatuli zelf is het “een getrouwe spiegel van een maand aandoeningen en indrukken. Er bestaat geen boek dat waarder is”. En: “’t is alles! Poesie, sarcasme, politiek, wellust, scherpte, logica, godsdienst, alles.” (door Anna Simon)     [chương_files]  

Taras Bulba and Other Tales cover

Taras Bulba and Other Tales

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A collection of classic Russian literature from the mind of one of the world’s well know authors. The collection includes Taras Bulba, St. John’s Eve, The Cloak, How The Two Ivans Quarrelled, The Mysterious Portrait, and The Calash. – Summary by afutterer     [chương_files]  

Unaddressed Letters cover

Unaddressed Letters

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“I had a friend who loved me;” but he has gone, and the “great gulf” is between us. After his death, I received a packet of manuscript with these few words:—“What I have written may appeal to you because of our friendship, and because, when you come to read them, you will seek to grasp, in these apparent confidences, an inner meaning that to the end will elude you. If you think others, not the many but the few, might find here any answer to their unuttered questionings, any fellowship of sympathy in those experiences which are the milestones of our lives, then use the letters as you will, but without my name. I shall have gone, and the knowledge of my name would make no one either wiser or happier.” The writer was, by trade, a diplomatist; by inclination, a sportsman with literary and artistic tastes; by force of circumstances he was a student of many characters, and in some sense a cynic. He was also a traveler—not a great traveler, but he knew a good deal of Europe, a little of America, much of India and the further East. He spent some time in this neighborhood, and was much interested in the country and its people. There is an Eastern atmosphere about many of the letters, and he made no secret of the fact that he was fascinated by the glamour of the lands of sunshine. He died very suddenly by misadventure, and, even to me, his packet […]

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 7 cover

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady – Volume 7

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In Volume 7, the degradation and humiliation of Clarissa continue, from all the forces of society and the personal nefariousness of the devilish rake Lovelace, while her moral greatness and superiority to Lovelace shine out with an undiminished splendour. One of the earliest and certainly the longest novel in the English language, with a wide-ranging influence not only on the English novel, but also on nineteenth century European literature at large, it is gripping, twisted and a magnificent dramatic soap opera. – Summary by Nicole Lee     [chương_files]  

Sylph cover


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Georgianna Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire was one of the leading ladies of her time. There for, her novel, which contains many autobiographical plots, has been published anonymously. The author was thought to have been Sophia Briscoe, a contemporary novelist, or Fanny Burney, author of Evelina which was published at about the same time. However the duchess admitted to writing the story of Julia Grenville, a welsh beauty who marries an older man. She very quickly discovers her husband is a libertine and a rake, and that she has no idea how to behave in London society. Yet she has a sylph, a man who watches over her and gives her advice. The novel shows London society in a scathing manner, and teaches us that even in the darkest times there are good people along the way. – Summary by Stav Nisser.     [chương_files]