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Epistolary Fiction

6 bài viết found

Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset cover

Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset

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Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset (saks. Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, 1774) on Johann Wolfgang von Goethen kirjoittama kirjeromaani. Löyhästi omaelämäkerrallisesta romaanista kehkeytyi saksalaisen Sturm und Drang -liikkeen tärkeimpiä teoksia. Sillä oli myös vaikutusta myöhempään romantiikan kirjallisuuteen. Romaanin ansiosta Goethesta tuli yksi ensimmäisistä kirjallisuuden tähdistä jo elinaikanaan. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Lazarillo de Tormes cover

Lazarillo de Tormes

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La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades (más conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes) es una novela española anónima, escrita en primera persona y en estilo epistolar (como una sola y larga carta), cuya edición conocida más antigua data de 1554. En ella se cuenta de forma autobiográfica la vida de un niño, Lázaro de Tormes, en el siglo XVI, desde su nacimiento y mísera infancia hasta su matrimonio, ya en la edad adulta. Es considerada precursora de la novela picaresca por elementos como el realismo, la narración en primera persona, la estructura itinerante entre varios amos y la ideología moralizante y pesimista. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Love and Freindship, and Other Early Works cover

Love and Freindship, and Other Early Works

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This book draws together some of Jane Austen’s earliest literary efforts. It includes “Love & Freindship” and “Lesley Castle” both told through the medium of letters written by the characters. It also contains her wonderful “History of England” and a “Collection of Letters” and lastly a chapter containing “Scraps”. In these offerings, we may see the beginnings of Miss Austen’s literary style. We may also discern traces of characters that we encounter in her later works. G. K. Chesterton in his preface, for example, says of a passage in Love and Freindship; “… is there not the foreshadowing of another and more famous father; and do we not hear for a moment, in the rustic cottage by the Uske, the unmistakable voice of Mr. Bennet?” These works are certainly worth exploring for their own sakes and not simply as historical relics. – Summary by Noel Badrian     [chương_files]  

Jane Austen's Juvenilia cover

Jane Austen’s Juvenilia

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Before becoming the author of such classics as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma, Jane Austen experimented with various writing styles as a teenager in the early 1790s. This is a collection of her juvenilia, including the epistolary novels Love and Freindship, Lesley Castle, and Lady Susan, as well as her comic History of England and some shorter pieces. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)     [chương_files]  

Lady Susan cover

Lady Susan

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Jane Austen demonstrated her mastery of the epistolary novel genre in Lady Susan, which she wrote in 1795 but never published. Although the primary focus of this short novel is the selfish behavior of Lady Susan as she engages in affairs and searches for suitable husbands for herself and her young daughter, the actual action shares its importance with Austen’s manipulation of her characters’ behavior by means of their reactions to the letters that they receive. The heroine adds additional interest by altering the tone of her own letters based on the recipient of the letter. Thus, the character of Lady Susan is developed through many branches as Austen suggests complications of identity and the way in which that identity is based on interaction rather than on solitary constructions of personality. Lady Susan’s character is also built by the descriptions of the other letter-writers; but even though their opinions of this heroine coincide with the image that develops from her own letters, Austen demonstrates the subjectivity of the opinions by presenting them – primarily – in the letters of one woman to another, thereby suggesting the established literary motifs of feminine gossip and jealousy. Readers recognize these subjective motifs and examine all of the idiosyncrasies of the characters in order to create their own opinion of Lady Susan – as they would of any real acquaintance. (Summary from Wikipedia) Cast: Lady Susan Vernon – Kristin Hughes Mrs. Vernon – rachelellen Mr. De Courcy – Patrick Beverley Mrs. Johnson – Kirsten […]

Lady Susan (version 2) cover

Lady Susan (version 2)

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Jane Austen demonstrated her mastery of the epistolary novel genre in Lady Susan, which she wrote in 1795 but never published. Although the primary focus of this short novel is the selfish behavior of Lady Susan as she engages in affairs and searches for suitable husbands for herself and her young daughter, the actual action shares its importance with Austen’s manipulation of her characters’ behavior by means of their reactions to the letters that they receive. The heroine adds additional interest by altering the tone of her own letters based on the recipient of the letter. Thus, the character of Lady Susan is developed through many branches as Austen suggests complications of identity and the way in which that identity is based on interaction rather than on solitary constructions of personality. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]