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    Owing to its highly personal content focused on feminine sexuality, this LibriVox edition was recorded by eight female readers. The Modern Library edition of The Awakening has an introduction by Kay Gibbons, who writes: “The Awakening shocked turn-of-the-century readers with its forthright treatment of sex and suicide. Departing from literary convention, Kate Chopin failed to condemn her heroine’s desire for an affair with the son of a Louisiana resort owner, whom she meets on vacation. The power of sensuality, the delusion of ecstatic love, and the solitude that accompanies the trappings of middle- and upper-class life are the themes of this now-classic novel.” – As Kay Gibbons points out, Chopin “was writing American realism before most Americans could bear to hear that they were living it.” To give you an idea of the subject matter, Project Gutenburg catalogues The Awakening under “Adultery — Fiction — Women — Louisiana — New Orleans — Social conditions. (Summary by Denny Sayers)     [chương_files]  

    Perfumed Garden cover

    Perfumed Garden

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    A fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature. The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It gives lists of names for the penis and vagina, has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among animals. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (version 2) cover

    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (version 2)

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    This book has been notorious since it first appeared and had been banned several times and in several countries. It is a fictional work that details the adventures of an orphaned girl who ends up working in a brothel in London. Early on she falls in love with a young man named Charles, but only to end up being separated from him. She then recounts her experiences as a prostitute who, in spite of her circumstances, manages to retain her humanity and undying faith in true love. – Summary by mlcui     [chương_files]  

    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure cover

    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

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    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749) was the first widely-read English novel in the genre “Erotica.” It was written by John Cleland as he was serving hard time at a debtor’s prison in London. Over the centuries, the novel has been repeatedly banned by authorities, assuring its preeminent role in the history of the ongoing struggle against censorship of free expression. Until Fanny Hill, previous heroines had conducted their amorous liaisons “off-stage.” Any erotic misadventures were described euphemistically. As women who had gone astray, they always repented, which made even their most outrageous dalliances somehow suitable for a moralistic readership. The protagonist of Fanny Hill, however, never repented a single moment of her sexual exploits … quite the contrary! And with Fanny, the devil is in the details, realistically described. (Summary by Denny Mike)     [chương_files]  

    Hero and Leander (version 2) cover

    Hero and Leander (version 2)

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    Two young people, the epitome of young masculine and feminine beauty, fall in love at first sight, but their union is forbidden by the tyranny of their guardians and of geography itself, for they live on opposite sides of the Hellespont. To enjoy one night of love, Leander dares to swim this formidable strait, unluckily meeting the god Neptune along the way. Unaware of the resentment he has aroused by rejecting the advances of this old queen of the sea, the lad gains the shore and, once past the shock of appearing naked on his lover’s doorstep, finds his way into her bed. There the young couple, although ignorant of the facts of life (Hero is a “nun” in the temple of Venus!), discover “all that elder lovers know” by (awkward) trial and (hilarious) error. The unfinished poem ends with one lover having fallen out of bed, the long return journey across the Hellespont still to come and an angry Neptune lying in wait. Although George Chapman continued the poem after Marlowe’s death, this reading is of Marlowe’s original only. (Summary by Thomas Copeland)     [chương_files]  

    Songs of Love and Life cover

    Songs of Love and Life

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    Songs of Love and Life by Zora Cross was a phenomenon in the author’s native Australia in 1917. The original privately-published edition quickly sold out, and an expanded edition was produced a month later. Its erotic content, a rejection of old Victorian values, along with anti-war and feminist themes, catapulted the then 27-year-old Cross to the forefront of Australian poets. She was lauded and praised, but slowly fell into disfavor. Here we present the expanded version of her book, with the addition of four poems dropped from the privately-printed edition, which appear at the end of the recording. – Summary by cavaet Proof-listeners: AudreyL1, zavaa01, cavaet     [chương_files]  

    Chansons De Bilitis cover

    Chansons De Bilitis

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    Les Chansons de Bilitis furent publiées en 1894 : il s’agit d’une collection de poèmes sulfureux et passionnés par une déesse fictive, Bilitis, inventée par le véritable auteur Pierre Louÿs, et dont la vie est retracée dans la préface. Elle aurait vécu sur l’île de Lesbos où elle aurait été rivale de Sappho, puis à Chypre. Pierre Louÿs a poussé le jeu jusqu’à ponctuer ces poèmes érotiques de références pour perturber le lecteur (exemple: “non traduit”). (résumé par Nadine)     [chương_files]  

    Garden of Kama cover

    Garden of Kama

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    Laurence Hope was the nom de plume of Adela Florence Nicolson, a British poet who wrote verses inspired by India, where she lived. This collection, her first, was originally published in 1901. (summary by Newgatenovelist)     [chương_files]  

    Aspects Of Love - An Anthology cover

    Aspects Of Love – An Anthology

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    Aspects Of Love is an anthology of poetic explorations on the theme of erotic love – though one of the “poets” represented here is better known, even than as a dramatist, as the philosopher, Plato. His Symposium heads off this set of erotic explorations. In The Symposium’s philosophic play, he depicts a scene of men cosing together over dinner, each describing what he finds in his experience of love. I have followed this pattern in the choice of works for this anthology – in a similar manner, each of these works deals in a radically different way with the discovery of love. Whether philandering or married, heterosexual, lesbian or gay, under cover of friendship or as flagrant delight, from Plato through Donne, Whitman, Shakespeare or Sappho. we will not cease from exploration till we reach at last, as The Symposium does, a vision of the union of love as a discovery of the Divine. Surely there must be something here for everyone. – Summary by Tony Addison     [chương_files]  

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    Maybe–tomorrow, by Jay Little (pseudonym for Clarence Lewis Miller) published in 1952* based in the confusing latter part of his teenage years, tells the story of the introverted and forlorn Gaylord LeClarie coming to terms with the world around him and who he is. Gaylord must navigate everything from sex, his own sexuality and his own gender identity. friendship, Love and self-acceptance in a sometimes hostile world… – Summary by Curt Troutwine     [chương_files]