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Essay/Short nonfiction

30 bài viết found


Magna Carta Commemoration Essays

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On 15th June 1215 the Magna Carta was sealed under oath by King John at Runnymede, on the bank of the River Thames near Windsor, England. 2015 is the 800th anniversary of this charter, which led eventually to the rule of constitutional law in England and beyond. This book of essays on various aspects of the Charter was written by distinguished academics for the Royal Historical Society to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Magna Carta. N. B. The readers in this project are not scholars of mediaeval Latin or French. Where there are passages or phrases of Latin and Old French, we have endeavoured to make them clear, but make no claim to authentic pronunciation.     [chương_files]  


Address to Free Colored Americans

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The first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women met in New York City in May, 1837. Members at the Convention came from all walks of life and included such prominent women as Mary Parker, Lucretia Mott, the Grimke sisters, and Lydia Maria Child. One outcome of this important event was a statement of the organization’s role in the abolitionist movement as expressed in AN ADDRESS TO FREE COLORED AMERICANS, which begins: “The sympathy we feel for our oppressed fellow-citizens who are enslaved in these United States, has called us together, to devise by mutual conference the best means for bringing our guilty country to a sense of her transgressions; and to implore the God of the oppressed to guide and bless our labors on behalf of our “countrymen in chains.” This significant event was a precursor to the growing women’s rights movement of the time and to greater female involvement in other political reform movements.     [chương_files]  


Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass

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These two articles were reproduced as an e-book by Project Gutenberg in 2008 to supplement “…several articles by Frederick Douglass, whose larger work was presented in book form as a January, 1993 Project Gutenberg Etext to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day….” The articles narrated here are “My Escape From Slavery” (1881) and “Reconstruction” (1866).     [chương_files]  


For Every Music Lover

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A series of essays for music lovers, covering many topics. From music appreciation, to violin and symphony, music education, to piano and, in fact, the very origins of music, there is sure to be something for everyone.     [chương_files]  


Culture and Anarchy

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Culture and Anarchy is a series of periodical essays by Matthew Arnold, first published in Cornhill Magazine 1867-68 and collected as a book in 1869. The preface was added in 1875. Arnold’s famous piece of writing on culture established his High Victorian cultural agenda which remained dominant in debate from the 1860s until the 1950s. According to his view advanced in the book, “Culture […] is a study of perfection”. He further wrote that: “[Culture] seeks to do away with classes; to make the best that has been thought and known in the world current everywhere; to make all men live in an atmosphere of sweetness and light […]”. His often quoted phrase “[culture is] the best which has been thought and said” comes from the Preface to Culture and Anarchy: The whole scope of the essay is to recommend culture as the great help out of our present difficulties; culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world, and, through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits, which we now follow staunchly but mechanically, vainly imagining that there is a virtue in following them staunchly which makes up for the mischief of following them mechanically.     [chương_files]  

The Illustrated War News cover

The Illustrated War News

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THE ILLUSTRATED WAR NEWS, N.B.–REMOVE INSETTED LEAFLET, DEC. 30 1914. THE GREAT WAR. In reviewing the events of the last week throughout the world-wide area of war, let us begin with the Dark Continent, where everything went in our favour–very brilliantly so. First of all, then, we may now be said to have completed our conquest of the German Cameroon country by taking possession of the whole of the railway which runs northward from Bonabari, and is now in the hands of our troops. A similar fate is reserved, at no distant date, for German South Africa, against which General Botha–a man no less brave and dashing as a soldier than sagacious as a statesman–is preparing to lead a conquering force. Having stamped out the rebellion within the Union itself–crushing it literally like a beetle–he is now addressing himself to the task.     [chương_files]  


The Scrap Book Sampler

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18 works — two non-fic articles & one short fiction or poetry each — from issues March, April, May, June, July, & August 1906 of The Scrap Book, Volume 1, edited by Frank Munsey. As he states in the editorial of the April 1906 issue (Vol 1, Iss 2) this was a sort of supplement to the editor’s popular monthly, Munsey’s Magazine. The Scrap Book is very like an American version of Punch with many short, often humorous articles interspersed with at least one short story, some poetry, and several longer non-fic pieces. The Scrap Book ran up to 1922.     [chương_files]  


Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offences

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This is Mark Twain’s vicious and amusing review of Fenimore Cooper’s literary art. It is still read widely in academic circles. Twain’s essay, Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses (often spelled “Offences”) (1895), particularly criticized The Deerslayer and The Pathfinder. Twain wrote at the beginning of the essay: ‘In one place in Deerslayer, and in the restricted space of two-thirds of a page, Cooper has scored 114 offenses against literary art out of a possible 115. It breaks the record.’ Twain listed 19 rules ‘governing literary art in domain of romantic fiction’, 18 of which Cooper violates in The Deerslayer. (Introduction by Wikipedia and John Greenman)     [chương_files]  

The Freedmen's Book cover

The Freedmen’s Book

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Lydia Maria Child, an American abolitionist, compiled this collection of short stories and poems by former slaves and noted activists as an inspiration to freed slaves. In her dedication to the freedmen, she urges those who can read to read these stories aloud to others to share the strength, courage and accomplishments of colored men and women. In that spirit, this recording aims to gives that voice a permanent record. As in the original text, the names of the colored authors are marked with an “x”.     [chương_files]  

Anti-imperialist writings cover

Anti-imperialist writings

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This audiobook is a collection of Mark Twain’s anti-imperialist writings (newspaper articles, interviews, speeches, letters, essays and pamphlets).     [chương_files]