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Essay/Short nonfiction

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Love and Friendship cover

Love and Friendship

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Begun when she was just eleven years old, Love and Friendship is one of Jane Austen’s stories that very few readers may have encountered before. Austen experts feel that this story was written, like many others, only for the pleasure of her family and friends. It is scribbled across three notebooks, in childish handwriting, and the complete work is thought to have been written over a period of six or seven years. It is dedicated to one of her cousins, whom she was very close to, Eliza de Feuillide. Eliza herself was an extremely colorful figure and is thought to have been the illegitimate daughter of the first Governor General of India, Warren Hastings. She was also a witness to the French Revolution where her husband, the self styled Comte de Feuillide was guillotined. For the young Jane, these events must have been sheer inspiration to a writer’s imagination. Love and Friendship takes the shape of an expostulatory novel. Written as a series of letters from Laura to a much younger Marianne who is her friend Isabel’s daughter, it is meant to apprise the young and flighty Marianne about the dangers of infatuation and falling headlong into romantic love. The book offers an early and crucial insight into Jane Austen’s style, her wonderful sense of humor and her take on contemporary society. At times, she portrays events almost in parody form, at others, she is sharp and critical, but as always, the typical Jane Austen brand of gentle, sparkling wit […]


Mark Twain’s Journal Writings, Volume 1

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Volume 1 contains these 12 essays: 1.) “Americans on a Visit to the Emperor of Russia.” 2.) “The Austrian Edison keeping school again” 3.) “The Canvasser’s tale.” 4.) “The Czar’s Soliloquy.” 5.) “English as She is Taught.” 6.) “Grasses in the South.” 7.) “Hawaii.” 8.) “A Helpless Situation.” 9.) “How I Escaped being Killed in a Duel.” 10.) “Important to Whom it may Concern.” 11.) “The Austrian Edison Keeping School Again” 12.) “Jim’s Investments, and King Sollermun.”     [chương_files]  


Essays and Literary Studies

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A collection of wry looks at literature, education, and other social phenomena by Canadian humourist and economics professor, Stephen Leacock.     [chương_files]  


Mince Pie

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Mince Pie is a compilation of humorous sketches, poetry, and essays written by Christopher Morley. Morley sets the tone in the preface: “If one asks what excuse there can be for prolonging the existence of these trifles, my answer is that there is no excuse. But a copy on the bedside shelf may possibly pave the way to easy slumber. Only a mind “debauched by learning” (in Doctor Johnson’s phrase) will scrutinize them too anxiously.”     [chương_files]  


The Sunny Side

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The Sunny Side is a collection of short stories and essays by A. A. Milne. Though Milne is best known for his classic children’s books, especially Winnie The Pooh, he also wrote extensively for adults, most notably in Punch, to which he was a contributor and later Assistant Editor. The Sunny Side collects his columns for Punch, which include poems, essays and short stories, from 1912 to 1920. Wry, often satirical and always amusingly written, these pieces poke fun at topics from writing plays to lying about birdwatching. They vary greatly in length so there is something for everyone.     [chương_files]  


The Toys of Peace

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This is the fifth collection of short stories by Saki (H.H. Munro), and was published posthumously in 1923. Even so, many of the stories are quite up to the standard of those collected earlier.     [chương_files]  


My Discovery of England

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“In the course of time a very considerable public feeling was aroused in the United States and Canada over this state of affairs. The lack of reciprocity in it seemed unfair. It was felt (or at least I felt) that the time had come when some one ought to go over and take some impressions off England. The choice of such a person (my choice) fell upon myself. By an arrangement with the Geographical Society of America, acting in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society of England (to both of whom I communicated my proposal), I went at my own expense.” And from thence follow the impressions of Canadian political economist and humourist, Stephen Leacock, after a lecturing visit to England.     [chương_files]  


In Our Convent Days

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With her usual wit and charm, Ms. Repplier recalls her days at Eden Hall, the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Torresdale, north of Philadelphia. She shares the highlights (and some of the low lights) of her time there. Perhaps this sharp eye, nurtured by her willfulness and independent spirit, was the reason she was not invited to return to Eden after her second year. Not only Catholics or boarding school alumnae will find this book entertaining; anyone who went to school or who looks back on their childhood will see their own experience somewhere in this memoir.     [chương_files]  


How to Tell a Story, and Other Essays

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In his inimitable way, Mark Twain gives sound advice about how to tell a story, then lets us in on some curious incidents he experienced, and finishes with a trip that proves life-changing.     [chương_files]  

Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton cover

Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton

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In this collection, Bevis Hillier has put together some of Chesterton’s essays in “The Defandant”, “Varied Types” and “Tremendous Trifles”. These 12 pieces were chosen to giving a peek into the margins of Chesterton’s work and give a sense of the distinctive flavor of his mind. They were also chosen with an eye to showing what a complex and fascinating character he was.     [chương_files]