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Essays & Short Works

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Anarchism and Other Essays (Version 2) cover

Anarchism and Other Essays (Version 2)

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Emma Goldman, the most famous anarchist in American history, shows the whole range of her iconoclastic thought in this collection of essays. Drawing from a wealth of illustrative material, including the examples of fellow anarchists and radicals of her own acquaintance, modern martyrs, dissident playwrights, poets, and authors, etc., she delineates the main themes of her philosophy with incisiveness and evangelical passion. Included among these themes are: a definition of decentralized anarchism itself; the ambiguous morality of direct action; the curse of modern patriotism; the horrors of early twentieth-century prisons; the need for an entirely new kind of education; the relationship of legal marriage to true love; the insidious danger of Puritanical thought within feminism itself; the deadly spread of sex trafficking; the limitations or even undesirability of woman suffrage; and the extraordinary revolutionary potential of modern theatre. Sadly, none of these themes seem obsolete even to a modern reader; every one of them has direct application to twenty-first century society. – Summary by Expatriate     [chương_files]  

American Philosophy Collection Vol. 2 cover

American Philosophy Collection Vol. 2

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This recording is the second in an ongoing series of collections highlighting foundational articles in early 20th Century American philosophy. Volume 2 focuses on the debates surrounding the emergence of the so-called ‘New Realism.’ Inspired by the early works of the American pragmatists, the new realists opposed idealistic and transcendental metaphysics, and advocated for various forms of empirical and scientific naturalism. (summary by P. J. Taylor) Track List: 01 – The Program and Platform of the Six Realists by Edwin B. Holt, Walter T. Marvin, W. P. Montague, Ralph Barton Perry, Walter B.Pitkin and Edward Gleason Spaulding 02 – The Egocentric Predicament by R. B. Perry 03 – Brief Studies in Realism I by John Dewey 04 – Brief Studies in Realism II by John Dewey 05 – The Inadequacy of ‘Natural’ Realism by Durant Drake 06 – Reflections of a Temporalist on the New Realism by A. O. Lovejoy 07 – Report of the Committee on Definitions of the American Philosophical Association by F. J. E. Woodbridge, Frank Thilly, Dickinson S. Miller, Arthur O. Lovejoy, W. P. Montague, and E. G. Spaulding 08 – The Relation of Consciousness to Object in Sense Perception by E. B. McGilvary 09 – The Relation of Consciousness to Object in Sense Perception by Frank Thilly 10 – Consciousness and Object by W. J. E. Woodbridge 11 – The New Realism by Morris Raphael Cohen     [chương_files]  

Fourth Dimension Simply Explained cover

Fourth Dimension Simply Explained

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In January 1909 a friend of the Scientific American paid the sum of 500$ which was to be awarded as a prize for the best popular explanation of the Fourth Dimension. The object being to set forth in an essay not longer than 2500 words the meaning of the term so that the lay reader could understand it. 245 essays were submitted, the 500$ prize was awarded to Lieut.-Col. Graham Denby Fitch, Corps of Engineers, USA, and the essay was published in the Scientific American of July 3rd 1909. Despite the character of the subject, extraordinary interest was manifested in the contest. Competitive essays were received from almost every civilized country. Because of this unexpected interest in the subject, it has seemed advisable to preserve a few of the essays which were submitted. Prof. Henry P. Manning (Brown Univ.) has chosen essays which lend themselves best for the purpose of a popular book on the Fourth Dimension, in other words, those which present the subject from as many different points of view as possible. This book contains 22 of the submitted essays, starting with the prizewinning one, followed by three that received an honorable mention. (Summary adapted from the preface by Availle).     [chương_files]  

Yellowstone National Park:  Six Early Pieces cover

Yellowstone National Park: Six Early Pieces

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Lost in the wilderness of The Yellowstone for over a month, nearly dying of starvation and wild animal attack, despairing of ever finding his way out. Here are six relatively unknown early pieces about the U.S.A.’s first national park. The first is a U.S. Geological booklet about initial exploration and Congress’s institution of the park. The next two are articles from Scribner’s Monthly, 1871, a very popular magazine of the time, describing the park’s features (vol 2 #1 pp 1-17 and vol 2 #2 pp 113-128) . The fourth piece is a narrative by the leader of the exploratory expedition described in the first piece, H.V. Hayden (Scribner’s Monthly, vol 3#2 pp 388-396, February 1872) The fifth piece is a lecture on the park by a very popular lecturer and writer, 1900 (John L. Stoddard’s Lectures, vol 10). The last piece is a man’s first-person narrative of his being lost in the Yellowstone wilderness for thirty-seven days, 1871, Scribner’s Monthly again (vol 3#1). – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Winds of Doctrine:  Studies in Contemporary Opinion cover

Winds of Doctrine: Studies in Contemporary Opinion

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Even before the Great War turned the world upside down, Western civilization was being revolutionized at all levels: intellectually, philosophically, artistically. Noted positivist philosopher George Santayana published this volume on the eve of the War, trying to portray the status of philosophy and theology at that moment by analyzing six significant topics: 1. the intellectual “temper” of the age 2. the clash between Modernism and Christianity 3. the new idealism of Henri Bergson 4. the new skepticism of Bertrand Russell 5. Shelley’s fusion of philosophy and poetry 6. the so-called “genteel” tradition in American philosophy. – Summary by Expatriate     [chương_files]  

Three Essays by James Freeman Clarke cover

Three Essays by James Freeman Clarke

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Three diverse essays on souls in animals, a comparison of Buddhism and Christianity, and individualism in religion. Born in Hanover, New Hampshire, James Freeman Clarke attended the Boston Latin School, graduated from Harvard College in 1829, and Harvard Divinity School in 1833. Ordained into the Unitarian church he… soon threw himself into the national movement for the abolition of slavery. In 1839 he returned to Boston where he and his friends established (1841) the Church of the Disciples which brought together a body of people to apply the Christian religion to social problems of the day…. Many of Clarke’s earlier published writings were addressed to the immediate need of establishing a larger theory of religion than that espoused by people who were still under the influence of Calvinism…. Clarke was an advocate of human rights…. Tempered and moderate in his views of life, he was a reformer and a conciliator…. James Freeman Clarke was one of the very first Americans to explore and write about Eastern religions. These three essays are taken from his book Nineteenth Century Questions (1897). (Wikipedia and david wales)     [chương_files]  

Life's Enthusiasms cover

Life’s Enthusiasms

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The words in this essay on positive thought sing like those in Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass.” The author praises joyous living and recommends certain routes to its attainment. He explores schooling (public secondary and the university), travel, and the study of nature as ways to stay buoyant during life’s trials. He also praises the power of the arts (literature, music, painting, sculpture) to keep spirits soaring. (Summary by Bill Boerst)     [chương_files]  

Road cover


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Jack London credited his skill of story-telling to the days he spent as a hobo learning to fabricate tales to get meals from sympathetic strangers. In The Road, he relates the tales and memories of his days on the hobo road, including how the hobos would elude train crews and his travels with Kelly’s Army. – Summary by Barry Eads     [chương_files]  

Gettysburg Address 150th Anniversary cover

Gettysburg Address 150th Anniversary

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On Thursday, November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln gave a brief address at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech is now considered one of the greatest in American history and one of the finest examples of English public oratory. To mark its 150th anniversary, Librivox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of the Gettysburg Address. (from Wikipedia and LA Walden)     [chương_files]  

Areopagitica (Version 2) cover

Areopagitica (Version 2)

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The noblest and most extensive defense of freedom of the press in English. Although Milton was sufficiently practical to serve as a censor of books himself when his opposition to this practice was ignored by the government, he never lost his conviction that the best way to battle falsehood was to let it have its say and be defeated by the superior power of truth. Strangling infants in the cradle was simply not his style. In this long essay, in the form of a five-part Classical oration addressed to Parliament (the counterpart of the Areopagus or council of elders in ancient Athens), he brings to bear on this subject a wide variety of arguments, including antique precedents, philosophical and religious considerations, and his own experience as a published author. The document presents the portrait of the idealistic core of the British republic struggling against the political expediency that upholds the government. (Summary by Thomas Copeland)     [chương_files]