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    Essays & Short Works


    Minstrel Weather cover

    Minstrel Weather

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    A series of poetically written meditations on the seasons and other nature subjects. Or “ …Minstrel Weather, a series of open-air vignettes which circle the zodiac with the attentive eye of a naturalist and the enchanted ardor of a poet.” – Summary by Christopher Morley, Modern Essays, 1921, and David Wales     [chương_files]  

    And Even Now cover

    And Even Now

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    This is a diverse collection of essays by English writer Max Beerbohm, whose circle included such notables as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Ezra Pound, and Somerset Maugham. Much of Beerbohm’s work was humorous, including parodies of various aspects of the upper class life into which he was born. Some of these pieces are humorous, some philosophical, and some even sad. They include, for instance: a frankly self-critical piece on the pomposity and self-importance of his early literary ambitions; a half-eager, half-repining essay on a missing and uncompleted portrait of the great German writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; and a funny, but politically critical essay on “the servant question.” (Summary by Kirsten Wever.)     [chương_files]  

    London Impressions cover

    London Impressions

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    Alice Meynell was an English essayist, critic, and poet who was also a leading suffragist, serving as vice-president of the Women Writers’ Suffrage League, She and her husband Wilfrid Meynell were active in publishing and editing literary works including helping to launch the first works of Francis Thompson, author of “Hound of Heaven.” The Meynell’s later converted to Roman Catholicism. These essays are very evocative for anyone who has, or wants to visit London, capturing the atmosphere of the late nineteenth century. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

    Yet Again cover

    Yet Again

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    This is a diverse collection of essays by English writer Max Beerbohm, whose circle included such famous men as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Ezra Pound, and Somerset Maugham. The essays vary considerably in character and subject. They include, among others: a spoof on the bumbling and inarticulate nature of oratory in the House of Commons; a discussion of the writings of James Whistler, the impressionist painter (which Beerbohm considers widely neglected and under-rated); a humorous consideration of why the King of England should make a royal visit to Switzerland; and a description of the delights of frequent attendance at British courts of justice. The author was among England’s best known artists; Section Twenty-Two contains humorous (as well as critical) discussions of nine works of art, including paintings by Reubens, Corot, and Bellini. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

    Confessions of a Book-Lover cover

    Confessions of a Book-Lover

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    “I am of the company of book men who read simply for the love of it,” confesses E. Walter Walters, in this gently written tome. Walters documents his habit of “book fishing–” seeking and finding quality volumes in the discount binds at his booksellers, and as a connoisseur of wine might match varieties with courses, he matches his books with the contexts in which he reads them–in the garden, in the bedroom, with friends. He also provides a list of his favorite authors (mostly 19th century United Kingdom) and favorite books, as well as favorite characters from the books he has read, not in a way to impose his choices on other readers, but to share his own personal experiences. (summary by Dr. P. Gould)     [chương_files]  

    From the Easy Chair Vol. 1 cover

    From the Easy Chair Vol. 1

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    George William Curtis was a writer and public speaker. He was editor of Harper’s Weekly and one of the founders of the American Republican party, and served Ulysses S. Grant; although he split from the party in the 1880s over the choice of presidential candidate. He was an original member of the New York Board of Education. This anthology of essays is the first of a three volume work, showing his broad knowledge and interest. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the Human Body and Mind, with an Account of the Means of Preventing, and of the Remedies for Curing Them cover

    Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the Human Body and Mind, with an Account of the Means of Preventing, and of the Remedies for Curing Them

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    Written when the United States extended only to the Mississippi River, by one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, this short work explores the physical, social, and mental effects of distilled liquors; the classes of people prone to intoxication by them; suggested drinks to use instead of them; and remedies for intoxication and for their habitual use. He takes a medical view of alcoholism, exploring the physical causes rather than blaming moral failure as the cause. Alcoholic drinks that are not distilled (beer, ales, wines, etc.) are viewed as wholesome drinks, and opium is suggested for pain as being without bad effects or addictive qualities. (Summary by TriciaG)     [chương_files]  

    Shadowings cover


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    This is another of the popular books that Lafcadio Hearn wrote on various Japanese subjects. The first part “Stories From Strange Books” is a collection of Japanese tales about ghosts and strange occurrences. In the second part “Japanese Studies”, Hearn discourses on cicadae, girl’s names, and Japanese songs. The third part “Fantasies” are stories and essays on various topics written by Hearn himself. – Summary by Availle DPLs for this project were ChuckW and Isana.     [chương_files]  

    Monologues cover


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    This is a collection of 32 highly diverting essays of English author Richard Middleton. Although Middleton is now best remembered for his ghost stories, he was also an accomplished poet and essayist. The musings collected in this volume cover a variety of topics, including poetry, art, and politics. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

    What the White Race May Learn from the Indian cover

    What the White Race May Learn from the Indian

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    People learn from other people, and races have forever learned from other races. Herein we are treated to an in-depth understanding of categorized social characteristics of the Native American peoples, primarily those of the western U.S. as they existed at the time of book publication (1908). ‘In dealing with [the Native Americans] as a race, a people, therefore, I do as I would with my own race, I take what to me seem to be racial characteristics, or in other words, the things that are manifested in the lives of the best men and women, and which seem to represent their habitual aims, ambitions, and desires.’ – Summary by Roger Melin & book foreword     [chương_files]