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    Essays & Short Works


    Ukraina and the Peace-conference cover

    Ukraina and the Peace-conference

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    The 19th century was the Golden Age of Nationalism in Europe. By the end of the century many countries achieved their national self-determination. But the asunder of the territories was still a cause of dispute which led to the Great War (WWI) in 1914. Ukrainian nationalism reached its peak in the early years of the 20th century. The Great War was the opportunity of the nation to obtain its unification and liberty from Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary which kept Ukraine under their reign for decades. Ukrainian intelligentsia and peasants of all ages and genders from both parts of the divided Ukraine united for a common goal – the independence of Ukraine. Ukrainian National Republic was created as the result of the struggle. Despite the large population of this nation, UNR still had to fight for its recognition by the world. – Summary by Anastasiia Solokha     [chương_files]  

    Coffee Break Collection 033 - Gardening cover

    Coffee Break Collection 033 – Gardening

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    This is the 33rd Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select and read Public Domain stories or poems, fiction or non-fiction pieces of fifteen minutes’ duration or less, suitable for short commutes and coffee breaks. The subject for this collection is “GARDENING”.     [chương_files]  

    Christmas Short Works Collection 2018 cover

    Christmas Short Works Collection 2018

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    A delightful collection of stories and poems, with several interesting selections discussing various Christmas and holiday traditions, and a lovely Christmas play, featuring a full cast. All selections have been chosen and narrated by LibriVox volunteers to commemorate Christmas 2018. Cast of Ola, or A Christmas Present for Mother: Alta Good: Devorah Allen Henry Good: TJ Burns Leon Good: Tomas Peter Mrs. Good: Foon Ola: Jasmin Salma Narrator: Maria Kasper     [chương_files]  

    Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii cover

    Mark Twain’s Letters from Hawaii

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    By the time Mark Twain worked as a roving reporter for the Sacramento Union, he had held positions with other newspapers in Nevada and California. However, his assignment in 1866 to visit and report on the Sandwich Islands, changed his life. These 25 “letters” from Hawaii gave him an international “scoop” and opened the door for a lifetime of speaking engagements. “I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five. I had a jolly time. I would not have fooled away any of it writing letters under any consideration whatever.” –Mark Twain – Summary by John Greenman and Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    rasende Reporter cover

    rasende Reporter

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    Kisch veröffentlichte diese Sammlung von Reportagen nach den ersten etwa 10 Jahren seiner Tätigkeit als Autor für verschiedene Zeitungen. Als einen “Rasenden Reporter” bezeichnet man im deutschen Sprachgebrauch noch heute jemanden, der Tag und Nacht im Einsatz ist, um über das zu berichten, was an großen und kleinen Geschichten tagtäglich um uns herum passiert. Aus dem Vorwort: […] Der Reporter hat keine Tendenz, hat nichts zu rechtfertigen und hat keinen Standpunkt. Er hat unbefangen Zeuge zu sein […]. Die Orte und Erscheinungen, die er beschreibt, […] müssen gar nicht so fern, gar nicht so selten und gar nicht so mühselig erreichbar sein, wenn er […] die Hingabe an sein Objekt hat. Nichts ist verblüffender als die einfache Wahrheit, nichts ist exotischer als unsere Umwelt, nichts ist phantasievoller als die Sachlichkeit. Und nichts Sensationelleres gibt es in der Welt, als die Zeit, in der man lebt! (Zusammenfassung von Claus Misfeldt)     [chương_files]  

    Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 3 cover

    Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 3

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    Бесконечно преданный русской литературе, Юлий Айхенвальд видел писателя как уникальную личность и не признавал литературных школ и течений. Oн погиб в Париже, возвращаясь ночью от Набоковых погруженный в мысли о литературе, и попал под трамвай. Эти очерки рассматривают только творчество, они не касаются биографических событий. Этот выпуск посвящен русским писателям конца XIX — начала XX вв. A connoisseur of the Russian literature, Yuly Eichenwald wrote about writers as unique persons, and not as members of schools and movements. This installment is about the writers of the late 19-th – early 20th centuries. These essays focus on the oeuvre, not biographic events. – Summary by Mark Chulsky     [chương_files]  

    Women's Wild Oats: Essays on the Re-fixing of Moral Standards cover

    Women’s Wild Oats: Essays on the Re-fixing of Moral Standards

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    A resounding and, for the times, outrageous look at restructuring British society using the first world war as trigger for changing the place of women in the workplace and their homes, right down to their relations with their children. These essays are persuasively argued and copiously documented. – Summary by czandra     [chương_files]  

    Optimism, An Essay cover

    Optimism, An Essay

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    Though blind, deaf, and left-handed too, it seemed nothing could hold Helen Keller back. For her graduation from Radcliffe College in 1903, this 23 year old idealistic, charming, ever-striving, pampered young essayist wrote: “I find myself looking forward with beating heart and bright anticipations to what the future holds for me. My share in the work of the world may be limited; but the fact that it is work makes it precious.” She concludes, “America is confronted with the mighty task of assimilating all the foreigners that are drawn together from every country, and welding them into one people with one national spirit. We have the right to demand the forbearance of critics until the United States has demonstrated whether she can make one people out of all the nations of the earth. . . . . I find that to be an American is to be an optimist.” She went on to develop even higher hopes for a borderless, socialist world, where all mankind strive to help each other prosper as one human family. – Summary by Michele Fry     [chương_files]  

    Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 090 cover

    Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 090

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    In his autobiographical essay “The Intellectuals and the Boston Mob,” Booker T. Washington wrote: “It is not argument, nor criticism, nor hatred, but work in constructive effort, that gets hold of men and binds them together in a way to make them rally to the support of a common cause.” Individual and group dynamics are at the core of most of the reader-chosen nonfiction pieces in Vol. 090. (Rugby School; Questions of Divorce; The Sage of Vienna, Popular Folk Poetry, The Use and Abuse of Church Bells, Superstition and Crime, Social Control, The Importance of Marking Historic Spots, The Pirates Who’s Who, Catherine Tegahkouita, the Iroquois Mission of Sault St. Francois Xavier, and The Declaration of Independence.” For nature lovers, there are Birds as Flying Machines and Weather Prophets in Furs and Feathers. Scenic sites and history feature in Caerhays, Cornwall; and Caerhays Castle Excursion; while old-time glass making methods are explained in Clay Melting Pots. Summary by Sue Anderson     [chương_files]  

    Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003 cover

    Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003

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    This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages. All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers. Brief description of the contributions: 01 – Japanese – Sennin [1922]: prose, fiction, Oosaka, wizard 02 – Japanese – Mangan [1938]: prose, fiction, Mishima, doctor 03 – Latin – Pange lingua (gloriosi proelium certaminis) [6th Century]: poetry, medieval Latin 04 – Japanese – Matsurino ban: prose, fiction, children, festival 05 – Bulgarian – Баланиади (Balaniadi) [1917]: poetry, satire 06 – Bisaya – ¡“Fuera” kapyot! [1921]: prose, itoy-itoy 07 – Tagalog – Ang Aral ni Ina [1915]: poetry, mother’s wisdom, pantas na salita 08 – Latin – Pange Lingua (Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis): poetry, chant, Lent, Christianity 09 – Tagalog – ¡Bulalakaw…! [1915]: poetry, shooting star 10 – French – La Main: Short fiction, supernatural 11 – Japanese – Kako: prose,fiction,memory,matchstick 12 – Bisaya – Si Inday, Lider na sa Piniliay [1921]: prose, women equal with men in politics 13 – Tagalog – Tag-ulan [1915]: poetry, rainy season 14 – Japanese – Nyusyano ji [1907]: prose,non-fiction,university,newspaper 15 – Welsh – Sion a Sian (poem IX) [1911]: poetry, children, nursery rhyme, plant, gerdd 16 – Japanese – Piano: prose, fiction, Yokohama, piano 17 – Japanese – Aosuisen Akasuisen [1922]: prose,fiction,children,narcissus 18 – Chinese – 水调歌头 (Shuidiaogetou): prose, Chinese, Song Dynasty 19 – Polish – O doktorze Hiszpanie [1883]: poetry, poezja, fraszka, alkohol 20 – Polish – Czlowiek Boże igrzysko [1883]: poetry, poezja, pycha, człowiek, Bóg 21 – French – […]