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12 bài viết found

Characters of Shakespeare's Plays cover

Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays

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This famous Shakespearean exploration illuminates its plays through the frame of character, while also weighing theme, mood, structure and poetics. In it, 19th-century critic William Hazlitt unveils Shakespeare’s genius in creating and infusing characters with a life-likeness that often challenges, if not overshadows, more material human nature — in both inner and outer worlds. As he writes: “The characters breathe, move, and live, … think and speak and act just as they might do, if left entirely to themselves.” The first printing sold out in weeks, and the second sold briskly, until a harsh and antagonistic appraisal in The Quarterly Review quelled sales altogether — and unraveled Hazlitt’s critical cachet in the eyes of the general public. Not until the mid-twentieth century were Hazlitt and his works re-evaluated, when he was finally recognized as one of Shakespeare’s foremost critics of all time. In literary criticism, the renowned Harold Bloom ranks Hazlitt second only to Dr. Johnson. – Summary by Nemo     [chương_files]  

Essays book 2 cover

Essays book 2

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Michel Eyquem de Montaigne is one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary genre. He is also known as the father of Modern Skepticism. His pieces became famous for his apparent effortless ability to merge serious intellectual speculation with casual anecdotes and autobiography. His main work, Essais (translated literally as “Attempts” but traditionally as “Essays”), contains some of the still most widely influential essays ever written. This is the second volume of that important work. (Summary adapted from the Wikipedia by Leni)     [chương_files]  

Fígaro. Colección de artículos dramáticos, literarios, políticos y de costumbres. cover

Fígaro. Colección de artículos dramáticos, literarios, políticos y de costumbres.

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Larra fue un eminente articulista, con una gran claridad y vigor en su prosa.​ Esta obra recopila gran parte de sus artículos publicados en distintos periódicos a través de distintos pseudónimos. En ellos combate la organización del Estado, ataca al absolutismo y al carlismo, se burla de la sociedad, y rechaza la vida familiar. Los males de España, que identifica con la ignorancia, el atraso, la falta de educación y de cultura, son el tema central de su obra crítica y satírica.​ Descontento con el país y con sus hombres, escribe artículos críticos (En este país, El castellano viejo, El día de difuntos de 1836, Vuelva usted mañana…), contra la censura (Lo que no se puede decir no se debe decir), la pena capital (Los barateros o El desafío y la pena de muerte), contra el pretendiente carlista (¿Qué hace en Portugal su majestad?) y el carlismo (Nadie pase sin hablar al portero), contra el uso incorrecto del lenguaje (Por ahora, Cuasi, Las palabras). Es considerado uno de los padres del periodismo en España.     [chương_files]  

Anglo-American Memories cover

Anglo-American Memories

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“These Memories [1911] were written in the first instance for Americans and have appeared week by week each Sunday in the New York Tribune…. they are mainly concerned with men of exceptional mark and position in America and Europe whom I have met, and with events of which I had some personal knowledge. There is no attempt at a consecutive story.” (Preface) Smalley was an American journalist born in Massachusetts in 1833; he wrote from and about many places in America (including the Civil War) and Europe. – Summary by Book Preface and David Wales     [chương_files]  

Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance cover

Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance

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In this doctoral dissertation, author Lucy Allen Paton (1865-1951), an alumna of Radcliffe College, takes a scholarly look at the role of Morgan le Fay, not only in the Arthurian cycle, but also in many other medieval European text sources. This edition is an extended and rearranged republication of her original thesis “Morgain la Fée, a Study in the Fairy Mythology of the Middle Ages” from 1894. – Summary by Sonia A special thanks is given to Brian Ó Broin, for helping me with the pronunciation of the many Irish references in this book.     [chương_files]  

They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration (Version 2) cover

They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration (Version 2)

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In this extended essay, Mary Antin asks us to consider three questions: First: A question of principle: Have we any right to regulate immigration? Second: A question of fact: What is the nature of our present immigration? Third: A question of interpretation: Is immigration good for us? In doing so, she asks us to step back from the usual discussion around immigration, which tends to focus on practical matters, and consider the underlying principles involved. What do we owe our fellow humans and what is our national mission as Americans? (summary by Zachary Katz-Stein)     [chương_files]  

History of a Literary Radical, and Other Essays cover

History of a Literary Radical, and Other Essays

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A posthumous collection of Bourne’s writing from publications such as The Atlantic Monthly and early issues of The New Republic, with a long introduction by his friend and colleague Van Wyck Brooks. Includes the influential and perennially relevant essay “Trans-National America” as well as a fragment from the autobiographical novel on which Bourne was working at the time of his death. – Summary by Ben Adams     [chương_files]  

Elia; and The Last Essays of Elia cover

Elia; and The Last Essays of Elia

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Elia and The Last Essays of Elia are two collections of essays written by Charles Lamb. The essays first began appearing in The London Magazine in 1820 and continued to 1825. They were very popular and were printed in many subsequent editions throughout the nineteenth century. The personal and conversational tone of the essays has charmed many readers. Lamb himself is the Elia of the collection, and his sister Mary is “Cousin Bridget.” Lamb took the name of Elia from an old Italian clerk at the South-Sea House in Lamb’s time of employment there; that is, in 1791-1792. Many of these essays contain references to Lamb’s contemporaries or events of his day, which may not strike as strong a chord in the heart of the contemporary listener. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson cover

Three Great Virtues – Three Essays by Emerson

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Faith Hope and Charity …… In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self – Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott)     [chương_files]  

Essays book 1 cover

Essays book 1

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Michel Eyquem de Montaigne is one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary genre and is popularly thought of as the father of Modern Skepticism. He became famous for his effortless ability to merge serious intellectual speculation with casual anecdotes and autobiography—and his massive volume Essais (translated literally as “Attempts”) contains, to this day, some of the most widely influential essays ever written. (Summary extracted from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]