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    Yellowstone National Park:  Six Early Pieces cover

    Yellowstone National Park: Six Early Pieces

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    Lost in the wilderness of The Yellowstone for over a month, nearly dying of starvation and wild animal attack, despairing of ever finding his way out. Here are six relatively unknown early pieces about the U.S.A.’s first national park. The first is a U.S. Geological booklet about initial exploration and Congress’s institution of the park. The next two are articles from Scribner’s Monthly, 1871, a very popular magazine of the time, describing the park’s features (vol 2 #1 pp 1-17 and vol 2 #2 pp 113-128) . The fourth piece is a narrative by the leader of the exploratory expedition described in the first piece, H.V. Hayden (Scribner’s Monthly, vol 3#2 pp 388-396, February 1872) The fifth piece is a lecture on the park by a very popular lecturer and writer, 1900 (John L. Stoddard’s Lectures, vol 10). The last piece is a man’s first-person narrative of his being lost in the Yellowstone wilderness for thirty-seven days, 1871, Scribner’s Monthly again (vol 3#1). – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

    Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known, Version 2 cover

    Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known, Version 2

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    From the time of the Ancients to expeditions to the North Pole, Jacobs tells the adventure story of the discovery of the different lands and cultures up to the present day (1897) – Summary by SkyRider     [chương_files]  

    Romance of Early Exploration cover

    Romance of Early Exploration

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    The Author has been encouraged by the reception given to The Romance of Modern Exploration to write a companion volume on the adventures of early travelers and explorers. For conveniences’ sake the period covered ends at A.D. 1600, a date sufficiently advanced to permit mention of the first polar expeditions in which English navigators played so important a part.     [chương_files]  

    Romance of Modern Exploration cover

    Romance of Modern Exploration

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    It may be thought, perhaps, that exploration must be comparatively easy today. Less laborious no doubt it is in some details when Mandeville and Magellan travelled. But there are difficulties enough remaining to leave the romance of exploration untouched. Every explorer carries his life in his hand, however fine may be his outfit. Within the limits of this volume it is impossible even to notice all the modern explorers who have a claim on our admiration. – Summary adapted from the introduction     [chương_files]  

    Sea and the Jungle cover

    Sea and the Jungle

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    Considered one of the greatest travel narratives, The Sea and the Jungle is H.M. Tomlinson’s firsthand account of the first journey of an English steamer up the Madeira in Brazil. Bored with his unfulfilling job in London, Tomlinson boards the steamer “Capella” at Swansea and embarks on a journey to deliver supplies to the men building railroads for the rubber harvest. The book overflows with vivid descriptions of the sea voyage and the tropics, as well as Tomlinson’s dry sense of humor and observations. In his time in the Amazon and at sea, Tomlinson encounters storms, rotted food, yellow fever, angry mules, rapids, mosquitoes, and the foreboding character of the Amazon rainforest. (Summary by Tatiana Chichilla)     [chương_files]  

    Rambles in New Zealand cover

    Rambles in New Zealand

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    John Carne Bidwill came out to Sydney in 1838 to represent his family’s mercantile business. Finding that he had time on his hands he decided to make a journey to New Zealand with the intention of penetrating to the high mountains in the interior of the North Island. This is the story of that journey—that of the first white man to climb Mt. Tongariro and the attendant adventures associated with such. Intermixed is commentary on the botany of that part of New Zealand and the language of the Ma̅ori people. – Summary by Beeswaxcandle     [chương_files]  

    Little Masterpieces of Science - Explorers cover

    Little Masterpieces of Science – Explorers

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    “The love of adventure, the expectation of the unexpected, have ever prompted men stout of heart, and ready of resource, to brave the perils of wilderness and sea that they might set their feet where man never trod before.” (George Iles in the preface) This last in the series of Little Masterpieces of Science to be recorded for LibriVox includes essays by or about the explorations of Christopher Columbus, Lewis & Clark, Zebulon Pike, Charles Wilkes, Clarence King and John Wesley Powell. – Summary by J. M. Smallheer     [chương_files]  

    Opening the West with Lewis and Clark cover

    Opening the West with Lewis and Clark

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    One of the significant and astounding explorations, in 1804-1806, was the expedition under the leadership of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Captain William Clark opening up a trail from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Coast at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River. Edwin Sabin write an engaging account of this challenging journey with ample dialogue so that it reads like an adventure story rather than just a history full of facts and figures, but he fairly represents the characters and events of the long expedition. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

    Maw's Vacation cover

    Maw’s Vacation

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    Times has changed! Maw has only known hard work her whole life. She’s been married to Paw for 40 years, helping raise crops, raising children and pinching pennies their whole life. After all these years, and with some milestones behind them, it’s time to take a vacation. Destination: Yellowstone Park. But what does one who has never taken a vacation do on vacation? As dear ol’ Maw explores the only vacation she has ever had, she learns some humorous lifelong lessons about the environment, about people, about her family, about herself (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

    Descubrimiento del río de las Amazonas cover

    Descubrimiento del río de las Amazonas

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    Casi cincuenta años después del descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, una avanzada del imperio de Carlos V viaja hacia el este desde el actual territorio ecuatoriano. Van en busqueda del mítico País de la Canela y del igualmente fantástico asentamiento de El Dorado. Los expedicionarios se enfrentarán a todo tipo de penurias y privaciones en un hábitat completamente nuevo, acechados por una naturaleza magnífica que oscila constantemente entre paraíso onírico e infierno verde. Este es el relato de la expedición de Francisco de Orellana, que exploró en 1542 el curso del río Amazonas hasta su desembocadura, recorriendo con medios muy precarios y sin mapas 4.800 kilómetros en siete meses. Si bien los sueños de oro y especias solo fueron un espejismo, su periplo abrió el inmenso territorio de la Amazonía al mundo. El cronista dominico Gaspar de Carvajal, quien fue testigo y participante de semejante hazaña, ha legado a la posteridad una relación de dicho viaje, en base a la que el rio fue nombrado de la manera que conocemos hoy día. (Introducción por Jasna y Epachuko)     [chương_files]