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Primer viaje en torno del globo cover

Primer viaje en torno del globo

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Obra escrita por Antonio Pigafetta, cronista cuyas notas y testimonio han servido para dar a conocer la que fue la primera circunnavegación del globo en la Historia de la Humanidad, al tiempo que constituyeron la principal evidencia de la época a favor de la teoría de que la tierra es redonda. En estás páginas se narra la hazaña lograda en el viaje comandado por Fernando de Magallanes y Juan Sebastián Elcano. Aventura que comenzaron 239 hombres en agosto de 1519 en su periplo hacia lo desconocido y concluyeron tan sólo 18 en septiembre de 1522 al dar la vuelta completa al mundo. Hay pocas palabras que puedan hacer justicia en un resumen del fascinante relato histórico, humano y de aventuras del que se cumplen ahora 500 años. En este proyecto además de los 4 libros originales en los que Pigafetta dividió su obra, se incluyen una breves notas biográficas sobre los protagonistas y un prefacio en el que se detalla brevemente en contexto histórico en el que tuvo lugar este viaje y su trascendencia . (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle cover

196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle

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Am 29. Juni 1871 stach das Schiff » Polaris« von New York unter Kapitän Franz C. Hall in See zur Erforschung des Hochnordens. Der Dampfer nahm seinen Weg über Neufundland an der Westküste Grönlands entlang durch den Smith-Sund und überwinterte in einer Bucht dieser Küste, die Hall »Polaris-Bay« taufte. Dort wurde ein Observatorium errichtet, und von dort aus unternahm man Schlittenreisen nach Süden und Norden. Hall starb nach Rückkehr von einer solchen Fahrt am 8. November 1871. Im August 1872 mußte infolge Kohlenmangels und eines Lecks die Heimfahrt angetreten werden. Am 15. Oktober erlitt die »Polaris« Schiffbruch. Ein Teil der Besatzung, 14 Mann, blieb beim Wrack zurück und baute eine Hütte, »Polaris-Haus«, für den Winter; der andere Teil wurde von einem Eisfelde nach Süden getrieben, auf das man in der Voraussicht des Schiffbruches schon eine Nothütte, alle Boote, viele Geräte, Waffen und Proviant für die gesamte Mannschaft gebracht hatte. Auf der Scholle befanden sich der Meteorologe Friedrich Meyer, der Navigationsgehilfe Tyson, der Koch, der Steward, sechs Matrosen und zwei Eskimofamilien, bestehend aus zwei Männern, Hans und Joseph, zwei Frauen, drei Mädchen im Alter von drei, acht und zehn Jahren, einem sechsjährigen und einem am 12. August geborenen Knaben. – Zusammenfassung von Availle Part of an account of the last voyage of the ship Polaris. After the shipwreck, 19 members of the crew were trapped on an ice floe, slowly moving south. They were rescued after 196 days on sea.     [chương_files]  

Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador cover

Woman’s Way Through Unknown Labrador

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Mina Benson Hubbard set out in 1905 on a 576 mile canoe journey across the interior of Labrador with the assistance of four guides. Her husband Leonidas Hubbard had perished in an attempt to make the same trip in 1903 while working as a writer for an outdoor magazine. Mrs Hubbard was the first person to accurately map the river routes her expedition followed. The story of her journey is followed at the end of the book by her husband’s diary of his ill-fated trip and an account by George Elson of his efforts to save himself and his companions, and ultimately to recover Mr Hubbard’s body. A map of Labrador made by Mrs. Hubbard during her travels can be found on this page – Summary by Zach Hoyt     [chương_files]  

Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific-Expedition and the Telegraph Line Commission cover

Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific-Expedition and the Telegraph Line Commission

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The Roosevelt–Rondon Scientific Expedition was the famous survey that took place in 1913-14 to follow the path of the Rio da Dúvida (“River of Doubt”) in the Amazon basin. The expedition was jointly led by Theodore Roosevelt, the former President of the United States, and Colonel Cândido Rondon, the Brazilian military engineer known for his explorations of the Western Amazon Basin and his lifelong support of Brazilian indigenous populations. Almost from the start, the expedition was fraught with problems: diseases left the explorers in a constant state of sickness; the canoes were unsuitable to the rapids and were lost; the food provisions were unsufficient, and the encounters with animals and wild native tribes, a source of concern. Of the 19 men who went on the expedition, only 16 returned. On October 1915, the Brazilian leader of the expedition, Colonel Cândido Rondon gave three public lectures in Rio de Janeiro, in which he offered his first hand account of the Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition and of his more encompassing work of laying telegraph lines across the wilderness of Brazil, allowing for the integration of the recent Republic. Throughout his life, Rondon laid over 4,000 miles of telegraph line through the jungles of Brazil, while opening roads, clearing lands, mapping the land, and establishing cordial relations with the Indians. He maintained contact with several indigenous peoples. In his lectures, translated into English soon after their publication in Portuguese, besides describing all the adventures of the exploration of the Amazon, also told by Roosevelt in […]

Inca Lands cover

Inca Lands

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Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale Makes the Greatest Archaeological Discovery of the Age by Locating and Excavating Ruins of Machu Picchu on a Peak in the Andes of Peru. There is nothing new under the sun, they say. That is only relatively true. Just now, when we thought there was practically no portion of the earth’s surface still unknown, when the discovery of a single lake or mountain, or the charting of a remote strip of coast line was enough to give a man fame as an explorer, one member of the daredevil explorers’ craft has “struck it rich.” Struck it so dazzlingly rich, indeed, that all his confrères may be pardoned if they gnash their teeth in chagrin and turn green with envy. The lucky man is Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale, he whose hobby is South America. He has just announced that he has had the superb good fortune to discover an entire city, two thousand years old, a place of splendid palaces and temples and grim encircling walls, hidden away so thoroughly on the top of a well-nigh inaccessible mountain peak of the Peruvian Andes that the Spanish invaders of four hundred years ago never set eyes upon it. He calls it Machu Picchu. (From New York Times, June 15, 1913) One hundred years ago in the summer of 1911, Bingham discovered Machu Picchu, returning in the summer of 1912 to excavate under the auspices of Yale and The National Geographic Society, and coming home to great […]

Voyage to the South Sea cover

Voyage to the South Sea

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A Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the Bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty’s ship The Bounty, commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh. Including an account of the Mutiny on board the said ship, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in the ship’s boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. (Summary is the full title)     [chương_files]  

Journals of Robert Falcon Scott; Vol 1 of 'Scott's Last Expedition' cover

Journals of Robert Falcon Scott; Vol 1 of ‘Scott’s Last Expedition’

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Capt. Robert F. Scott’s bid to be the leader of the first expedition to reach the South Pole is one of the most famous journeys of all time. What started as a scientific expedition turned out to be an unwilling race against a team lead by R. Admunsen to reach the Pole. The Norwegian flag already stood at the end of the trail when Scott’s party reached their target. All the five men of the Scott expedition who took part in the last march to the Pole perished on their way back to safety. Robert F. Scott kept a journal throughout the journey, all the way to the tragic end, documenting all aspects of the expedition. The famous last words of the journal were: ‘It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. For God’s sake look after our people.’ (Summary by Illiterati)     [chương_files]